Let every heart be searched

At the beginning did the Lord not give a Word unto this house, that unconsecrated hands and hearts that were not wholly set upon the Lord were not even to labor upon this building?

 And the Lord set aside even the one who would drive a nail, if he murmured in his spirit. We didn’t even want them to give, for God said there was something to be done wholly unto the Lord; and God blessed this house.

The foundation of the Kingdom was revealed and principles were set before us that will reach the world.

 God was good to let a small handful of people do this—and maybe there will never be too many of us—but God did miracles because we were diligent to do it with a whole heart. They that murmured were cut off from the people of God. They that complained or were half-hearted, withdrawing in their spirit—God cut them off!

The Lord saith unto thee, I have not come to cut thee off, but I have come to call thee to repentance. I have come that thou shalt set thy heart right before the Lord.

Yea, would you send an apostolic company forth and find that in the midst of them there would be murmurers and complainers and criticizers and those that rebel at the way? God shall not do such a thing, for it would be folly. Yea, God said, I shall send thee forth: those that love not their life unto death, those that shall follow the Lamb whithersoever He shall go. For behold, the Lord saith, I seek not for numbers, but for those whose hearts are wholly set upon the Lord.

Oh, who will consecrate their service this day unto the Lord, and who will arise and say in his heart, The Lord will search me out and I will wait before Him—yea, with fastings and prayers—until there shall not be murmuring or complaining within my spirit; but I shall walk before the Lord with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind, with all my strength?

Yea, this is the day that the Lord saith once again, It is of the Lord that everything in this house shall be reevaluated: every ministry shall be searched, every plan and program shall be analyzed by the Spirit of the Lord, and shall He not put a light upon it?

The Lord saith, I have not brought thee forth for a little leaven to leaven the whole lump. I have not brought thee forth for the little foxes to spoil the vines. I have brought thee forth that thou shalt walk in purity before the Lord and thou shalt be a people cleansed. Yea, I have seen thy stumblings, the Lord saith. I have seen all thy failures and thy weaknesses, and for this I shall not turn apart from thee. Only that thou shalt seek me with all your heart and soul, for I shall lead thee on with grace. If ye shall fall, doth not the Lord say, I shall uphold thee; yea, with My hand I shall not let thee be utterly cast down. Therefore seek the Lord and open your heart to Him. Let none rise to be on the defensive and defend himself; let each man be his own accuser before the Lord, lest Satan should be thine accuser. Come before the Lord and humble thyself before Him, and Satan shall have no place with the heart of the Father to accuse thee.

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