Mercy and judgment

It is written in the Word, The merciful man doeth good to his own soul; But he that is cruel troubleth his own flesh. Proverbs 11:17.

Doth not the Lord declare that this is His Word: as thou shalt show mercy, art thou not bringing blessing upon thyself? Are you not doing good for your own soul when your heart goeth out in love and mercy? Let there be longsuffering. Let there be not vengeance in thine heart; vengeance belongeth to the Lord and He will repay. (Romans 12:19).

But thou shalt love thine enemy. Thou shalt not return in kind to him that mistreateth thee; thou shalt show mercy, for the Lord is with thee. Yea, put not thy hand to it, for if thine hand shall be offensive, if thou shalt be given to vengeance and retaliation, then the mercy is not in thy spirit. Commit thy cause unto the Lord and be merciful, for the Lord shall bless thee and thou shalt be doing good to thine own soul; ye shall be blessing your own life. If thou shalt be cruel, it shall not be so with thee, but thou shalt be troubling thine own flesh and bringing upon thine own head days of calamity and disaster.

Let the anointing of the Lord be upon thee that thou shalt be filled with the lovingkindness of the Lord. His mercy endureth forever; His mercy is renewed every morning. Thou shalt look to the Lord, and say, “Bless the name of the Lord, so shall I reflect His love. I shall show mercy, even as He showeth mercy. I shall be perfect, even as my Heavenly Father is perfect. I shall be merciful, even as the Heavenly Father is merciful.”

So shall the Lord establish this house, and who shall destroy? Who shall take away? Who shall pull down that upon which the Lord raineth His mercy? Amen.

Judgment hath been given over unto the saints of the Most High, but in these days shalt thou be known as those who walk in judgment? Nay, thou shalt be known as those who are the merciful; those who walk forth in the mercy of the Lord, and it shall not be a thing which is contradictory. For thou shalt walk forth in the judgment of the Lord, and He hath given it over unto thee, because He hath worked upon thy spirit until it hath been made right before His sight.

But shall He reveal unto thee the things which require judging, without revealing unto thee the thing of mercy in thine heart? For thou must have the deepest mercy in thine heart, even that mercy which cometh from the Lord. And thou shalt see a thing, and everything that thou shalt do in thine heart, in thy mind and in thy walk before the Lord—everything that thou shalt set thy mind to do shall be tempered with the mercy that the Lord hath put in thy spirit. Thou shalt look at a thing and the Lord shall reveal unto thee a horror of it and thou shalt say, “What is it I shall do, Lord?” And the mercy which the Lord hath worked in thine heart shall temper the thing. Thou shalt not be “wishy-washy” in any way, but the deep mercy that the Lord hath worked within thee shall temper all thy doings and all that is in thy spirit in this day. Yea, surely thou shalt walk forth in judgment, but that which the Lord revealeth unto thee very deeply in thy spirit shall be the mercy of the Lord in this hour.

Behold how judgment is committed unto thine hands, if thou shalt walk in the mercy of the Lord. Behold how the judgment is committed to the saints of the Most High, and thou shalt execute the judgment that is written. Yea, it shall not be within thine heart that ye should judge, but it shall be in thine heart that ye shall extend mercy and be that channel of the Lord that shall minister blessing and judgment in the name of the Lord.

Behold how it is committed into thine hand, and ye shall walk forth with it and it shall flow forth from thy very being. Yet thou shalt have mercy in thine heart toward everyone whom ye would meet—that when the Lord speaketh that the judgment should go forth, yet ye shall say that there shall be mercy in the midst of judgment.

For the Lord shall be glorified in this hour by mercy and by judgment, but thou shalt be the channel that the Lord shall use. Let thine heart be merciful unto thy brethren and unto the person in the world. Yea, let thine heart be extended in love, for the Lord is with thee this day.

For it is written that if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Heavenly Father forgive your trespasses. (Matthew 6:15). And thou shall be mindful to not only minister grace unto thine immediate companions, but thou shalt have a heart full of the mercy of God that shall minister the grace and forgiveness wherever thou shalt see a need and a lack.

Behold it is an hour when nation rises to fight against nation, and kingdom against kingdom—it is a day in which the enemy stirreth up hatred among the hearts of men, but thou shalt be those that are set in the earth that walk in the love of God.

