The new Joshua generation

Thou art as those who have gone forth and have spied out the land and have seen it when it was not to be seen and have seen what the Lord hath brought up in thy midst, and He has surely led thee into it. Even as the Lord hath destroyed out from among thee the murmurers, as among Joshua or among the people of Moses, the murmurers, even so in this day hath the Lord destroyed out from among thee those who would murmur in His sight. Even as they went forth into the wilderness, the Lord did raise up a new generation of people unto Him.

This is a day of new beginnings unto thee, for thou art surely that new generation. The Lord spoke, even as He spoke unto Joshua, He required nothing of him, but that he would give his heart totally unto Him. Even the people, as they walked with Joshua, required nothing of Joshua, only that they would know in their hearts that it would be revealed unto them that the Lord was with them. Surely, it was revealed unto them, and surely it was revealed unto thee in this day, that the Lord hath raised up among thee even a Joshua in this hour.

As He leads thee forth in this hour, and as thou has required nothing of him and shall require nothing of him, but that the Lord is with him, that thou shalt see the Lord with him and thou shalt move with him and thou shalt be submissive unto him; even as it was in that day, even shall it be in this day, that there shall be a carefulness from among the people of God. For the Lord shall destroy, among even the people of the Lord, those who will touch the accursed thing. And if there are those among you who would still look unto the accursed thing in this hour, the Lord shall judge thee for it. But if thou shalt just look unto the Lord and walk wholly with Him and walk wholly with those whom the Lord hath set before thee, surely the Lord shall give thee all that thy feet shall trod upon. Even as it was that which the Lord gave unto them, only that which their feet trod upon, even so it shall be in this day. For the Lord worketh not sovereignly in this day, and worketh not even sovereignly with the Joshua whom He has raised up. For surely, did not Joshua use the princes and the officers of the land and those who were submissive unto the Lord? Did he not use them constantly to do battle, to bring down the Canaanites and to bring the full inheritance of the land unto those whom the Lord had raised up in that hour? Surely it shall be in this day also.

Thou shalt go forth upon the land—all that thy feet shall tread upon the Lord shall give unto thee as an inheritance, for He has promised it unto thee. Yea, as the rivers come before thee, even as the Jordon came before those, even as the things and circumstances come before thee; only as thou shalt put thy foot in the water, surely the waters shall part and thou shalt go through it. For there shall no circumstance come upon thee that the Lord shall not part before thee, for the Lord hath given thee the land for an inheritance. Only be thou submissive unto the Lord and touch not the accursed thing in this day. Let thy heart be wholly given unto the Lord, and the Lord shall bless thee in it.

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