The true worshiper

But the hour cometh and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for such doth the Father seek to be his worshippers. John 4:23.

 We may have a lot of problems and battles. But even if we could solve twelve different problems for you—before the month was out the devil would add twelve more.

But we can defeat the devil and bypass all of those problems by coming into the will of God as a worshiper of the Lord. The devil is only trying to keep you from being a worshiper of the Lord! He knows the Father is seeking those worshipers.

You say, “I thought we went to church to work for God.” The churches are full of workers who don’t know anything about worship.

 That’s the main way they keep people: give them a job, let them do something, keep them busy with busy work. They do it to kindergarten children and they do it to people who go to church—give them busy work to keep them occupied. That’s not the right way to hold people.

To be a worker without being a worshiper is to give God nothing. But I want to be a worshiper first of all and then let my work flow out. Everything I do, everything I say, everything I am—I worship God in it. That’s important.

Satan doesn’t care if the work is done if it doesn’t have an anointing on it. But he is trying to keep you from being a worshiper, for that is the one thing God is after.

So you can bypass all the successive stages and just say, “Lord, here I am. I want to worship You. I want to break through.”

If we have a war with Satan, we’ll pick the battle ground and the weapons. We’ll not fight over doctrine, over doing such and such a work, over this issue or that. No, we’ll battle over our being worshipers. That’s the one thing Satan is trying to prevent. When we break through into worship, we’ve won the battle—everything is ours.

When you come to communion there may be a lot of things in the church or in your lives that you could wish God would work out for you. I do too. Yet, I have gratitude in my heart that I am a worshiper of the Lord. And I’m glad we’re part of a church that breaks through and worships the Lord. We are banded together as worshipers.

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