Loosed to flow

Yea, we prophesy the release of God’s people from all their limitations. These things that have been sowed for a little while, like chaff in the budding grain of wheat, now is the time to see it separated. You need no more the days of restriction to teach you obedience to the Lord or to cause you to lose your resentment against the Lord, but now you need to know the fullness of the Lord, that you may abound in every good work. We loose you from your limitations. We loose you from the thinking of the past that has been so restricted in what can be and what the Lord wants for you to have.

We loose ourselves to believe in the abundance of the Lord. We loose ourselves in our very minds, Lord, for every thought to be brought captive to Thee. We shall be loosed from that, Lord, which is negative thinking. Oh, we shall abound with that confidence that He is able to do all things, exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh within us.

We prophesy the release of thousands more out of Babylon. Lord, we are ready to receive them. Loose them now, in the name of the Lord. Come out of Babylon, O God’s people. We would rebuke the spirits of deception that would war against them. Every tongue that rises up against thee, thou shall condemn. We condemn it in the name of the Lord and we bind it that there shall be a flow of the truth, a flow of revelation unto God’s people and to the hungry hearts everywhere, in the name of the Lord. Amen.

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