No generation gap here

We get the idea that Titus was a young man (Paul called him his son in the faith), but he wasn’t like Timothy. Titus was a man who could be put in a place and before long something was growing, yet you couldn’t point to what has caused it. He didn’t have any flare you could point to, and say, “This man has great ability.” Wherever he went the churches were set in order and the things that were wanting came forth. This is very necessary.

Our young prophets are very capable; don’t underestimate them. They have a word from the Lord that flows, but that doesn’t mean they’ve solved handicaps that require years of maturity to overcome—simple things that some of the older people solved in their early teens. Yet some of our young folks come in, new to the walk, prophesying and moving, while you older ones hold back. You’re amazed, but you don’t have their courage to try to move in the Lord in the services. Don’t be critical of them; help them in the areas where they’re lacking.

This is a good time for an exchange of ministries. Someone who is more mature can give a church what the young pastors aren’t able to give because of areas of immaturity in their lives; but they, in turn, can give a real word and the true concept of this move. Don’t despise their faults. Simply realize that we have a lot of young people who have matured in one area but not in another. Be patient with them. In moments of discouragement, a few may be drawn back to the drug scene. They will overcome that soon, but we must be patient with them.

Some of these kids have come from backgrounds you wouldn’t believe. Their sense of values must be relearned. I’ve conducted probes with several to try to help them, asking God to give them a conscience of right and wrong. They come into this walk ready to serve God, but still lacking in ideals because of something that was destroyed in their early years. Now they struggle with a sense of inadequacy, of need and lack. But God trains them and brings them forth to be what He’s called them to be.

All of this is to convey an understanding that the ministry of an adult is essential. These young people have a lot of zeal, but they need something to solidify it. They are not being exclusive. They need and want older, seasoned ministries to help them; and the older ministries are willing to lay down their lives for these young men and women, and to give them an opportunity in the ministry.

Don’t talk to me about a generation gap. There isn’t any. We are a people God has blessed, old men dreaming dreams and young men seeing visions (Joel 2:28), prophesying and moving in God.

Our older people will be used to establish churches in the name of the Lord. Sometimes they’ll go in where young men are frustrated because they’ve gone as far as they can and they don’t know what to do next. Then experience can come in with the wisdom God has given, and a church will be balanced. Don’t despise either the gray hairs or the zeal of youth. God is raising it all up together in this hour. Somehow all of it seems to be youthful in His sight because in this new age something young and vital is coming forth in all of us.

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