
Most of us do not realize the power of revelation. Revelation knowledge is an impartation by the Spirit of God; it is an impartation of understanding. God imparts himself in the revelation, so that we personally encounter him.

 Epi-gnosis is knowledge from God which flows through our spirit into our soul filling our soul so that we experience it. It opens the eyes of our spirit and the eyes of our soul. God manifests himself in this knowledge so that our emotions feel him, our imagination sees him and our mind experiences the essence of his Spirit through the infilling of God into our mind.

 In the Greek they have two words for knowledge gnosis and epi-gnosis. Gnosis is intellectual knowledge. Gnosis is self-knowledge, knowledge that centers in our mind. It is a general knowledge and is the knowledge that is programmed into our brain, which includes the knowledge of God, but this knowledge centers in our intellect, it is not experiential knowledge, but theory.

Epi-gnosis means knowledge by revelation or impartation. It is knowledge in which we participate in it. It is an experiential thing. Romans 10:2 – they have a zeal of God but not according to epi-gnosis. Not according to knowledge revealed by the Spirit of God.

Many preachers are zealous but what they are speaking does not proceed from the Holy Spirit through their spirit into their mind. They have learned it from others and not through the Holy Spirit opening their eyes so that they experience the essence of it. They are speaking from a knowledge that centers in their self – centers in their mind independent of the Spirit of God and the result is pride. It puffs them up making them feel important. This type of knowledge attracts demons. It has substance that is filled with something other than God.

First Corinthians 8:1 – concerning idols we all have knowledge – gnosis – it is just ordinary knowledge.

Just ordinary knowledge makes us proud.

It is just knowledge until it comes by revelation. We call this self-knowledge something our soul knows but that knowledge is independent of God. It is symbolized by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It is our perception independent of the Spirit of God. This type of knowledge can be inspired by evil spirits. It is the spirit of the world.

When God reveals something to us he imparts himself in that revelation. As Holy Spirit reveals we participate in the Spirit, we partake of the Spirit, what Holy Spirit is inter-penetrates us. We are filled with the Spirit.

Ephesians 1:17 – the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him – epi-gnosis of him, the Spirit of revelation.

We need to understand that when revelation comes to us it is a spiritual thing, it is a spiritual enactment. Something spiritual takes place when revelation comes to us. And a power is released when we receive revelation and that power is a power to enable us to walk in it.

This power only comes when revelation happens. When there is a divine impartation of understanding, then it isn’t just divine understanding but with it there is released a power and that is a power and an enabling to walk in it.

Through revelation knowledge, strength is imparted to our spirit to walk in what God is revealing because we are experiencing it in the revelation.

God will ask us to do things we cannot do in our own human ability. But when it comes by revelation a power is released to walk in it.

 Truth that does not come by revelation is just truth, but not the truth (Jesus); there is no power to walk in it. This is the result of self-knowledge, no divine ability imparted to walk in it.

 It is so important to receive things by revelation. When God gives us a promise a Rhema word, an inheritance word – contained in that promise, is the provision. Provision for that promise is released in revelation.

 When God quickens the word to us, provision is released in the quickening. It may not come instantly into our life but it is there in the spirit realm.

It is set aside and as we take hold of that promise something is released. A promise is not just a promise when it comes by revelation from God. It is a personal word imparted to our spirit; something is released when a promise is given by revelation.

We need to understand what takes place in the spiritual realm when some of these things happen. There is a power that is released for the fulfillment of that promise.

It requires faith and it requires that we take hold of it. But it is released; it is not hard to do because there is something that has been given along with the promise that enables us to walk into it, to walk in it.

Revelation is really important. We need to understand the spirit world, the spirit realm has substance. The spirit realm is more real than this physical world, because the physical world was created from that realm.

The reason we do not walk in revelation, is because of the things in our soul that block, hinder the outworking of that word in our lives.

The soul (mind, emotions, conscience, reason, imagination, will, choice) is where we have the problems, our soul taking dominance in our life.

Our spirit is like a generator, but so also is our soul. The soul can generate. For instance if we get angry we haven’t just gotten angry we have released something. Something comes out from us.

It is like a substance has left us in that anger. And this can clothe other people in it. When a person is wallowing in self-pity, substance leaves them. We don’t want to be around people who have that problem with self-pity because it can begin to envelop us. Because it is not just an attitude it releases a power.

Nobody lives unto themselves and nobody dies unto themselves. We leave a trail wherever we go behind us, which is visible in the spirit realm. Both Angels and spirits in the demonic realms can see our trail very clearly; they can see what we are emanating.