Pressing toward the mark

O house of God, doth not the Lord loose from thee the bands that have oppressed thee? Doth He not take away from thee the things that have been a hindrance to thee? Thou art no more hemmed in, for the Lord shall set thee in a large place. Thou art no more restricted and confined to the oppression of thy circumstances, but the Lord maketh a way for thee to break out, to break forth on the right hand and on the left.

Let thy expectations be enlarged, be prepared to ask largely. For doth not He intend that thy joy shall be full? Is it not a blessing that He would pour upon thee and not a cursing? Yea, would not the Lord delight in mercy over thee, that in the midst of tribulation and anguish of the sons of men, that ye should walk free and immune, as the dearly beloved of the Lord?

Behold, thy hands are occupied in a good matter. The Lord hath set before thee a great work to do. Hath He not put thy hands to the plow? Yea, be not mindful of the blisters today for they shall be callouses tomorrow.

Be encouraged in thy heart, that ye shall go forth and accomplish those things that God has set before thee to do. What greater thing could the Lord give unto thee than that thy life should be lived in service unto Him with thanksgiving and gratitude; that ye should walk with the Lord; thy hands should be linked with His almighty power, yea, and thy feeble understandings should be linked with His omniscience? Great is the Lord who cometh to possess thee, to indwell thee, and to bring thee into a day large and abundant in blessing. Amen.

Who can prophesy and not prophesy of the greatness of this hour? Who can rise up and prophesy and say, “Behold, I have seen it all?” Who can say honestly in their heart, but this, humbly, “I have seen but a little of the great vast thing that God hath prepared for them that love Him.”

Let your heart be opened, for behold, you have not seen the vision, but only in a measure. Ye have not hoped for the greatness of the thing that shall be, for thy heart hath perceived it not, but walk thou with the Lord with an eagerness in thy step, with thy hands reaching forth.

Remember the words of the prophets, “Reaching forth to those things which are before I press toward the mark,” so let it be in thy heart this day that the Lord blesseth thee, the Lord strengtheneth thee and day by day thine expectation shall rise in the Lord. Amen.

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