Face to face relationship

As we begin to learn the different gateways of spirit, soul and body and how they are designed to function. As the Holy Spirit reveals how the life of God flows into and out of them, so that we become a whole person, we are going to begin to encounter God face to face.

Gen 17: 1 And when Abram (exalted father) was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared (reveal, show oneself, “to appear,” often with the idea of suddenness, to see physically outside of himself) to Abram, and said (to speak audibly, or thought as internal speech) unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk ( This common word carries with it the basic idea of movement: the flowing of a river )before me(face, presence), and be thou perfect 2 And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly. 3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, 4 As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. 5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham(Father of a multitude); for a father of many (multitude) nations (people, country) have I made (given permission, transference) thee. 6 And I will make thee exceeding Fruitful, and I will make (transference) nations of thee, and kings (lords, rulers) shall come out of thee.

God appeared to Abram, this was a face to face encounter. He revealed himself as El Shaddai, God Almighty. El Shaddai came out of the Kingdom realm of His Spirit and manifested himself to Abram. He opened the eyes of Abram’s spirit so that he could see him.

A face to face encounter with God in the natural realm does not mean we have to see him with our physical eyes. He may open our spiritual eyes, where we can see him and other people cannot, or we may see an outline of him, but the fact is we know he is there.

As any visitation from the heavenly realm, our spirit, soul and body senses become heightened. But the fact is that he is always there.

God spoke to Abraham, and this word In addition to vocal speech, is used to refer to thought as internal speech. I heard the audible voice of God once, or it could have been a heavenly messenger, but I believe no one else would have heard it even though it was as loud as thunder; he spoke inside of me because he lives inside of me.

Any time the Spirit of God communicates to us we are having a encounter with God. All we have to do is honor and desire it, and it will lead to more.

As we learn how to join our spirit to the Lord, on a continual basis, we begin to discern the spirit people are speaking from. We find that those who are deceived think we are deceived because of their belief systems. But most of us believed the same thing they did at one time, and we feel the compassion of the Father for them. We cannot reason them into revelation; God has to open the door. The apostle Paul tried that once and it didn’t work out to well.

God mostly speaks to us through spontaneous thought, but our spirit can intuitively sense the communication of God, it is a very important gateway in our spirit to get flowing.

God called Abraham to be perfect; this is face to face relationship. Perfection is a person who lives inside of us and is how God see’s us. We are called to manifest it in the earth, by going beyond the veil, being continual filled with His Spirit and by yielding to the Spirit of God to be enabled to move through us.

We are transformed through beholding the Lord. Change comes through exposure to his presence, face to face relationship.

We need to see perfection as a fruit of the Spirit. The eternal life of God is perfect, the seed incorruptible. This perfection is a state of spirit that grows and develops in us, until it become full grown like an apple on a tree.

Be ye perfect-we start out by being blamelessly innocent, through the blood of Jesus Christ. Any time we do anything the first time, we become like a little child, yes we are going to make mistakes, but that has nothing to do with perfection.

I have to continually edit my website, because I am a ministry in motion, but our father is faithful to correct me. The Father does not get upset when the little child is learning how to walk and falls down, he gets excited and as we grow he is enabled to catch us before we fall down.

We keep working through the gateways of spirit, soul and body as God graciously removes all the defilements and we become sanctified spirit, soul and body. It is a process, so that He is enabled to manifest his perfection in the earth.

We are to walk before him and be perfect. It is the Flow of his Spirit within us. A walk with God is a flow of His Spirit. We are yielding to His Spirit moving in us. Walk before me, the word before means presence or face. Walk in my presence; be conscious of my presence in everything.

Through the inflowing of His Spirit we become conscious of his presence and then we can begin to manifest his perfection in the earth, so that others can begin to know who Father really is. The more we know him, the more we love him. It is a face to face relationship.

Being perfect has to do with the reverence gate in our spirit. Our spirit has a yes in it to the will of God, and as we work on this gateway it will open more and expand so that we can begin to manifest his perfection in the earth more and more.

What was Abrams first response when he heard the voice of the Lord? He fell on his face; this speaks of worship, surrender. We do not have to wait to have an experience like Abram had, we initiate it- we fall on our face. We get the worship gate in our spirit open and flowing and immediately we are in face to face relationship with God.

This is when God changed Abram’s name; this is when we can begin to have revealed our destiny scroll. This is when we can begin to enter in with what God initiated with Abraham.

God spoke to Abraham- kings shall come out of you (Yasa-out of-).The first time the word is used in this voice- it speaks in reference to the river that “came out” or “flowed out” of Eden. The word speaks of going in and out of heaven.

Just like Abraham, kings can come out of us, out of us can flow the river of life. We can become those kings God told Abraham about.  But we have to learn the senses of spirit, soul and body, and how they become gateways to experience the river of life that flows out of heaven. And we have to learn how go beyond the veil and step into heaven.