It is the day of the victory of the Lord. It comes forth unto us in a manner we have not seen here before. Let not your heart be dismayed.
No longer, no longer look for the signs of rain. No longer look for the cloud the size of a man’s hand; but stand ye and shout to the heavens and it shall rain.
Look to the Lord, and there shall be a day of deliverance and a day of victory. And it shall not be because there are ominous portents that it cometh, but it shall be because thou shalt declare it in the name of the Lord.
Speak the word of the Lord and let it come forth. Yea, even as the word of the Lord is in thy mouth, doth He not call things that are not as though they were?
Do you understand that the worlds were made by the word of God so that the thing that appear were not made of things that do appear?
The Lord is with thee to cause thee to understand that thou shalt speak the word, speak the word, prophesy—and there shall be the bringing forth of this thing that God doeth in the earth.