Being restored

When God breathed Himself into Adam, the spirit He breathed into him entered into the body that he had formed and Adam became a living soul, or a living being. Adams spirit and soul were one, a perfect unity; he had no self awareness apart from God.

When Adam ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (which is a pathway) he became a human being and had self-awareness apart from God. His body changed and became corruptible, mortal, subject to death.

It was not the perfect will of God for Adam to become a human being subject to death; he was called to be a son of God by partaking of the tree of life (Jesus). It was never the perfect will of God for us to go through all the pain and suffering that we became subject to as a human being. It was not the will of God that we have self-consciousness apart from Him.

Psalm 51: 5 Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin   my mother conceived me.

Our spirit is eternal; it existed as thoughts within the very heart and mind of God. It came out of eternity as the breath of God , it entered our body at conception when the cells formed and came in as a flash of light, but it came into a place where it was darkened and the memory of who we were in the heart of God was disconnected and needs to be restored.

God in His foreknowledge knew that Adam if given a choice would disobey him, therefore the Lamb of God was crucified before the foundation of the world-Revelation 13:8 and he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world-Ephesians 1:4

The Adamic race was crucified with Christ upon the cross and raised a new creation in Christ, this happened in eternity before the foundation of the world, before time came into existence.

God created the time realm in order to contain sin so that it would not exist when time would be no more-Revelation 10:6. The root of the word sin in the Greek means “without an inheritance”. It was never God’s perfect will that man should be without an inheritance.

The reason God created the heavens and the earth was to have offspring, to have a family. The earth is a school where we learn how to love God and trust Him.

Before we came to earth we were just a spirit in heaven somewhat like the angels. God does not live inside of an angel’s spirit. But God sent us to earth so that we could be related to him by birth. We become related to Him through receiving the seed (word), the D.N.A of God in our spirit which transforms our soul and transfigures our body.

Our spirit was squeezed into our body and became submerged in our soul and body. Our spirit needed now to be born from above, to have the word conceived in it; so that our spirit now being joined to the Lord in one spirit might grow up into the stature (maturity) of Christ. Our soul was created in such a way that it is influenced by the spirit realm (God’s Spirit and evil spirits) and is transformed by the renewing of the mind-Rom 12: 2. The engrafted word saves our soul-James 1:21

Jesus was the first born of a new creation when He was raised from the dead-Acts 13:33. Jesus is the pattern son, the author and finisher of our faith and through the cross is able to now live his life again through us. Jesus universalized his life through being raised from the dead and the outpouring of the Spirit and is now a many-membered body-1 Cor 12:12

The earth is like a womb, we came into the earth at a certain time (Acts 17:26) in order to become a son of God. Living on the earth Satan can snatch away the word (seed) so that we do not understand it, by blinding our mind. Tribulation or persecution can arise because of the word and cause us to stumble. The cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches can choke the word so that we become unfruitful-Math 13:18-22

 Adam had to be given a choice to disobey God so that he would experience separation (alienated in our mind) from God (death). We came into the earth, the time realm, born a human being after the image of Adam after He had fallen (Gen 5:3)   experiencing death, with the choice to choose life through the provision of the cross of Jesus Christ.

We are predestined to be conformed to the image of His son (Rom 8:29) therefore our obedience is a participation in the divine nature, to grow up into him, into a perfect man, into the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ-Eph 4:13-15

The angel’s obedience is more mechanical (done automatically instead of a thinking and feeling human being). When the angels fell, they were cast out of the realm in which God lives, but Satan was given access to the garden that was in Eden, in order to test man. God planted a garden eastward in Eden and put man in it (Gen 2:8, 15) and allowed an Angel of light into that garden that was eastward in Eden, and told Adam to tend and guard the garden.

The garden that was eastward in Eden was different from Eden the garden of God which Satan was cast out of-Ezekiel 8:13-16. Satan was not cast into hell (into prison), but was given access to man in the garden in order to test him, but Adam was supposed to guard the garden and overcome him, to kick him out-be gone! Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tested of Satan- Math 4:1

Earth is the school of the spirit with just the right conditions to make a son of God.  We grow by living according to every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.  But we also experience temptation and we experience warfare being a platform (a position of authority or prominence that provides a good opportunity for doing something) of growth and by faith we overcome the world, the flesh and the devil, and then the overcomer is granted to sit with Jesus on the throne-Rev 3:21

We were put in a human body that we might learn not to trust in ourselves but to put our trust in God. The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life. God allows us to go our own way and experience death so that we might come into repentance. The root of the word repent means “with, thoughts coming into our consciousness”, which speaks of God with us, talking to us. Repentance is a gift of God. It is repentance into life.

Acts 14:166 Who in times past suffered all nations to walk in their own ways.

As we enter into a first love relationship with God through being born from above He reveals to us His thoughts towards us and the destiny for our lives.

So we are first of all a spirit being, it is our spirit being that is conscious of God and the spirit realm. We have a soul that is self-conscious; God did not intend it to be self-conscious, separated from Him. Our soul needs to be restored so that we have no consciousness apart from God.

Until we learn how to have the eternal life of God flowing into our spirit, and into our soul, our soul can have a consciousness apart from God. It can become subject to oppression, fear, loneliness, it can become tormented through all kinds of thoughts and feelings that are not of God, but come into it through the Spirit of the world.

