
We live in a world where hope has gradually been diminished, leaving a vacuum that has greatly affected the inhabitants of this planet.

Humanity, like never before, is asking the age-old question: “Why are we here and to what purpose?”

This question has been posed and debated for thousands of years. However, this generation, more than any other before, is asking this question.

Our Western educational systems have taught evolution and it is the responsibility of true Christians to counter it and begin to teach the truth of why we are here, where we came from, and for what purpose.

There is deep in the hidden depths of every human being a sense of destiny and purpose, a calling of great worth. While this sense or hidden awareness of destiny lies within every human being, it is rarely recognized until one is born again by the Spirit of God.

There are angles being sent to earth that are awaking the sense of destiny in individuals.

Sometimes one may have dreams, which touch on and surface some long-forgotten aspect of one’s destiny.

 Sometimes while watching a movie or reading a book, something touches that destiny, producing an emotional response. You may want to cry or you are moved in some way.

However, those awakenings rarely last, leaving you wondering what it was all about.

Many times while watching a movie or reading a book, or listening to a song something moved me . Psalm 42:7 “Deep calls unto deep”.

 I began to realize that something deep within me was connecting to a long-forgotten destiny, an assignment that had been immersed and absorbed in the busyness of living on this planet.

This stirring of the Holy Spirit within was seeking to awaken an awareness of purpose and destiny.

A survey of medical practitioners revealed that the majority of their patients were suffering from a profound lack of purpose. Their lives were meaningless.

 This in turn had a direct bearing on the physical ailments they suffered.

We were born for a purpose, a majestic mission, which was given to us in a time before we were born into this world.

When we come out of heaven into this world, within our spirit is a scroll of destiny, our purpose for being on the earth.

Our primary destiny is to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, to become love.

Our second destiny is the mission we have been given, which involves the first dominion, to rule over this planet.

Many ask if God is real why such does and such happen in the world ? It is not Gods responsibility, it is ours.

We need to understand that the Scriptures Make It Very Clear That Our Existence Did Not Begin When We Were Born Into This World.

The question has often been asked, “Did we come into existence at conception or at our birth?”

Let’s look at what the Word of God states about this. The Word of God clearly addresses this question.

We actually came into existence back in eternity when God had all these wondrous thoughts about us and spoke us into being.

 2 TIMOTHY 1:9 Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.

Which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began. The word given has the definite article before it signifying emphasis. The given. The word given is the aorist participle passive. It happened in the past before what we call time, and is in the passive voice which means we had nothing to do with it, except to receive. Salvation is all of God from start to finish-it is called grace.

No matter how you look at this verse of Scripture it means what it says and says what it means.

In the next outpouring of the Spirit, there will be created an atmosphere around us, in a building, a city block and once a person steps across the boundary in which that atmosphere of the presence of God is contained, they get saved. You do not have to preach to them; just being in contact with the manifest presence of God saves them. There will be so many coming into the kingdom that we have to disciple that if we are not prepared for our destiny we will not be able to handle it.

You Were Given A Calling, A Destiny, And A Purpose Before You Were Born Into This World.

God Says This To Jeremiah, “Before You Were formed in the womb, I Set You Apart;” Jeremiah 1:5 Note: Before Jeremiah was in the womb of his mother, God knew him and sanctified him.

The word “sanctified” is the Hebrew word – qadash (kaw-dash) which means to pronounce clean; also to appoint, bid, consecrate, dedicate, keep, prepare, proclaim, purify and sanctify.

Now you can’t pronounce clean someone who does not exist. Jeremiah existed in heaven before he came to the earth.

Jeremiah was given a destiny and assignment before he was born on this Earth. He existed in heaven long before he was sent to Earth with a mission.

While this may surprise many of you, the Word of God clearly confirms this reality.

JOHN 17: 15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. 16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

Jesus said, “I am not of this world,” because He came to Earth from heaven.

However, He said the same about His disciples. He said they also are not of this world.

In other words, they did not originate here on planet Earth, but they came from another world, that of heaven.

Jesus clearly tells us here that He was not of this world, He was sent from heaven with a mission.

He goes on to say that you and I are also not of this world. We did not originate here; we came from heaven. We were sent to planet Earth from our home in heaven with a mission.

However, we have to go through much training in order to fulfill this mission. This training involves both good times and hard times, and how we react to both.

Job was a remarkable man. He went through great trials but came out triumphant. He lived some time after the flood, but before Abraham.

