Lucifer fell because of pride

The angles that did not fall with Lucifer are humility personified, the moment God speaks- their attitude is, yes sir and instantly obey. Their obedience is mechanical (lacking human qualities). They were created to be God’s servants and His male and female son’s servants

Our obedience to the Lord is a participation in HIS DIVINE NATURE. God created us with the freedom of choice. That is why there were two trees in the Garden.

Partaking of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil symbolizes choosing what we think is best for us, and not doing what we think is not good for us, it is living independent of God.

God gave Adam one command; Do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. Why? Because, if they ate of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil they would die.

Did God punish Adam for eating of that tree? No, God never punishes people. Did you get that? God never, I repeat to you never, never, never punishes people, but humans interpret that God does. Why? Because the human, which is another way of saying the carnal mind is at enmity with God. Why? Because God cannot have fellowship with the flesh. That is like a human being having fellowship and playing with a poisonous snake.

In our human fallen condition we are incompatible with God. Humans are unable to exist, cooperate, function, or get along with God because of basic differences.

God never punishes his children for disobedience; He disciplines them for their own good. Because what they are doing is going to hurt them and others. He does not want to see his children hurt themselves.

There are certain spiritual and natural laws that are in existence that cannot change. Like gravity, when you jump off something you are going to fall. What a person sows he will reap. If you sow to the Spirit you will reap life. If you sow to the flesh you will reap corruption, you will die.

God said Adam, I command you not to eat of the flesh or you will die. Why? Because after he did, he did not have that Spirit to spirit connection with God where the life of God was flowing into his body quickening it. To quicken means to be made alive with the life of another, referring to the life of God.

So my definition of the flesh is that union of soul and body that acts independently of God, the partaking of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

Adam was not deceived, he ate of the tree because he loved Eve more than The Father, and could not bear the thought of being separated from her, and decided to grow old together with her, what He did not realize was how it would affect his relationship with the Father, because now he was incompatible with the Father and was driven out of the garden so that he could not eat of the tree of life and live forever, in that condition.

Now there are two Cherubim who guard the glory of God and a flaming sword that turns every way to guard the way to the tree of the life. It is now called the way to the tree of life.

You have to go through the fire, to get on the path way to the tree of life.

The baptism of fire removes all the demons that feed off our flesh, and removes the damages of sin, the hurts and pains, the inner healing we need to feel fully accepted by God.

And then we begin to walk on the pathway to the tree of life. The pathway is living by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God to us and as we walk and obey we participate and grow in the divine nature into the fullness of the stature of Jesus Christ and become conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the tree of Life.

God resists the proud. We have all experienced pride at one time or another. Pride breaks our connection with the Father.

 Psalm 34:18  The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; And saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.

Psalm 51:17   The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: A broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

These scriptures are talking about having a humble heart and spirit. It is the most important quality we can have, and helps led us into sonship. But pride is the opposite that leads to the manifestation of a son of a devil.

So that is why I believe that pride is the worst sin a person commits. Pride governs all other sins, because if a person commits adultery, steals, kills someone or even lies, they feel sorry and God can grant them repentance. But pride hardens the heart where people refuse to repent, or their heart is so hard because of it, that they could care less.

When you talk about what is the worst sin a person can commit to a Christian, the first thought that hits their mind is Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit because it says there is no forgiveness.

And the reason for this besides fear is the fact that they do not understand what it means. There is only one verse in the bible where this phrase is used, think about it. If it is such a terrible sin, why would only one verse in the entire bible refer to it? How many verses in the bible talk about pride? I just counted 64 times the word pride is mentioned in the King James Bible. But there are a lot of other words that describe pride that I don’t have the time to try and count.

Matthew 12: 31 “Therefore I say to you, any sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven people, but blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven. 32 Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, either in this age or in the age to come

Now let’s take a look at the context of this. Jesus is talking to the Pharisee’s not Christians, because that thought does not even enter the minds of sinners.

If a Christian commits this sin, it has nothing to do with their not being saved or losing their salvation.

Matthew 12: 22 Then a demon-possessed man who was blind and mute was brought to Jesus, and He healed him, so that the mute man spoke and saw. 23 All the crowds were amazed, and were saying, “This man cannot be the Son of David, can he?” 24 But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, “This man casts out demons only by Beelzebul the ruler of the demons.”

25 And knowing their thoughts Jesus said to them, “Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and any city or house divided against itself will not stand. 26 If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then will his kingdom stand?

The Pharisee’s were so full of pride that their thinking was insane.

Jesus said this sin would not be forgiven in the age that he was in, and the church age that we are now in.

Most Christians think the age to come is talking about the age to come, the future- like in forever. It is talking about the time we are living in now. The next age is the Kingdom and the devil won’t even be around, he will be bound for a thousand years.

But what does the word forgiven even mean; let us take a look at it in the Greek.

The word forgiven (aphiemi) is a compound of two words.

The first word is (apo) which means OFF or AWAY.

The second word is (hiemi) which means TO SEND OR GO.

The word forgiven means to send the force or power of sin away from you so that it does not exist.

The priests in the Old Testament would lay hands on a goat and confess the sins of the people over it, and send it out into the wilderness so that they were never aware of it again.

Jesus died as us on the cross and then sent the Holy Spirit to minister the provision of the cross to us.

We cannot receive the forgiveness that Jesus has so freely provided if we call the work of the Holy Spirit the work of the Devil.

We cannot receive the forgiveness, the deliverance, the healing that is rightly ours in Christ. So that it is no longer on us or clings to us, but is as far as the east is from the west.

And it is the Christian that is in Christ that worries about committing this sin.

I remember when I use to think that speaking in tongues was of the Devil. That is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, does that mean I wasn’t saved, of course not. But I was missing out on one of the most powerful benefits of the Cross.

I use to think that those Christians who believed in miracles, and healing were crazy. But the church I was going to was boring. But I was still struggling trying to quit drinking and smoking dope and unfortunately told the Baptist preacher I was having a problem with it and he ended up kicking me out of his Church.

Then I started listening to Kenneth Copeland with a friend and we use to put on his tapes while we were cruising around in his car and getting high.

So we decided lets go check out a Pentecostal church, Kenneth Copland motto back then was Jesus is Lord and the bible says you cannot say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit.

 So we decided to go to a Word of faith Church, and of course we were high. And the usher was so full of the love and the joy of the Lord that we were totally convicted and left the service, we couldn’t stay there under the influence of Drugs. But we came back next week clean and sober and joined the church. Then I got baptized all by myself in my bedroom with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues.

We’ll along comes the Baptist preacher with one of his deacons and they are now going to restore me back into the Church, and they didn’t even know that I was free from drinking and drugs at the time they visited me.

We’ll I told him, it’s too late, I got baptized in the Spirit and I speak in tongues and I have never had such love and joy in my Life, I couldn’t wait to go to my new church.

When I pray in tongues my spirit gets strong and I build a house for God to live in, and I feel the presence of God, it brings me closer to God, why in the world would I want to live without that benefit that Jesus provided for me on the Cross.

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