Yea, what shall be the sign upon the house of the Lord in this hour? It shall show thy dedication to walk before thy God. Is it not written and was it not spoken by thy Lord, By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. John 13:35. Thine heart shall show love and mercy. For the Lord shall surely continue to bring the lame and the halt and the blind, and He shall bring those that are outcasts and those that have been judged and rejected by men, but thou shalt draw upon the love of God and meet their need. This is thy day to show love in the house of the Lord. Amen.

This day the Lord is giving unto us a new understanding of how mercy and judgment are to be in our hearts. And the scripture came to mind, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Jesus said, The hour cometh, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God; and they that hear shall live. For as the Father hath life in himself, even so gave he to the Son also to have life in himself: and he gave him authority to execute judgment, because he is a son of man. Marvel not at this: for the hour cometh, in which all that are in the tombs shall hear his voice, and shall come forth. John 5:25–29.

Jesus is telling how He came to give them life and blessing, but that the Father also put judgment in His hand. This is a day that the Lord will bless you—you will not go out with vengeance, but you will go out to speak the word of God’s deliverance in this day.

Think not that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, on whom you have set your hope. For if ye believed Moses, ye would believe me. John 5:45, 46a. Jesus said, “I will not be the one to accuse you, but the word that I have spoken will judge you in the last day.” (John 12:48).

We do not really appreciate that God has committed to us a living word; and we are to speak that word with mercy and with grace. We do not need to worry about the consequences; the hypocrites in the church, or about devil power and witches outside; for the very word that God has spoken is the word of Christ by which He will judge in the last day. There will be those that will listen, those that hear it and open their hearts for the mercy of God—and as they open their hearts to show mercy, they will survive, they will live and will be immune from the judgments that are coming. For those who reject that word, it will be like a rock that breaks them. It will fall on them and crush them, because the very word judges them. You will walk in this with all of your heart, or you will give an account for the words you have heard. And this “give an account” will not be in the “sweet by and by.”

Every day we are being transformed by the word that is coming. We hear it and we are being changed. Something happens to your spirit when you hear the sermons in the Spirit. If you don’t hear the words in the Spirit, something else will happen to your spirit: you will wither and die. This word is life and it is death. You will speak the word of God, and it will be mercy and grace to those that hear; and it will be death and judgment to those that won’t hear it—and the religious phonies will be the leaders of that parade.

Do not take this word with a hypocritical heart; be honest. That is why God is blessing the young people in this church so much—no matter what they’ve done, they come right out and lay it right on the line. God grant that you never become so super-spiritual that you think there is a spiritual status that you have to maintain, and that you can’t admit it when you become crushed, or you stumble and fall. Lay it on the line; be honest before God; be merciful, filled with grace. Let there be no hypocrisy or deceit and God will bless this house; and the love will flow and the living word will go to the ends of the earth. Judgment will begin from the house of the Lord.

O Lord Jesus, we see something merciful that You are giving us; another word to help us; and how we will open our hearts to it. Lord give us grace to be merciful. Take out of us, vindictiveness, and every root of bitterness, and everything in which we are unforgiving, and lo, let us be like our Heavenly Father, merciful. Amen.

This is the day of victory. Let thy heart not be dismayed at that which the enemy would bring against thee for the Lord has spoken victory. Therefore let His people speak victory. Had the Lord not spoken victory then our heart should not cry victory. But because the Lord has spoken peace and victory therefore shall we proclaim peace and victory. If the Lord had said “struggle and proclaim war”, then should we struggle and proclaim war. But the Lord hath declared the battle is thine. I’ve brought thee into a new plane. I’ve chosen thee and I’ve given thee my word. Therefore let our hearts say “Amen”. Let us be glad in the victory that the Lord bringeth. For the Lord bringeth a victory though the illusion the enemy would bring to thee is one of defeat or conflict. But thou art not defeated. And behold, let not thy heart say it is conflict when the Lord proclaims victory. Thou shalt rise up and proclaim the name of the Lord, until it fills the whole earth. Let the hearts rejoice in Him. Let the people be glad. He established their way, He directs their path. He strengthens their hands. He causes them to go forth as the expression of His victory in the earth. Amen.

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