Awakening of destiny

We are living in a time when God is pouring out His Spirit in order to awaken destiny in his people. It will become a motivating, driving force that they will be willing to live and die for.

You see the radical Islamic realm have no problem with this, they do not care if they get killed and are willing to die for what they believe in, because they are in tune with the spirit realm, but the dark side of it. They commune with religious spirits and are empowered by them. They are willing to give their bodies to be burned; it is a counterfeit form of destiny, a motivating and driving force.

There is a deep sense in every person, deep within their heart, saved or unsaved; a deep sense of destiny. There has got to be something more to live for than just the passing scene.

We live on a planet spinning in infinite space in a universe of millions of planets. Why are we here?  What are we doing here? What is the purpose?  Who are we? Where did we come from? Where are we going?

Sometimes it lies very hidden, deep below the surface, this sense of destiny, this sense of having of great worth. And soon the awareness begins to fade as we get caught up in the affairs of this life.

2tim 1: 9Who has saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began.

This calling and destiny was given to us before time began. This calling is not in the present tense but the aorist tense. Saved us, called us, and given to us are in the aorist tense.

His own purpose and grace were given to us before time began. God saved us and called us in Christ Jesus before time began. We were in Christ before time began.

We are usually taught, God created a brand-new spirit at the point of conception, or at the point of birth, theologians weren’t quite sure which point. That’s when you began so they say, but the Bible doesn’t teach that at all.

Saved us, called us with a holy calling, not according to our works but according to his own purpose which was given to us as a person in Christ Jesus before the world began. This verse tells us that he gave us a calling and purpose before we were born a human being.

We need to understand how God creates. We were first in the mind and the heart of God, then he spoke us into existence in the vast kingdom of heaven, then there came a time when our spirit, had the privilege of coming to earth.

We were chosen and agreed to come to the earth for the purpose of receiving the D.N.A of God, the incorruptible seed of God into our spirit, which under the right conditions will grow into a full-grown male or female son of God but we forgot, just like we will forget the sorrows and pains of this life in the next.

Jesus was the first to achieve all that God intended for us. He laid down his equality with the Father and then was born into this world. He then began to grow and develop and his life became the pattern for us to attain sonship.

He then laid down his life on the cross and was raised the first born from the dead, becoming the second man, a whole new race of beings that never existed in heaven or earth before. Then the graves were opened and many of the saints in the Old Testament were raised from the dead.

In the time realm when Jesus was raised from the dead, it became an eternal event so that it existed before time began.

God saved us in Christ before he lost us in Adam. When our spirit comes into the womb of our mother, it becomes clothed with flesh and the soul is produced. In our spirit is the scroll of our destiny and our spirit is awakened through the conception of the seed of God into it, where our spirit becomes conscious of God.

Once our spirit becomes alive unto God, we enter into a whole new realm of existence. As our spirit begins to grow and develop it becomes awakened to its destiny as the revelation doorway in our spirit begins to open.

It was agreed upon in heaven that we would come to earth and that we would be given the choice to walk upon the pathway of the tree of life. It is the pathway that leads to sonship, ruling and reigning with Christ inheriting the kingdom that will expand and fill all of creation.

We were chosen to be born in this generation, and as we begin to awaken to our destiny, desire is birthed in us to become willing to go through the transformation process, to become conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.