Rejoice, for all things are made new

The Lord filleth the mouth of His people with joy and rejoicing. When they cry unto Him, “What shall we say, Lord? What shall we prophesy?” The Lord says, “Let your heart be glad and prophesy the victory of the Lord.” Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Let not your hearts waver, let them not be fearful. For there are many things that God hath brought forth and ye shall walk in them. Let your hearts rejoice for the goodness of the Lord and His mercy hath been extended unto thee.

Thou shall not be filled with lamentation, though judgment comes to the earth and though the old age ends with God calling every man to question. Yet thy heart hath been brought to the day of joy and rejoicing. Rejoice that the judgments of the Lord have come. Rejoice that the Lord hath brought unto thee deliverance, that He has searched thy heart, that He has removed the iniquity from thee to cause thee to stand in the midst of His presence and of His grace. Rejoice in it and be glad. It is the day of victory. It is not a day of lamentation for the people of God. Let their hearts be glad, let them rejoice, for all things are being made new for them.

Do they not enter into things prepared for them before the foundation of the world? A day of destiny has rested upon their shoulders, yet they are not diverse from all the people before them or their brothers and sisters in Christ from the generations past. Yet shall they walk in signs and wonders, not because they are superior to those that have gone before, but because God made them a people of destiny and He hath made them an instrument in His hand to bring forth His word and His glory in the earth. Amen.

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