The day hath dawned

The Lord would speak unto the people of the Lord and bring unto them the sure knowledge that though they have walked in the midst of trials and battles, they must set the Lord always before them. Let them be mindful of His presence, that He is the Captain of their salvation, and they shall not be moved. Though a flood tide should come against them they shall not be moved, and no matter what cometh against them they shall not be moved.

Yea, the Lord saith unto thee, “Where shall the focus of thy heart be set? Shall it be set upon the Lord, or shalt thou look to the waves that are about thee and sink as Peter?” Thou art a people called to the supernatural, and even as Peter walked upon water, so thou art going above and beyond thy limitations, daring to believe as a remnant of the Lord that ye shall send forth a word that shall be heard around the world and that there shall be a song sung in this house that shall be the new song of Zion that shall be sung around the world. Thou art the beginning of a mighty move of God’s Spirit in the earth. Rejoice and say, “I shall set my heart upon the Lord; faithful is He who called me who will also do it!” He shall perfect that which concerneth thee. He shall not deliver thee over to the adversary, but He hath declared unto thee again and again that the adversary is defeated, and the victory is thine, and ye shall stand in that victory. Ye shall not need to war, but ye shall stand still and see how the Lord executeth the deliverance which He has already caused to be thy heritage and thy portion.

Rejoice in the Lord, and let thy heart be glad. If the enemy hath assailed thy family, the Lord will take care of it. If the enemy hath come against thee personally, the Lord shall take care of it. No matter what befalleth thee, thy steps have been ordered of the Lord. And ye find yourself in what appeareth to be a precarious position because the Lord hath led thee forth in the field of battle. Rejoice in the Lord because He shall deliver thee out of it all, according to His promise. Provisions have been extended unto thee. His glorious promises are with thee. He hath not said, “Thou shalt win a victory”; He said, “Thou hast been given the victory.” He hath not said, “A new day shall come”; He said, “Behold it hath dawned.” He hath not said, “I shall give thee a path to walk in”; He hath said, “Thy feet are even now in the path I have given unto thee to walk in.” He hath not said, “I shall bring light unto thee”; He hath only promised thee that the light shall shine more and more unto the perfect day. Already He hath given thee light, and He hath given thee revelation, and He hath brought thee into the day, and He causeth thy heart to rejoice, and He bringeth thee together. And though ye be scattered through the great congregation of people in this land, yet the Lord hath made thee one people and caused thee to move in one Spirit. And whether ye be one hundred miles or one mile from another, He hath caused thee to move in the same Spirit and the same flow of revelation, and thou are part of the same army entering into the same victories that the Lord hath given thee. Amen.

This is the day of victory. And behold upon this platform there shall stand men who shall speak the word of the Lord, and they shall direct the people of the Lord until people shall come from far and near, not to see a natural wisdom, but a wisdom that cometh from the Lord and a power that is generated by the Holy Spirit. And the force of blessing shall be exceedingly great, and the anointing of the Lord shall be there.

Behold, in this house thou shalt see Joel’s army spring forth, that part of it where your young men and your young women—your sons and your daughters—will stand in the will of the Lord and move mightily in the Spirit of the Lord. These days are not far off, these days are upon thee and thou shalt live in momentary expectation of the mighty signs and wonders that are yours. For as ye are appropriating this, they are committed by the Lord, and the course of them are set. The provision for them is sure. The Lord hath promised—yea, the Lord hath brought it forth. The heavens have been reserved in blessing for this hour, and the rain shall come, the former and the latter rain!

Behold, the clouds are not bereft; behold, they are not bankrupt of blessing, but the clouds are full, ready to overflow. Thou shalt but believe the Lord. Ask of the Lord rain in the time of latter rain and the Lord shall give thee rain.

Be thou not weary in well doing, O thou house of the Lord, for every assault of the enemy that is directed against thee—shall it prosper? Nay, nay, it shall not prosper. The enemy shall not bring a restraint unto thee but it shall be the Lord that shall strengthen thee. There is no weapon that shall prosper against thee for the Lord is thy portion. Therefore, let there be a lifting up of the ministries in this hour, for the grace of God shall be thy portion. As the ministries are lifted up and made strong, then thou art strong, O house of the Lord, and the strong shall take a prey. Let thy heart rejoice, and let there be a sounding forth of the glory of thy God.

Yea, the Lord thy God would say unto thee this day; “Stand ye firm in My promises; stand ye firm in My word; stand ye firm in My blessings, that I may make of thee a rock that shall be to others an example of the foundation of the new church of God.”

Did not the prophet David say, “The Lord preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies”? Why does not the Lord destroy the enemies of His people?… that He might prepare a table before them, that His enemies may be put to shame because the Lord wants to defend His people. How can He defend His people if there are no enemies? The Lord shall bring the victory because He hath said (and His word shall not fail), “I shall prepare a table for thee in the presence of thine enemies and give thee the victory!”

The Lord bringeth forth His word as a promise unto thee before thou shalt even see it, that thou might be strengthened in thy understanding and that thou might be strengthened in thy heart. In the midst of thy tribulations the Lord would speak unto thee, “Thou shalt be the victory of the Lord, and thou shalt manifest His glory. Thou shalt prosper in the thing to which the Lord directeth thee.” Let thy hearts be encouraged this day and let there be a binding of thy spirits unto the will of God, for the purposes of God shall not be thwarted.

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