The gift of victory

Have you ever been in a situation in which you felt that in every way it was what God had for you; it was your heritage?

At such a time Satan will invariably try to distract you from it, and see if you’ll accept something less. He’s trying to convince you to give back the dollar and take a quarter.

He’ll short-change you if possible and con you into something less. You’ll miss a lot of trouble in this world if you learn to walk with God and don’t believe even one tenth of what the devil tells you, for he comes to condition you and bring a lie.

 You’ll be ahead to believe the prophecies proclaiming that God is going to manifest His victory. Because this is a word from the Lord, it witnesses to your heart. The Lord is working something in us to claim perfect victory and not anything less. The victory is upon us if we can just voice it and say, “I believe it; I accept it; it’s mine.” and walk in it.

Satan is going to be put in the abyss and it will probably be in our generation. Keep voicing it and praising God for it. You’d better be worth your salt in the meantime. Get in there, shove, and pray. It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks. What does matter is what God thinks and is saying right now.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1. What are we going to do with faith? We’re going to live it out with all our heart. We’d be fools to let go of it. We are blessed with all spiritual blessings and the Lord isn’t going to withhold any good thing from us.

We have the victory. Let’s voice it, claim it, move into it, and say, “In the name of the Lord Jesus I plant my feet in the land of promise.” Take one step in active faith and believe: “Wherever the sole of my foot trods is mine forever.”

Why do we have victory in the Lord? On what basis can we be so sure we have victory? The Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God. Isaiah 52:10. Moffat’s translation reads, “all the ends of the earth shall see how our God gets the victory.”

Isaiah 53 begins, To whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed? … when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. Christ is the arm of the Lord. This is a prophecy of Christ the Messiah, based upon an interesting analogy.

 In ancient times when the armies went to war expecting nothing but bloodshed, they began by making the politicians fight; but the politicians soon decided they would stay in the back lines with the generals, instead of fighting.

When the Philistines camped against Israel, their champion Goliath, who was nine feet tall, came out challenging the Israelites.

In this war one champion of each army was to fight and the entire army of the defeated one would automatically accept a defeat. If you remember, the invading army of the Philistines were stronger than the Israelites, but they were bowed by the defeat they suffered at the hands of one man—little seventeen-year-old David with his sling-shot.

When God wanted to fight the biggest battle of all—the conflict of the ages centered on all the forces of Satan against the forces of humanity—He chose one champion to come against the Goliath of sin; and He defeated him.

When Christ defeated Satan on His cross, He defeated all principalities and powers. It was all finished; Christ won the victory for us. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. I Corinthians 15:57. Christ won the battle and He gave us the victory.

Jacob’s thigh was dislocated when he wrestled all night with the Lord, but he kept hanging on and limped away with the blessing. He lost the wrestling match, but what a beautiful defeat. When you wrestle with God and limp away defeated, you’re blessed because He always gives you something special.

If you’re defeated, stop struggling for the victory; believe in it, accept it as a gift.

There was a boy who was trying to learn to float. He’d go into the water every day, stiffen up and sink like a rock. There was a Scripture quoted from I Chronicles, “Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: for the battle is not yours but the Lord’s.” When someone came along and asked, “What are you doing, trying to drown yourself?”

 The boy said, “I’m trying to learn to float.” They told him, “Relax, cast all your weight upon the water. It will hold you up. Trust it.” So he sprawled out, relaxed, and when the tension and the struggle were gone, he could float.

Many people are still struggling for victory instead of just casting themselves upon the Lord. He will help you. For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that hath overcometh the world, even our faith. I John 5:4.

Just rest in Him. Victory, or the overcoming life, is not a matter of self-discipline, but a personal acceptance of Christ’s victory for you. That’s the way you overcome everything—by the grace of God. Is there a habit you want to overcome? You can do it in that manner.

You can destroy forever the idea that a lot of huff and puff and groaning is required to defeat the devil. He’s already defeated. You withdraw from fighting him and say, “I won’t fight you, you’re already defeated. Jesus fought and overcame you.”

Our battle is a battle of faith, the absolute acceptance of the victory of Jesus Christ. If you think that’s not a fight you’ve got another thought to think.

Satan will bring symptoms and signs to make you feel absolutely defeated. He’ll throw thoughts and emotions and circumstances at you. The whole world lieth under the power of the evil one (I John 5:19). He’s deceived the whole world, but we’re not deceived.

 We’re more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Take your position. Take your place in the victory of Jesus and don’t let anything make you waver.

We’re claiming the victory, so let’s claim it perfectly. Let the Christ that is in this body of people be that which Satan comes against and so let him be defeated. Let him encounter the Master, the Lord, the Victor who gives and assures forever our victory and our release. We must humble ourselves before the Lord Jesus Christ.


Let this be a day of submission unto thee, O Lord, a day of deep repentance. Thou knowest the hearts of men. Give us grace and mercy. Grant to us, Lord, as we humble ourselves before Thee, to whom all things are bare, that there shall be, O God, mercy and grace.

Give us release for we stand in Thy name. We build our defenses in Thee. Thy name is our refuge and our high tower. We have nothing else to trust in except Thee. We lean upon nothing else but Thee, for we believe fully in Thy great provision for us and Thy victory for us in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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