Altogether faithful

Let the words of the Lord be in thy mouth continually. Day unto day and night unto night, glorify ye the Lord in song and praise. How near is the Lord unto thee and how mindful of thee. He hath engraven thee upon the palms of His hands. He hath forsaken thee not. Yea, thou mayest forget; a mother may forget her sucking child, but He shall not forget thee. The Lord is with thee to give thee strength, to lift thee up in thy spirit. Behold, in all the pressures and battles that you face, He is the present and the constant help. His words are altogether faithful. He sustaineth His own in love. He is faithful to His love to thee, and His mercies are renewed every morning. He girdeth thee with His strength. He watcheth over thee with His eye and guideth thee continually. Oh, trust ye in the Lord, rest in Him, make thy confidence rest firmly on His Word. Waver not in thy spirit, the Lord is with thee that thou shouldst trust Him. Let the spirit within thee look unto the Lord, day unto day, as the plant looketh unto the sun. Draw ye His strength, be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Thou art His people and His heritage. Glorify ye the Lord, trust in Him. Amen.

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