Concentrate on the Word

God is lifting the level of the prophetic services in the New Testament churches and bringing the people into the most revolutionary step yet taken.

Prophesying has generally been in the future tense, “The Lord will do such and such,” but it is quite another thing to speak with creative faith,

“It is done now; now it springs forth.” Invariably, your mind and heart will cause you to return to the old ruts, instead of prophesying the creative Word that will lift people. You cannot just say it. The force of your faith must also be involved, or the words will be empty with no anointing. It must be the utterance of the Holy Spirit.

If the prophecies are too long, a lower level of anointing will be maintained. It is when you concentrate on the Word and on the revelation that is coming, rather than on the flow, that you draw a power from God which literally fills the words and lifts the prophecies to a level not yet seen. Believe for this. More is required than to “spout off” spontaneously so that the people will be refreshed and inspired. Come up to another level.

This will be written for the generation to come; that a people yet to be created may praise the Lord. Psalm 102:18. This Scripture speaks of the generation that has finally come forth; the people are created who shall praise the Lord. God is creating a people in this day; He is bringing them forth to praise His name. Worship and prophecy and mighty proclamations will come forth in the name of the Lord. This is the day that the Lord has ordained for His people to see the fulfillment of many things. In the past, the prophecies were related to the future; however, the time has come when the Spirit of God convicts His remnant for speaking in the future tense. God is demanding that His people have the faith in Him to loose what is spoken immediately. He is demanding that the prophesying be a creative force that speaks a thing into being.

We cannot condemn the unbelief of the Modernist without also condemning the unbelief of the Fundamentalist who says, “I believe it all, but we’ll put it off for the millennium. The day of miracles is past, but by-and-by there may be a little more blessing. In the meantime, we’ll just grin and bear it.” That is not faith. God has something better for this day. We talk about the “now generation,” but the Lord is the “now God.” I AM THAT I AM. Exodus 3:14. Now is the accepted time…. II Corinthians 6:2.

Whatever age, whatever hour, God always speaks, “Now.” That is what “Jehovah” means—the God who continually manifests Himself in the present. He is not the God who only makes promises for the future or says, “Behold what happened in the past.” Jehovah is I AM THAT I AM, the God who continually and perpetually manifests Himself in the present tense. This means that God wants to meet you now. Do not talk about what will be; talk about what is and what can spring forth. Declare it, because the things that appear do not come from that which is visible. Speak it and believe it into existence. Have faith and see a miracle wrought in the name of the Lord. God tabernacles with you for only one reason: He wants to manifest Himself as Lord now. He wants you to become effective in God now.

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