Speak the word of the Lord with humility

O thou children of the Lord, hath He not put His word within thy mouth? Did not our Master say, “I judge no man, but the words that I speak, they shall judge men in the last day.” That last day hath come, and the words of your Lord within your mouth will be the occasion of judgment in all the earth. Ye shall prophesy, and it shall bring down. Ye shall prophesy, and He shall take a small remnant and establish it before His face. Ye shall prophesy, and the great hosts of Babylon shall be rendered helpless; they shall be as a helpless enemy before their foe. So shall the Lord bring an end to the vanity and the arrogance of men.

Say not in thine heart, “What is Babylon?” Thou knowest well that Babylon is the arrogance of the human heart against God. Yea, beware that there be not that arrogance within thine own heart, but that there be a humble submission of thine heart unto the Lord, so that ye shall walk before the Lord and do His will in all humility and lowliness of mind. Let the arrogant heart look to the Lord and say, “Was the Lord as my heart is? Was the Lord as I am in my arrogance?” Yea, the word shall come unto thee that He is meek and lowly of heart, and thou shalt take His yoke upon you; and thou shalt speak His word in the earth.

Thou shalt not seek for a place. Thou shalt not seek to be exalted, but thou shalt humble thyself under the hand of the Lord. And as thou shalt do so, shall not the Lord preserve thee? Shall He not use thee? Shall He not make thee as a mighty weapon? O worm Jacob, He shall make thee a mighty weapon that shall thresh mountains and bring them to chaff, that the winds may drive them away. He shall bring to an end all things that have arrogantly risen up to defy His name and to reject His Son. The Lord God shall reign in the earth again. And He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh, for He bringeth down the arrogant and the proud.

Thou shalt humble thyself before the Lord and prepare thine heart. Walk before the Lord, even as Jeremiah of old, in humility of mind. Yea, bring thyself low at His feet that thou mayest be preserved. Kiss the Son lest He be angry and ye soon perish from the way. Let there be within thine heart that which earnestly desires to walk with the Lord and to seek His face. Seek His counsel; seek His wisdom; ask of the Lord guidance. Walk with Him day by day. Let the Lord be unto thee the Captain of the hosts of Israel. Let Him direct thee. Yea, let Him go before thee to lead thee in the way that thou shalt go. And thou shalt find thine heart responding and walking before Him, even as a soldier in the army of the Lord.

Within thine heart there shall not be reluctance. There shall not be withdrawal within thy spirit. For thou hast not come to a day from which thine heart should turn back because of adversity. Neither hast thou come to a day when thou shouldest look upon the mountain and quake with fear. But thou shalt have faith to move that mountain, in the name of the Lord.

Thou shalt not go by the illusion of things, even the illusion of thine own weakness; but thou shalt look unto Him who is thy strength and thy high tower. And thou shalt say in thine heart, “It is the Lord that enableth me, and it is the Lord that lifteth me up. I shall not perish by the way as long as I am seeking after the will of the Lord. But if I speak, I shall prevail by the word. If I fail and I do not speak, then the word will be an occasion of my own judgment. I shall be responsible for this word that God has put within my heart.”

Thou shalt be His voice, and thou shalt speak His word. Thou shalt rise up in the name of the Lord and rebuke, with great repentance in thine heart, thine own reluctance to move in the flow of thy God. Thou shalt loose thyself from every withdrawal. Thou shalt loose thyself from every rebellion.

Thou shalt do violence unto the things that have dammed up the flow of God. Yea, thou shalt blast them loose that the earth may be filled with the flood of God’s word. Yea, let His word come forth as a mighty tide; let it come forth as floodwaters that shall sweep away the refuge of lies in which men have trusted. It shall sweep down the walls of Babylon where many have defied the word and the moving of God, saying, “We shall not be overcome, but we shall overcome what God is bringing forth in the earth.”

The arrogance of God’s own people shall be rebuked and cast down. Ye shall prophesy against this arrogance. Thou shalt see how utterly abhorrent in the sight of God is the arrogance of men’s unbelief, the arrogance of their way before the Lord. He casteth down the proud and the arrogant, and He exalteth the humble and bringeth forth the man of low degree, saying, “Go forth and speak My word.” Ye shall go forth, and ye shall speak the word of the Lord. None shall gainsay it, and none shall stand against it and prevail.

In the day of battle it shall be the word of the Lord in the humble that shall prevail. It shall be the meek that shall inherit the earth.

From this day on there shall be the small beginnings of the Jeremiah ministry in the earth. From this day on there shall be a people that love not their own lives unto death. In their dedication to follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth, they shall become the channels in which God shall bring forth judgments in the earth and in which He shall bring forth deliverances. There shall be prophecies and words against everything that riseth up against the remnant of God.

The fear of the Lord shall be in the land. The mocking tongue shall be stilled, and the arrogant heart shall be cast down. No longer shall men plow over your head; but God shall lift you up. Yea, though you walk humbly before the Lord, none shall be able to put you down. Though you seek not for your own place, yet the Lord shall establish it. He that seeketh his place shall not find it, for there shall not be a place found for him. But he that humbleth himself before the Lord shall be established before the face of the Lord, and he shall prevail. Yea, everything that he toucheth shall prosper, and every prophecy that he speaketh shall have force to it.

Who shall be able to circumvent that which the Lord bringeth forth in the earth? Hath He not prepared thee well, and hath He not brought to thee a searching of heart? He hath brought thee to that which is very important for thee to face. Thy heart hath been prepared. Thy flesh hath gone through a work of the cross and shall continue to do so. Nothing shall rise up and take the glory. No flesh shall glory in His presence; neither shall He use the vessel that seemeth to be highly exalted in the sight of man. But weak things shall He use; base things shall He use; foolish things shall He use.

He hath chosen thee, O house of the Lord, not for the excellence of thy human virtues; He hath chosen thee because He can bring forth the divine nature within thee. This is the reason He hath chosen thee, for He hath looked upon the greatest of men, and He hath said, “Behold, the wisdom of this world is but foolishness in My sight.” And He hath brought thee to the place where He hath said, “Behold, I have blessed thee; I have raised thee up. I will establish My path for thy feet to follow. I will guide thee in the way that I have chosen for thee.”

Thou shalt walk humbly before the Lord thy God. He it is that shall turn the captivity of Zion; He it is that shall bring forth His will within thy life. Oh, thou shalt not be called desolate nor forsaken; neither shalt thou anymore be called barren. O Zion, thou shalt be as a fruitful branch in the vineyard of the Lord. Thou shalt flourish before the face of the Lord, and thou shalt bring forth fruit unto thy God. Thou shalt prevail in the day of darkness, for there shall be light upon thee. And in the days when men’s hearts are cast down, shall not thy soul find repose in the heart of God? Thou shalt find the Lord as thy refuge and thy strength and thy high tower. Yea, thou shalt look and behold how many fall at thy right hand and how many fall at thy left, but it shall not come nigh thee.

O thou house of God that hath lived in the presence of the Lord, that is abiding under His shadow, that hath made the Lord’s words your refuge and your strength, that hath fed upon them as the joy and the delight of thine heart—thou shalt be the spokesmen for the Lord.

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