Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might

Let the children of the Lord rejoice because the Lord hath redeemed them out of the hand of the enemy. No more shall they bow their back unto a master that is not the Lord. All lords that have had dominion over them have been broken, and the Lord alone is exalted before their eyes.

Therefore let God’s people cast off their bondages; let them cast off their fears. Let them throw aside the thoughts of limitations and restrictions, for the walls shall come down; the limits for thy horizons shall disappear.

The Lord shall cause thine eye to see things that thou hast not beheld before, that you may arise and walk in them.

Oh, be blessed in the Lord for it is not a day of perishing, but it is the day of blessing. It is not a time of wasting away, but it is a time of being established in the Lord. It is a season of refreshing that comes from the Lord, when the Lord shall cause thee to stand and not to fall. He shall cause thee to advance and not to retreat.

 He shall bring forth His strength and thou shalt be glad for the wisdom of the Lord that shall compass thee about to teach thee the way that you ought to go. For it is a day that God’s people shall be blessed indeed.

Yea, did not the prophets speak to the children of Israel in the day that they did put their trust in the chariots of Egypt? And behold, he said that they should be confounded and brought to naught. Blessed are they that shall not trust in silver or gold, neither shall they trust in horses or chariots. But their dependence shall be upon the Lord.

Yea, thou shalt not look at all of the things about thee and say, “In these do I take refuge,” but take refuge in the Lord, Who shall be thy fortress and thy strength. He shall be the One that shall cause thee in the day of battle to be immune from assault.

Though a thousand fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand, it shall not befall thee. Thou shall not fear the arrow that flieth by day nor the terror by night, but thou shalt be established in the Lord, who is thy fortress and strength. Under His wings shalt thou trust. His truth shall be thy shield and buckler. The Lord shall be thy stay in the day of adversity. Thou shalt trust Him with all of thine heart.

Arise and enter in, for blessings are upon thee, O house of God. The Lord is thy security: He is thy fortress, He is thy refuge, He is thy strength, He is thy high tower in the day of assault. It is the Lord that delivers His people.

Let the people of the Lord rejoice and let them be astonished at the greatness of the Lord. For doth not the Lord make the conclusion of the whole matter in thine own hand, and He saith unto thee, Arise and prophesy against Babylon. Yea, arise and prophesy against principalities and powers.

 Move out, and though thou be the feeblest among the saints, yet if thou shalt believe in thine heart, shall not the name of the Lord Jesus Christ within thy mouth bring down all of the hosts of the enemy that cometh against thee?

Be girded about with the strength of the Lord and take the shield of faith and the word of God in thy mouth shall bring down all that which cometh against thee and give thee the victory in this day of visitation.

It is a day that the Lord should say, “Will you dwell in fears? Will you draw back from the thing that God has spoken unto thee?” He has spoken of days of rejoicing and singing. He has spoken again of the songs of Miriam upon the shores of the victorious walk that the Lord has given thee. He has spoken how that the enemy shall be cast down that troubled thee, the spirits that have oppressed thee in this hour.

And even though that thou should see the governing ominous signs of witchcraft and sorcery and satanism in the earth, thou shalt not be dismayed, for the Lord shall have His testimony, and it shall go forth. Yea, the word shall be published and men and women shall turn unto the Lord; they shall cling unto the word that He gives.

Wilt thou be dismayed at the gathering clouds that shall bring judgment upon the earth, or wilt thou look unto the Lord that bringeth unto thee surely a new day of victory and rejoicing?

Put away fear from thy heart. It is not good that the people of the Lord shall dwell in fear, and that unbelief shall fill their hearts and minds. It is not good that they should waver in the day of battle, but it is good that their hands should be set to the battle, and that their hands should cleave to the sword and that there shall be more willingness in them for they shall draw their strength from the living God, and that they should go forward, for the victory is ordained of the Lord. Wherefore faint not in the day of adversity, but be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.

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