God made this remarkable statement about him: JOB 1:1 There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was blameless and upright, and one who feared God and shunned evil.

JOB 1:8 Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?”

WOW! That is a very remarkable statement about this man- -a godly man and blameless. There was no one like him in the entire earth at that time.

These are astonishing statements that God made concerning him. Don’t you wish that God could say that about you? He actually does, it just might not be manifested yet. But job went through some hard times.

Nearly every sermon I have heard about Job, he is always being put down and given a hard time! He lived in fear and did not have faith that is why this happened to him. However, God’s view of Job was extraordinary.

 After nine months of extreme trials he was birthed into a new life and a new day.

Towards the end of the book God said this to Job: JOB 38: 3 Now prepare yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer Me. 4 “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding. 5 Who determined its measurements? Surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it? 6 To what were its foundations fastened? Or who laid its cornerstone, 7 When the morning stars sang together, And all the sons of God shouted for joy? 8 “Or who shut in the sea with doors, When it burst forth and issued from the womb; 9 When I made the clouds its garment, And thick darkness its swaddling band; 10 When I fixed My limit for it, And set bars and doors; 11 When I said, “This far you may come, but no farther, And here your proud waves must stop!’ 12 Have you commanded the morning since your days began, And caused the dawn to know its place,”

God asked Job, “Where were you when I made planet Earth? When all the sons of God shouted for joy?”

God goes on to ask Job many questions, then says to him in Job 38:21 (NKJV) Do you know it, because you were born then, Or because the number of your days is great?

 (KJV) Knowest thou it, because thou wast then born? Or because the number of thy days is great?

 (TLB) But of course you know all this! For you were born before it was all created, and you are so very experienced!

 (AMP) You [must] know, since you were born then, And because you are so extremely old

I have heard it said, concerning these Scriptures, that God was mocking Job. Let me just say this: God will never mock you or anyone else.

 Job existed when God made planet Earth. He was there with the rest of us who shouted for joy.

The word says that if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. He removes our sin from us as far as the east is from the west. They no longer exist and we will not remember them or any other sin in our brother and sister they may have committed. God removes the memory. He can do it now, or when we get to heaven and wash ourselves in the river of life.

We existed in heaven before we came to earth, but we no longer have the memory. A lot of revelation we receive is just remembering what we knew before we came to the earth.

The story of Job is a picture of our life on this planet. Everything is not going to be perfect. Our time here is a set course with just the right difficulties, heartaches, blessing, and joys that we need in order for us to be tempered and tried, grooming our spirit and qualifying us for future roles.

 Essentially what God was saying to Job (Job 38: 3-7) was this: “You, Job, were there when I created planet Earth. I gave you a destiny, a purpose, a course to run, and trials to overcome. This is part of your training and development. Now stand up like a man and get on with it.”

After these trials, God gave Job twice as much as he originally had. He was the first double-portion prophet.

 We are now living in a day where the double portion that Elisha asked for is now available to us.

The trials, difficulties and heartaches we have gone through just served as a grooming process to prepare us who now live in these times of the end.

There is a reason why God sent you to Earth in this time. Leaving heaven and coming to Earth, as part of this last and final generation before the Lord returns, is an astounding privilege.

The Apostle Paul when writing to the Ephesians said this: EPHESIANS 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, 4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we exist holy and without blame before Him in love, 5 having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will,

Adoption as sons is being placed in the position of authority to rule and reign with Jesus Christ. The kingdom is a family and we are called to inherit it but we must overcome. If we practice the works of the flesh we will not inherit the kingdom Gal 5:19-21. Our spirit will be saved so as by fire, but we will live in the lower part of heaven, called paradise.

This is a very interesting passage of Scripture and shows the depth of understanding that Paul had.

First, Paul says that we have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places (the realm of the spirit). Then he goes on to say that God chose you and I before planet Earth was created, that we exist holy and blameless before the Lord in the realm of spirit. Then he adds this: having predestined (or chosen you) in ages past.

You were chosen to come to this planet before it was even created.

The question of predestination has been the subject of debate for centuries.

So, what does predestination mean?

The Apostle Peter wrote this: 1 PETER 1:2 elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father,

This word “elect” is the Greek word eklektos, which means to be chosen.

The word “foreknowledge” is from the Greek word prognosis, which means to know beforehand.

 So, you were chosen to come here to Earth with a mission and purpose because God had foreknowledge of your life.

God foresaw your birth and life here on Earth long before you came here. You were predestined to be born into this generation according to the foreknowledge of God.

