Save yourself from this generation

It is the day that the Lord hath brought forth to the earth. Let not any heart be heavy; but let them be diligent to press into the things that God hath provided for thy deliverance.

Remember ye the words of the Apostle Peter, when he cried, “Save yourselves from this untoward generation.” So it shall be in this hour that God shall exhort thee, and He shall say, “Save yourself from this generation.”

What has a day brought forth like unto the days of Noah? The Lord hath seen it, like unto the days of Sodom and Gomorrah; yet the Lord hath brought forth a people in this hour that shall walk in purity. Their righteous souls shall be vexed with the ungodliness about them, but they shall not be partakers of the earth’s judgments, neither shall they be partakers of Babylon’s judgments when God judgeth her in one hour.

Let your heart believe for fullness. Let your heart believe for the things that God hath preserved for you. Yea, they are reserved for you personally, that ye may walk in them, that ye may rejoice in them.

Let the Lord be thy shield and buckler. Let Him be thy high fortress. Let the Lord be thy strength; and in the midst of all the battle, let Him be thy shade upon thy right hand. Trust ye in the Lord with all of your heart. Lift up your heart beyond that place of understanding the problem or the need, and trust the Lord. Yea, put thy confidence in the Lord.

It is better to put thy trust in the Lord than all the thousands of this earth, for the arm of flesh can fail thee, but the Lord shall not fail thee. The everlasting arms shall bear thee up; yea, thy heart may wholly lean upon them safely. He shall deliver thee in the day of adversity. He shall bring thee forth a light unto thy path in the day of darkness. He shall direct thee when thou knowest not the way to go. He is the Lord that holdeth all thy days in His hand, who has seen thee and known thee before the foundation of the earth. Is He not a great and marvelous Redeemer of thy soul that shall surely bless thee?

Let the heart look unto the Lord this day. Let there be faith. How many have turned away from the Lord, and said, “God heareth not,” but yea, in this thy heart trusteth, Thy God heareth thee. His eye is upon thee continually. He faileth thee not. Beyond thine understanding let thy heart rest in this, that thy God is with thee. The miracle of His presence forsaketh thee not. Behold, there’s no end of His mercies. He is diligent on thy behalf. He shall bring thee forth, even if thou shall stumble many times, the Lord shall hold thee up for He is able to make you to stand. Amen.

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