This is our way of life

This will have to be your way of life. You will have to be prepared to endure, to go on as long as you live. There will have to be a way of drawing strength continually, because the Lord just does not want a spasmodic effort. He wants the consistent, faithful labor which is going to send this gospel of the Kingdom to the ends of the earth.

Some of you are bogged down, just in the routine of daily living. It is a chore to you to get the meals and clean the house; or to go to work, put in eight hours, and come home; then you’re dragging.

 You don’t have the energy for anything more. How are you going to become a bond-servant of the Lord when just the natural routine of life is more than you can handle?

You will have to find ways to step up your energy—to draw that honey from the honeycomb—and the way that you do that is to feed upon the Lord.

Seek His face; learn to draw upon Him, so that you have the strength, the energy and the inspiration. Most of your need is the inspiration to go on. You know that if you get up in the morning inspired, you pitch right in. If you are tired and discouraged, you drag around and lose hours. The key is to learn to just draw, so you keep up that strength in the Lord.

Behold, the time is come that the Lord doth stir up His people. Let none be at ease in Zion, but let them stir themselves as men and women of war.

Let the weak say, “I am strong,” for it is time to beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears and enter into the conflict of the ages: that thou shouldest see the victory of the Lord of lords and the King of kings first come forth within thine own heart; then thou shalt see it round about thee.

Yea, is it not a time that thou shouldest cry with all thy heart, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on the earth as it is in heaven”?

Arise and let the hearts of the people be set upon the Lord, for the King draweth nigh. Yea, the King cometh to Zion again.

Shall not the Lord return unto thee, O thou house of God? Though He hath seemed to tarry long yet the day of His appearing hath come nigh.

Thou shalt rejoice, thou shalt prepare thy heart and gird thy loins. Thou art not children of the night that thou shouldest sleep, but thou art children of the day.

Arise, put on thy armor, O army of the Lord, and enter into the conflict; for in just a little season thou shalt see the glorious victory of the Lord even unto the ends of the earth. Amen.

“Yea, this is the day thou shalt enter in to lay hold upon that for which thou hast been laid hold. Thou shalt reach in with all thy heart.

Thou shalt pronounce woe unto him that is at ease within Zion. You shall say, ‘Cursed be he that doeth the work of the Lord negligently in this hour.

Thou shalt not settle upon thy lees. Thou shalt not be at ease in Zion. Thou shalt not allow thy heart to wax cold according to the love of this age. ‘Because iniquity abounds, their love doth wax cold’: this shall not be written of thee, O house of the Lord; but Ye shall reach in with all of thy heart.

Ye shall draw that fire of God within thee and His words shall be within thy heart as a burning fire shut up in thy bones. Thou shalt be weary with forbearing and thou shalt not contain.

“Ye shall not consider the opinions of men; ye shall not consider what man would say unto thee. But ye shall say as the psalmist of old did say, ‘Yea, I shall put my trust in the Lord and what shall man do unto me?’

 Ye shall not even consider the rebuke or the condemnation which would come from man. But ye shall say, as that apostle, ‘It is a very small thing that I should be judged of you or of man’s judgment. I shall not even judge myself but I shall be faithful to the vision. I shall be faithful to the word. I shall be faithful to that revelation which hath been committed unto me.

 I shall not be disobedient unto the heavenly vision; but I shall walk in that which my God hath shown and made real unto mine heart; that shall be the foundation of my feelings and my thoughts.’

“Yea, and it shall be that the word that shall come forth will shake this age. It shall bring forth a new age. It shall bring forth the Kingdom of God in thy midst.”

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