 You may ask the question, are we predestined then to be saved? The answer to that is a resounding NO.

The problem we have in trying to understand these things is this: God lives in eternity; He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, at the same time. There is no time and space as we know it in the realm of the eternity. God is at the beginning and the end at the same time.

 We need to take a trip back in time to a place before time, to a place where there was God, who is the only true reality.

Everything good in this world around us is just a shadow, a picture of what is in God. Nothing existed except the Godhead, the only true reality, and from that true reality we have the shadows of that reality all around us.

 The Reformation of 1517 AD restored the lost truth of justification by faith. It was all about being born again by faith through the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Martin Luther was the forerunner of this reformation. Born in Eisleben, Germany in 1483, Luther went on to become one of the most significant figures in history.

The Catholic Church was ever after divided and the Protestantism that soon emerged was shaped by Luther’s ideas.

His writings changed the course of religious and cultural history in the West.

The Church had been in a dark age of one thousand years where the truth of salvation by faith had been lost.

 This reformation was a glorious time in the restoration of the central basic doctrine of salvation by faith.

However, another stream of thought emerged out of this reformation regarding salvation. A French reformer by the name of John Calvin taught predestination by the sovereignty of God.

This meant that only certain people are elected to be saved, and once saved they can never lose their salvation. This doctrine became known as Calvinism.

Unconditional election states that God elected certain individuals to receive the good news of the Gospel and believe in it, while all those who are not elected are set to reject God and go to hell for their sins.

 So, we must ask the question, which of these two is right? Luther with the doctrine of justification by faith alone, or Calvin with his belief in an unconditional election?

WELL, The reality is that both are right and both are wrong! To understand this, we must understand the Alpha and Omega reality of God. God is not just at the beginning; He is also at the end, both at the same time, and it is who He is. He is at every point in history simultaneously, which is an all-encompassing position.

 God saw the end right at the beginning. This omnipresence and Alpha and Omega actuality of God enabled Him to see from the beginning those whose names are written in the Book of Life.

He saw your name there because He is at the end, as well as at the beginning. Before you were born, before this earth existed there was a book called the Book of Life-Rev 3:5. But it also says your name can be blotted out of the book of life.

You are here now on this planet and were sent here with a destiny and purpose.

2 TIMOTHY 1:9 Who hath saved us, and called us [YOU] with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,

Furthermore, you were chosen to be here on earth in this last generation, at the most crucial time in the history of the Church. You are exceptionally unique.

Over seven billion people inhabit this earth and God has chosen you to be His ambassador in these last days.

 An ambassador is one who leaves his home country as a representative in another country.

The fact that God has chosen you to be here on this planet, to represent Him and heaven in this earth at the most crucial time in this world history, is astonishing.

You left your own home world in heaven as a spirit to come to this earth in the most important time in the history of the planet, to represent heaven on planet Earth.

 You were born to bring the ways and culture of heaven to this earth. These truly are days of destiny and you were chosen to be here in these days.

However, being here on this earth at this time involves conflict with the powers of darkness. The clash of two opposing kingdoms is a very obvious reality. The battle over who will rule this world is well underway: God, and His people or the Antichrist, and his people.

 However, we must remember that we are not fighting for victory, we are fighting from victory, since we have read the last chapter and we win!

We all need to rise up and embrace the fact that we were chosen to live in these days and fight for the Kingdom of God to be established in this earth.

Yes, it involves a fight between two kingdoms and two cultures.

 You have been chosen to come to this earth in a time when great darkness covers the earth.

However, you are here at a time when the greatest light and glory will also cover the earth.

ISAIAH 60:1 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. 2 For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. 3 And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. 4 Lift up thine eyes round about, and see: all they gather themselves together, they come to thee: thy sons shall come from far, and thy daughters shall be nursed at thy side. 5 Then thou shalt see, and flow together, and thine heart shall fear, and be enlarged; because the abundance of the sea (people) shall be converted unto thee, the forces (company of people) of the Gentiles shall come unto thee.

The abundance of the sea (humanity) shall be converted. WOW! The word abundance has the thought of majority or vast crowds.

This speaks of the coming harvest, which is now right at our doorstep. This is not a time to hang on until we are raptured. This is our finest hour, and it is a time to bring heaven to earth.

The abundance of humanity will be converted. This is the last and final harvest of souls.

MATTHEW 13:47 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind: 48 Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away. 49 So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels (messengers) shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just, You were given a calling, a destiny, a purpose before you were born into this world.

