Confession of sin

We are on a journey into the very heart of God, called the pathway of intimacy. It is the ancient path that Enoch walked on. When Jesus died and was resurrected and tore open the veil in the Holy of holies 2,000 years ago, it became an eternal event.

No doubt there were probably some good theologians around in Enoch’s day saying, “We don’t know how to cope with this situation of the fall, but we know we can’t go back into the Garden of Eden. We don’t believe that man can walk and talk with God now. We have been driven out of the Garden; this is our doctrine; that age is past.” But Enoch disproved it all by walking and talking with God; he went through the flaming sword and partook of the way of the tree of life.

Gal 5: 16 This I say then, Walk (command continuous, to be occupied with, the whole of our activities, to pursue a path or way of life, conduct oneself, behave, continue in union with) in the Spirit, and ye shall not (no, never) fulfill (execute, perform, to carry it through) the lust (strong desire, longing, craving) of the flesh (seat of carnal desires and appetites).

There are three Greek words for not in the New Testament. A conditional negative, a full negative and a double negative. This is a double negative-it means it is impossible to fulfill the lust of the flesh if we walk in the spirit.

When we experience a spiritual awakening through intimate contact with the presence of God’s Spirit, His Spirit flows into ours and we partake of His divine nature. Our spiritual senses become aware of the inflowing of God’s uncreated eternal life or the fruit of His Spirit, but this fruit must grow and develop in us, so that we able to tune into it by will and live in it and then walk in it, so that we manifest the divine nature in all that we say and do.

The life of God flows out of heaven into the gateways of our spirit, soul and body and then out of us into the atmosphere around us so that the kingdom has come near to those we come into contact with.

As we learn how to be filled with the Spirit, it is His own Spirit within us that our spirit becomes aware of. Our spirit knows so much and can do so much, but it has to be liberated to begin to function without the restrictions that are upon us though our soul and body.

Through the infilling of the Spirit our spirit is given life by God’s Spirit, “the breath of life”. Our spirit receives God’s light and becomes light; our spirit becomes a house for God’s presence  

1John 1:7 But if we walk(continuous action subject to a condition, to be occupied with, all our activities, to make one’s way, progress, to conduct one’s self) in the light (that which exposes), as (how, in what manner or way) he is in the light, we have fellowship (participation in eternal life) one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth (occurring now,  to make clean,  to free from defilement, to free from guilt) us from all (the totality or whole) sin (not partaking of our spiritual identity and inheritance).

All change comes through exposure to God’s Spirit within us or upon us. We are transformed by beholding His glory, which is a change of life form. We learn how to live and walk through the inflowing of God’s Spirit within us. A walk with God is a flow of his Spirit where we are yielding to His Spirit within us desiring and giving us the ability to do what He is leading us to do.

We have to learn how to live from the inside out. Before we knew the Lord intimately, we lived from the outside in. Therefore, our mind has been programmed to think and respond a certain way. So, there is a process we go through in the renewing of our mind, where the thoughts of God flow into it, and we are enabled to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.

When we confess our sin; we are just saying the same thing about it as God says. Sin is a result of not partaking of our inheritance or divine nature, that is the root of sin, if you look up the root word in the Greek. Sin is manifested in our life by not doing the good we should, any wrongdoing and whatever is not of faith, we are accountable for the level of light we are receiving from the Lord. He deals with us on the spiritual level we are on. We go from grace to grace, faith to faith, and glory to glory. What may be sin for us may not be sin for another in the sense of what the Holy Spirit is convicting them of. That is why I do not expect others to walk in the dedication that I walk in because God deals personally with us on the level of light we are walking in. We escape the lust that is in the world by partaking of the divine nature. We are learning how to walk with God, and when a baby is learning how to walk, they fall down all the time in the natural. It is the same in the spirit. First the natural and then the spiritual (1 Cor 15:46.) That is a deeper layer of truth than just the natural body of which is the context of the scripture. It is a spiritual principle.

