The importance of the flow

As the Lord reveals who he has called us to be and what he has called us to do, we will not able to fulfill that if there is not a flow of His life through us. It is impossible to walk in our destiny, unless we maintain the flow of the Spirit.

The new creation is faith working through love. Jesus was continually moved with compassion. Absolutely everything that God does is motivated by his great love for us.

As we learn how to open the first love gate in our spirit, where his love for us floods us, we respond by loving him back with the very same divine love being shed abroad in our heart, and then we minister that love to others.

As we learn how to keep our first love gate open and continually flowing, then our faith will start working, because faith works by love.

The love of God flows into the faith gate in our spirit, and because we are filled with the love of God, we experience intimacy, and it is in that intimacy that we hear God.

The faith of God comes by hearing God, with the hearing comes the faith. But everything works by love, so all we have to do is just focus on becoming the beloved of God.

Ephesians 3: 18 May be able ( momentary-conditional, full strength, fully able, the strongest word for strength) to comprehend , with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; 19 and to know(specific point in time, to experience, walk in) the love of Christ , which passes (continuously, exceed, to go beyond the limits of, to be superior to) knowledge (present and fragmentary knowledge), that ye (to the end that) might be filled ( momentary-conditional, to occupy wholly, completely satisfy) with all the fullness(completeness, full measure) of God.

When our spirit is alive to God, we experience first love where, God comes into our spirit filling it where he becomes more important, than anything else in this world. But then the life of God has to flow into our soul, and this is where we encounter the blockages, until the gate ways of our soul are cleansed, healed, and restored, so that we become a whole person.

As we begin to work through the gateways of our soul, we will discover that we have been fractured mentally and emotionally.  Our true eternal identity has been obscured behind the strongholds that have been built into our soul to protect ourselves. 

In the process of cleansing the gateways of our soul through the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit we will begin to identify various things in the process that will help us to become free.

 We have belief systems that are lies masquerading as truth. We act according to what we believe. The truth is a person. Jesus is the truth, so we need to experience the truth not just what we believe is the truth because there is a difference.

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil is a pathway that we have all walked upon. Our soul has been programmed from the outside in. So we have behavioral, coping, defense mechanisms which were created by our survival instinct to protect ourselves.

The instinct of self-preservation causes us to build walls to protect ourselves. And then we find ourselves imprisoned behind those walls. Some of them are mental and emotional strongholds.

 As we work through the gateways of our soul we will find ourselves progressively becoming more whole, and more integrated spirit soul and body .The more we progress through this. The more we will understand ourselves.

This process requires desire. If we do not desire it we won’t have the discipline to get to the point where the life of God is continually flowing out of heaven through our spirit, soul and body, bringing the manifestation of the kingdom of God upon the earth, so that the kingdom of God draws nigh to every person we come into contact with.

The teaching on the gateways of spirit, soul and body is an in-depth teaching on how we are designed by God to function.

 So we are going to struggle with it at first, because it takes time. It is the process of transformation, where we are conformed to the image of sonship, where we are enabled to reflect the image of God, so that people will see God reflected through us at all times.

 If we don’t get all our gateways open and flowing with the life of God, then we are going to have blockages and instead of manifesting the divine nature, we are going to respond and react to the circumstances of life in a way that is not like Christ, because the life of God is not flowing in the things that we do and say.

If there is emotional damage through relationships whether it is parents, spouse, friends, authority figures in our lives, then those unmeet needs will affect our soul desires and motives.

Unhealed hurts will affect our emotions and desires. So we need to deal with first love. Make sure we receive love from God and that love is the foundation on which everything else will develop.

If we don’t know God’s love it is really difficult to trust him for healing and wholeness.

So the souls attempt to meet its own need is what has created all these behavioral problems that we have.  So acceptance, love, safety, security, approval, significance, affirmation, identity, purpose, affection, value, worth, all these needs  God wants to meet in us..

So we need to know God’s love is foundational which is why first love is so important.

As we go through this process the Holy Spirit will reveal each gateway. The revelation will come as thoughts and pictures into our mind bringing to our remembrance experiences that have happened that have been stored in our hearts that are triggered into our conscious mind, which causes us to behave or think in a manner that is not Christ-like.