The Lord is faithful

Thou shall not say in thy heart that the Lord hath rejected thee, that He looketh not upon thy condition.

Thou shalt not say in thy heart, “I am forgotten of the Lord. He remembereth me not.” Thou shalt say in thy heart, “Behold, the Lord is faithful.

If I wander in the way of the disobedient, surely I will be chastened; but the Lord is faithful who remembereth all the purposes of His heart toward me. He remembereth every word of His mouth that hath come forth concerning me. Yea, and He shall perfect that which concerneth me.” This shall be the boast of thy heart that in the midst of all the rebellion and disobedience, doth not the Lord also see thy need, doth He not know thee and did He not know it in days past when He chose thee and said, “Thou shalt walk before me.”

This is the day when thou shalt determine in thy heart one thing: “I shall be blessed. I shall seek the face of the Lord, for the Lord is full of mercy and tender kindness and He shall see my need. He shall hear my groanings, and behold, all of the bondage shall endure but for a moment. The Lord shall be my liberator and set me free.” Yes, let those that are weak arise and strengthen themselves in the Lord and those that are oppressed arise and throw off the oppression. Let those that are blind anoint their eyes with eyesalve of the Spirit that they may see. Let the deaf ear be anointed that it may hear. Rebuke the oppressing spirit and thou shalt be delivered from it. Open your heart unto the Lord for there is a day of victory, a day of release. Say not even in thine heart, “Tomorrow;” but say, “Today, and my soul claimeth it in the name of the Lord.” Amen.

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