God says this about you: “Before you were born I set you apart” The lord purposed that you would be alive on earth at this time. So, do not underestimate the privilege and awesomeness of being alive in this hour. YOU WERE BORN FOR THIS!

PSALM 8:4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? 5 For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. 6 Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet: Made a little lower than the angels? What does that mean? The word “angels” here is the Hebrew word Elohim (el-o-heem) which means gods or God. We know that mankind was made in the image and likeness of God. Lower than God but in His image. THE ORIGIN OF OUR SPECIES WAS GOD.

Now Satan has sought to degrade mankind to the lowest level of being, brought into existence by chance, as the theory of evolution would have us believe.

Many Hebrew scholars believe that Adam and Eve were powered by light. In other words, the blood that coursed through their veins was not red: it was light. The great tragedy of the fall changed that.

The light which powered Adam and Eve, was changed into what we today call red blood. There is good scientific evidence today that states that the red blood in us is, in reality, congealed light.

 When the first man sinned, a profound change took place, not just in mankind, but in the whole of creation. The garden eastward in Eden was a wondrous place full of life and love. The climate was perfect. It never rained, but a mist came up from the ground early morning and watered the garden. It never rained because there were no clouds; a covering many feet thick covered the earth high up in the atmosphere. This covering of ice filtered out harmful rays, which now bombard the earth today.

When Adam sinned, everything changed. Adam had been given authority over planet Earth. When he sinned and fell all that was under his authority fell too. The earth consequently fell and changed dramatically.

GENESIS 2:5–6 5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. 6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

When Adam sinned, he took Earth with him into the fall: GENESIS 3:19  In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

The atomic frequency of everything, including Adam, fell to a lower level, and this frequency was too low to sustain life. Adam began to die very slowly. Decay set in and life became hard. When the flood came the Bible tells us that it rained for the first time. The ice shield above Earth dissolved and water poured down onto the earth and came up from beneath, forcing its way to the surface.

GENESIS 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. 12 And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights. Note that when Adam fell he took the whole planet with him into that fall.

PSALM 115:16 The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.

Adam was given authority and rulership over this planet and everything in it. When he fell the whole of creation fell with him and changed. The human, animal, vegetable, and mineral realms changed. The frequencies that powered these realms and realities changed and decay set in. Everything fell to a lower level that enabled death to enter paradise and life became hard.

The condition of man that resulted from the fall is described by Jesus in this way: JOHN 8:43 Why do ye not understand my speech?  because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. 45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

This was our condition before we were reborn. We had the wrong DNA. Adam and Eve were clothed in light and were powered by light. When they fell that light disappeared, and they were aware for the first time that they were naked. This must have been a profound shock. Something drastic had happened to them. In actuality, their DNA had changed.

Not only that, but because the whole of creation was under Adam’s jurisdiction or dominion, it fell also. This profound change affected the whole of this physical world.

 There was a change in the frequency, not just in mankind, but also in the whole of creation. This lower frequency brought about decay. Adam and Eve began to decay and die. Now because there was not a deep root of sin in them this physical decay took a long time, in fact hundreds of years, but eventually they did die.

After The Fall Of Man In The Garden, God Pronounced A Far Reaching Profound Prophetic Word.

GENESIS 3:15  And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; he shall bruise (crush) thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

This prophetic word had profound implications for the next four thousand years and beyond, to you and I today.

 This prophetic word would set the subject matter for all remaining Scripture. It was, as it were, the main theme of God’s Word up to the return of Jesus. The rest of the events happening throughout Scripture are centered on this theme or prophecy, in one way or another.

 Now Satan Feared This Prophetic Word And Would Do Everything In His Power To Stop It. This Then Would Be The Running Theme Throughout Scripture In One Way Or Another

 This prophetic declaration of God stated that from Eve’s seed or genealogy would come forth a man who would destroy Satan’s rule and power in this earth. This decree was over an ancestral line. This prophetic word terrified Satan and a huge portion of Old Testament Scripture centers on him trying to stop this prophetic word coming to pass.

Now that the word had been pronounced, Satan would do all in his power to stop this happening by destroying this line, thus preventing the seed being born. Now would begin a four-thousand-year battle to stop this prophecy being fulfilled.

The seed of the women is Jesus. That seed has been planted in our spirit and will result in the crushing of Satan’s head (usurped authority). We will rule over this planet, this is a part of our destiny.