When our spirit entered our body at conception it eventually became deadened (separated from God in the sense of awareness) and needs to be resurrected. Through receiving Jesus as the lord over our spirit, Jesus breathes into us the Holy Spirit and our spirit becomes resurrected or born again.

John 20: 22And when he had said this, he breathed on (into) them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:

When our spirit is born again, within our spirit there is an area where God is, we have access to God’s presence in our spirit, but it is through a gateway or a veil or a door in our spirit. This gateway is called, the first love gateway.

When we seek God first in intimacy, He fills our spirit

 Revelation 3:20 behold I stand at the door and knock , there is a door in our spirit, an entrance, a gateway, God is knocking ,He is already in us, He just wants to come out of the hiding place in our spirit, so that our spirit becomes aware of Him.

There are a lot of things in our spirit that we might not be aware of.

Luke 17:21Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

The kingdom is the area where God dwells in us; it is a place in our spirit that our spirit has access to when it is born again. Jesus does not want to be imprisoned and limited there, He doesn’t want to stay there, He wants to fill us and move through us.

Part of the problem is that we have never learned how to enter into the kingdom, or have the kingdom flow through us.  When we learn how to embrace the lord in first love we open the door for him to enter into us, and for us to enter into the kingdom realm of the spirit.

 There is a realm in us that God rules, it is a small realm with a door- we have a little piece of heaven on the inside of us. But we need to learn to engage with it.

When our spirit is born again, God also has access to us and through us, but only if we allow Him too. This is because we have been given free will to choose whether God’s kingdom is not just a small area in us, but the kingdom actually comes through us and creates a large area around us. We literally are a gateway or a channel or vessel that God desires to use.

In our spirit we have the river of life that flows into and from that gateway of first love, there is the yoke of Jesus there that we need to learn how to embrace, there is a seat of rest or government in our life spirit that God desires to occupy.

 Now the problem is, according to Jeremiah 2:13. My people have committed two evils, this goes right back to the sin of Adam and Eve. They have forsaken me, the fountain of living water; this was the first evil, Adam and eve turned away from God as the source of everything. And then the second thing is that Gods people hue for themselves broken cisterns that can hold no water.

 So rather than going to the fountain, the source of living water where the river of life flows. They try to make their own water, that which will satisfy their thirst, meet the inner need, but their wells are full of holes and never hold enough water to sustain them.

So this is the problem, as a result of partaking of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Adam and Eve’s spirit was separated from God and dead to God (in the sense of not being aware of His presence) and their spirit was separated from their soul, in the sense that they were no longer aware of it, so the only place that they could get anything was from the outside. So everything came from the outside in, everything came from the world. And we are born into this condition, which is why we must be born again.

 God has built into us the need for certain things which He wanted to meet in relationship with Himself. Things like love, acceptance, security, significance and purpose. Now we have those needs irrespective of our relationship to God. And those needs are so strong in us that we will do everything and anything to get those needs met.

 Before our spirit was born again, we were separated from God; the only source was the things around us, so we tended to get those things from things like work, relationships, money, power and material things.  There is nothing wrong with any of those things in themselves, but we have sought them to meet our innermost needs.

 If we use those things to give us love, security, significance, acceptance and purpose then we are following the wrong pathway. We are trying to build those cisterns, tanks to hold the water which will never actually give us anything to sustain us, we will thirst again.

The problem with looking for the things in the world to satisfy us is that it causes our hearts to become damaged, our soul is damaged because of those natural needs, that we look to satisfy through the things of the world and literally it has caused hurt and pain, rejection, insecurity fear, disappointment, guilt, shame and a whole multitude of emotional problems, that are in our lives as a result of trying to get the world to meet our needs from the outside in.

 When our spirit is born again we now have a new source inside us. Now we have a source of purpose, security, significance, love, acceptance and a whole multitude of other things that come in our relationship with God, now we have got access to them.

 The problem is we have been use to looking to things from the outside, now we have to turn and start looking on the inside. This is exactly what repentance is, turning from what we have been looking at, in order to look at what we should be looking at, which is on the inside of us in a relationship with God.

So as we go through a process of turning our dependence from the outside in order to become dependent on what’s on the inside, then we begin to be transformed, restored and renewed, where our spirit, soul and body get connected and flowing from our relationship with the Lord.

 So as we go through this process we need to stop looking to the outside, if we keep looking to the outside for all our needs, then we are still going to get damaged, disappointed and hurt. Nothing wrong with the things that are on the outside in themselves. It is just there priority and purpose in our lives which is the issue.

As we allow God to engage us and when we look to the right source, then we find those hurts and pains and all those things will be healed and restored and made whole. Then we can begin to manifest God’s presence through us.

This is what it means to be transformed. The word transformation means metamorphosis, it the same word that was used when Jesus was transfigured. It means shining and radiating something from the inside out.  We need to see God presence in us flowing through us to the world around us, so that we begin to manifest His supernatural life.

 We enter into the living works prepared for us to walk in. Then we no longer seek the things in the world to meet our needs, we actually begin to rule through them. So some of those things like work, relationships, power and different things can actually become the spheres of government that were called to administer the kingdom through. So through those things we begin to express Gods glory, His presence, His power and His purpose and the kingdom of God comes forth through our lives.

 But there is a process to go through. We need all the gateways of spirit, soul and body to flow from the inside out. So that the life of God flows through us, so we can create an atmosphere of the kingdom of God around us in which we begin to rule, as God rules.