Those who spoke the Word of God

Too many Christians are still missing the real meaning of the Word of God. The living Word is very basic to a walk in the Spirit. God’s people are going to speak the Word of God. This concept has already been accepted by a remnant of believers, but it is not in the depths of their experience as it should be. Those who embrace this truth still expound the Word. They still sermonize. They still try to inspire people through exhortation. In the New Testament, the greatest emphasis was on speaking the Word of God.

The early Church was largely a prophetic community. They were born by speaking the words of God. With all the oratorical ability, eloquence, and knowledge that Paul had, he not only refused to depend upon that, but with trembling he stood before God so that the flow would come. He said that he spoke “not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words” (I Corinthians 2:13). Even the words he used to explain spiritual truths were taught to him by the Spirit of the Lord.

The traditions that have built up since the time of the Reformation are not necessarily valid. Many good things have been restored, but the restoration of the Church has not been completed yet. The Church still has not been released into the ministry that it is to perform. We have yet to enter into the full scale of utterance and preaching and teaching that the early Church had. This we must contend for.

Looking back at much of the so-called preaching that you have heard, you probably realize that it did not change you. No doubt you remember very little that was said. You may have struggled to keep awake, to follow the thoughts. There was a feeling of emptiness. You were hungry for something more, but what you heard was man’s wisdom expounding some Scripture. In many instances, the man himself did not even believe it to be the Word of God. No wonder it was a dead word and accomplished nothing.

In this day a preacher can preach a thousand sermons to get one convert. Peter preached one sermon under the anointing of God, and thousands were saved (Acts 2:41). Today a remnant is contending once again for that divine anointing of utterance. This has been visualized in the past, but no one has yet reached the place where the Word of God is spoken in all boldness.

Hebrews 13:7 tells us, Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the outcome of their way of life, imitate their faith. Although the next verse seems unrelated, it is not. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yes and forever. Jesus moved about, speaking to the people, healing the sick, and bringing marvelous teaching. After His ascension He continued to speak and minister through the Body of Christ. They went everywhere and preached the Word. Notice that they did not preach about the Word; it was the Word of God that they spoke, and as a result the Lord confirmed the Word with signs following (Mark 16:20).

We must contend for a new level of prophecy, a new level of services, a new level where everything is anointed by the Holy Spirit. The human element is to be removed as the pure flow of God comes through human channels who bring His Word. This is the vision and the objective before God’s remnant in the coming days.

In I Corinthians 14, Paul set down the order concerning gifts of prophecy, tongues, etc. in the service; and he ended by speaking about the confusion that was in the church and by giving instruction to the women. To those who contended with him, he said: Was it from you that the word of God first went forth? Or has it come to you only? I Corinthians 14:36. Paul was saying in effect, “The Word of God came forth from me, not from you; so be quiet. What I speak is the Word of the Lord, and that is what we follow.” That ended the argument. Regardless of their faults, those early believers were a people looking to God for great things. Consequently, they became those who gave utterance to the words of God.

In this day, our doctrines have hindered our understanding. The Protestants built up doctrines about the inspiration of the Scriptures and then abandoned them. Most denominations teach that the Bible only contains the Word of God. Some claim that it was inspired by God, but only as Shakespeare’s writings were inspired. This is not the true concept. Only a few Fundamentalists still believe that the Bible was anointed and inspired by God, word for word, as the prophets wrote it of old. But even with that so-called faith in the Bible as the Word of God, most Fundamentalists still deny that prophecy will come forth today.

It is interesting to note how people, in their unbelief, build religious systems. Mary Baker Eddy contended earnestly that it was a time of restoration. (Many cults will contend for this restoration principle, too.) She claimed that because she was a prophetess, she could interpret the Scriptures and bring forth a word, and that she did. However, soon after the Christian Science churches were established, she saw that others were going to emulate her, claiming also to have a mystical interpretation of the Scriptures; therefore, she decided that there would be no pastors in her church. A reading of the Scriptures and a reading of a portion of Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures would constitute their services. They would have no sermons. This would prevent anyone else contending that he had a Word from God. She insisted that Mary Baker Eddy had it all! She opened the door long enough to get her word in; then she shut it.

The Mormons accepted Joseph Smith as their prophet, and for them there can be no more prophets. They claim, “We have our word of wisdom and word of knowledge, and that is it. We cannot have any more words of wisdom and knowledge.” Other groups contend that their founders had a final word, and everything must be according to their interpretation. This has happened time and time again in many churches and many movements.

Do not misconstrue my comments concerning these various movements. I am not condemning them; I believe that there was light in them. What I am saying is that they did not believe in the progressive restoration that we must believe in now. We cannot condemn all that has gone before, but we must recognize the things that were wrong in the movements of the past. Some people never do have their eyes opened to see what is wrong. In the past, Christians had small glimpses of the truth and the light that had come, but never before have they believed in this progressive unfolding of God’s Word and revelation in the end time. They believed to see a little truth restored, and then fearfully they put up their walls lest they go any further. In truth, the restoration has only begun.

I entreat you: Do not be set on that which has limited your faith and your vision and your moving in God. You must contend earnestly for the faith that was once delivered to the saints (Jude 3). God will open the door, and the Word of God will be spoken by a mighty company! The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it. Psalm 68:11. A marvelous thing will take place and you will see it. Prepare your heart. Prophesying is only the prelude to what God is going to bring. It will continue until your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions, and the servants and the handmaidens will come forth into a new level (Joel 2:28–29). Do not be limited by the things you have heard and have had ministered to you that would hinder you from being God’s instruments in this day. He is going to speak; He is going to move. It is important that you believe to be an instrument in His hands. Do not say, “I’m a Fundamentalist; I believe in the inspiration of the Scriptures.” Go further. Do you believe that they still work? Do you believe that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever? Do you believe that men can speak directly to you the Word of God? Believe to be God’s instrument to speak it!

God is going to speak through His many-membered Body. God’s remnant must get out of the level they are in and move into the next. They must stand under the anointing of the Spirit and prophesy the Word of God. They must strive to see the flow reach a higher level of God’s Word—a higher plane of utterance, a higher plane of prophecy than they have been on. They will be the oracles of God, speaking the Word of the Lord.

In a lesser dispensation, in Old Testament times, a Word from God burned in the hearts of men, and they spoke it. Why can’t we have it today? They dwelt in a glory that was to fade away, but we dwell in a glory that is permanent (I Peter 1:4). Do you really believe that the Christian era is to be less effective now than it was in the beginning? Do you think that we are to move in less truth than the early Church had? We think of the early Church as being marvelous and moving in so much. At that time, the written Scriptures of the New Testament were scarce; only a few epistles were being circulated here and there. They read them when they had them, but when they did not have them, they waited on God and believed to speak the Word of God. They had to trust in it.

A great deal of what we see in the New Testament does not exist today. Today, we glorify pastors. Only one time in the New Testament is the word “pastor” used in relationship to a ministry (Ephesians 4:11). They had elders. They had apostles and prophets. In their order of a service, two or three prophets (not pastors) spoke, and the others judged (I Corinthians 14:29). Their services were prophetic services. They were a prophetic community, concerned about hearing a Word from God. They came to hear God speak. They believed that Jesus was still in their midst, speaking by the Holy Spirit.

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