Kicking a habit

One of the quickest ways to get a thing out of your system is to go on a fast. It will remove every kind of poison—drug addiction, even nicotine from you, if you really fast. But stay away from your habit, even if you are climbing the walls. Just recognize that you really will go through it, so try to distract yourself in simple, harmless ways such as taking hot and cold showers, or putting ice packs on your head or some part of your body as long as you can bear it. Nothing throws off demonic oppression faster than a contrast of temperature. It would be good to take a walk. Also, you could increase the heat in a room until you sweat, profusely, to help clear something out of your system.

Think of a way to speak the judgment of God upon the situation that is oppressing you. Don’t use the name of the Lord in vain, but with complete condemnation in your mind and in your spirit let you anger build up your will in God, using every invective that you know, to come against that thing. Rise up and claim the name of Jesus Christ as an answer for your need. Realize it is something that is in your system; but also, “Greater is He who is in you (the Holy Spirit) than he who is in the world.” I John 4:4. God will put within you a desire to do His will and you can shake any habit. You can leave it by the grace of God.

While you are fasting, drink only water. Get bottled water so that you don’t have to taste the chemicals in tap water. You don’t have to drink too much, but drink enough. Don’t eat anything. Spend as much time as you can praying. While fasting, your ideas, attitudes, everything will change.

First, you will hit a despair. There is a certain buildup that you receive from food, which is a stimulant in itself. When you get rid of that, you become depressed and discouraged. At that moment you will begin to realize what true faith is. Start reading the Word and God will bring real faith to you, and you can start reaching up to God and claiming something. Rather than fast only a day or a meal, go on it for days. You may think to break it after a few days, but be sure you want to break it; it will be the best thing that ever happened to you. Out of it will come a clear vision, a clear revelation of what God wants you to do. You cannot do anything better than to fast and pray over a situation.

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