
God is bringing forth an interrelationship of true New Testament churches without creating a denomination, but with tremendous effectiveness in their ministry.

We are entering into the year of the explosion. Things will happen so fast. We are exploding in every direction.

We are entering into unity among the brothers. It is a matter of dedication; it is not a matter of being united with a brother because you are in agreement with him.

We are determined, regardless of what problems may arise, to walk in the unity of the Spirit. This feeling exists throughout the Body.

As we enter into the divine order, we must understand how the churches relate to the gospel of the Kingdom of God, for this is their commission in this hour, and how they relate to one another and to the apostolic company.

We must see the burden and responsibility of the apostolic company as it comes forth. We must understand how the ministries are trained. These are the areas of divine order that are clearly taking shape.

People are coming out of Babylon. The term “Babylon” is very clear in our minds, yet it needs to be clearly defined, lest there be some confusion about what Babylon really is.

Some might say, “There has been no form of Babylon worship for 200 years,” but that is not true. According to Revelation 17 and 18, Babylon is a thing of the end time; it is yet to come. True, it does have its derivative in the ancient worship of Babylon, but it is the symbol of everything that is out of the divine order and pattern that God has laid down.

No matter how intense or how closely it seems to adhere to certain practices of the Scripture, Babylon is still hay, wood, and stubble which has to be burned in the day of judgment (1 Corinthians 3:12–13). It has to be destroyed! God must bring it down!

This past year God has been stirring more people to break forth from the bondage of Babylon. The greatest proof of what Babylon is, is the fact that anyone who comes into a walk with God is persecuted and harassed by the old order of things, whether it comes from his family, from his former church, or from the financial structure of Babylon.

Revelation 17 and 18 indicates that Babylon is both the financial system and the religious system. And the merchants of the earth weep when they see the destruction of Babylon (Revelation 18:11).

If we define it accurately, we will see that Babylon is God’s enemy, and God will bring it down, so decisively and swiftly, with such wrath and vindictiveness, that many of you will be tempted to be sympathetic with the old order of things.

You must hate what God hates and love what God loves. And when God brings something down, you will have to say Amen to it. If you are sympathetic towards it, you will go down with it. Satan will use the spirit of sympathy as a clutch on your soul to bring you down and destroy you.

You can’t be like Abraham, grieving in his heart over Ishmael. I know what Abraham meant when he cried, “O God, that Ishmael might live in Thy sight” (Genesis 17:18). Get over it; forget it! Cast out the son of the bondwoman! He is not to inherit with the son of the freeborn (Genesis 21:10). God says it is not going to be.

Ministries may come so close to what God wants and yet God will set them aside. Nothing is going to enter the Kingdom except that which is truly conformed to what, God wants!

We are entering into continual intercession by the apostolic company. with all nights of prayer, not just occasionally, but throughout the year. Sometimes the young people are criticized for the violent prayer, for the way they judge the things coming against me, and some may wonder, “Do they really know the mind of the Lord on this?” I know that the ways in which people pray sometimes can cause damage. Some want the will of God at any cost, while others try to keep things on an even keel, even if they have to sacrifice the whole will of God and the Kingdom.

As for myself I welcome the violence in the intercession. Even if some of the prayers are wrong and misguided, even when the intercession is made with groanings that cannot be uttered, by the time it has filtered through the Holy Spirit and our precious Lord and it reaches the Father, I’m sure you wouldn’t recognize it. When they reach the heart of the Father, those pitiful prayers are absolutely marvelous. Let the young people continue to pray enthusiastically and seek the face of God. If their prayers are a little off, or if they misjudged something, I don’t think that is the issue. Let’s not discourage this violent intercession God is bringing forth—this is the real issue.

Prophecies are all fulfilled. How fast things move! Even in countries where it usually takes a long time to work things out, they are falling into place more rapidly than any of us had thought possible.

But God gave the word, and even while we were prophesying we saw a symbolical fulfillment of Amos’ prophecy: “The plowman overtakes the reaper, and the treader of grapes, him that soweth seed” (Amos 9:13). God brings it forth and while you are planting, you’re also reaping; and while you’re reaping, you’re getting ready to plant. You can’t get out of one project fast enough to make way for the next one.

Be on your guard. In the immediate future, it will be very easy to be terrified, to have your hearts filled with fear, because of the things which are coming to pass. When you see these things, you are to look up, lift your heads, for your redemption draweth nigh” (Luke 21:26, 28).

Remember that God always has a way of bringing His people through tribulation. We will do the best we can to follow what God tells us to do, but the fact remains that we can’t store up enough food. Ninety-nine percent of our future deliverance will be, as the Scripture says, “A man shall be for a hiding place” (Isaiah 32:2). Our Lord Himself will be our protection and our stay. We’ll not make it any other way.

Don’t be confused on this. We could have all the mines in Nevada and all the oil wells in Texas and it wouldn’t make any difference. The thing that will count is the fact we are walking with God with immunity and protection.

 If we are set on doing the perfect will of God, if we set ourselves to send this gospel of the Kingdom to the ends of the world, God will see to it that nothing stops us. In every area of the country and in every ministry, I see the liberating process very much in force.

We are coming into a year of glory, in which a new age of revelation and perception will come.

 Only people who are led by God will make it through the coming days. We might be very sincere, but unless we are open to hear His voice and submissively follow His leading, we will not make it.

No bomb shelters are valid now. The only shelter is in knowing the voice of God, following it, and being led by revelation from the Spirit of the Lord. This is the first requisite for our survival. The second is the family spirit, whereby we love one another and take care of one another.

We must let nothing divide us from one another. Our love must be so total and dedicated that we are willing to give our lives for each other. In the next seven years we will see many phases of the Kingdom being established, though many things will yet remain to be done. We are moving into the new age of revelation and perception.

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