1 john I :9 If we confess (continuous action subject to a condition, to agree, declare openly, say the same thing God says) our sins (definite article- the Sin, noun- referring to the sin of Adam that we inherited, without a share in, a part assigned to one, which is the root of the word. Not partaking in or sharing in our identity, inheritance, and destiny), he is (occurring now, continuous, he is) faithful (from a word meaning to persuade or win over, worthy of belief, trust, or confidence) and just (Righteous) to forgive (from apó – from, and hiēmi – to send. To send forth or away-the power of sin is removed from us, to send forth the power and force of sin away from us if you study the Greek language. To let go from oneself, the Father does not hold it in his consciousness) us our sins (the Sin, noun- referring to the sin of Adam that we inherited), and (and also) to cleanse ( momentary action subject to a condition- to cleanse us or make us clean from the effects of the sin) us from ( the separation of a person from which it was formerly united to) all( totality-the whole) unrighteousness(that which is out of harmony with justice or righteousness.  The reason it exists is because truth is not occupying that area of our heart. It is deceit in us, falsehood, deceitfulness).

Prayer is a two way communication Spirit to spirit, where we learn how to hear the voice of God and enter into conversations with him.

How does God speak to us in our heart, how do we hear the voice of God in our heart? What does that sound like, what does that feel like?

Spontaneous thought is the voice of the spirit realm – the realm of God’s kingdom, and the spirit world that is in darkness.  The thoughts of the mind are analytical. The thoughts of the heart are spontaneous. Another words we didn’t start it. We did not originate it. It was spontaneous; it didn’t come from the analytical mind. The voices from the spirit world are spontaneous thoughts, and they have a certain feel to them. That is why I can discern if the enemy is talking to me, or God is talking to me. When God talks to us, he imparts his Spirit to us, I can sense the anointing of God. The enemy cannot counterfeit the fruit of the Spirit, he has none.

When the thoughts of God are flowing into our mind, we can sense the presence of God in them. Is our thinking drawing us closer to God or away from Him? Even when the spirit of the fear of the Lord comes upon me, I can feel the love of God in it.

When we sow to the flesh we are going to feel defiled because we are partaking of that which is not like the Spirit of God. But these thoughts and feelings are not coming from God’s Spirit. He is faithful and just to deliver us from the power of that which is not like him and cleanse us from the damage it has caused in our life.

Our spirit has a yes in it to the will of God, but our soul or heart still has a lot of unrighteousness in it. Unrighteousness is deceit in the heart. The thought of sin is foolishness.

As we learn the difference between our spirit and soul, and we learn how to keep our spirit communing with God’s Spirit, continually filled with his Spirit, we are going to grow out of yielding to the desires of the flesh, because they are a childish thing. The pleasures of God’s Spirit cannot compare to the pleasures of sin that last for a moment and end in death.

But as long as we are a child, there remains the possibility of sin. God does not remove our power of choice.

1 John 2:1My little children (one who is the object of the fathers love and care, not fully grown), these things write I unto you, that ye sin not (conditional negative).

Our obedience to our heavenly Father is a partaking of His divine nature. The angles obedience is more of a mechanical or automatic thing, because the DNA or seed of God is not in their spirit, they are not children of God in the sense of being born of his Spirit. As our spirit begins to develop in the attributes of God, we learn how to be filled, live, abide and walk in the Spirit. The thought of yielding to sin has no power over us.

I john 3:  9Whosoever  is born of (motion out of) God doth not (full negative) commit (occurring now, expressing action continued) sin (wander from the path of intimacy, not partaking of our inheritance)for (for this reason) his seed (Seed, both what is sown and what is growing out of the seed sown, fruit) remaineth (occurring now, To remain, abide, dwell, live)in (intimate union with) him: and he cannot (1-have power 2-full negative) sin, because he is born (stresses the state brought about by the finished results of the action or process, to be born) of God .

This is scripture is talking about the seed of God or Christ the living Word in our spirit cannot sin. Our soul can sin, our body can sin and there are even sins of our spirit, but the seed of God in our spirit cannot sin because it is incorruptible (1 Peter 1:23.)

The word of God is conceived in our spirit, and then that life begins to transform our soul. The salvation of the soul is a process. If we are focused on our soul life, we will never feel saved. We have to learn how to be filled with the Spirit, so that God’s strength is flowing into our soul, and then we can begin to bring our soul into submission to the Lordship of Jesus over our spirit so that there is nothing in it blocking the flow of the Spirit though our life.