“Is it not the Lord that hath positioned us at the transition of the ages? Is it not the Lord who by His Spirit has caused us to reach in to the powers of the age to come? He hath given us a commission that we might pull down strongholds. He hath commissioned us to bring the Kingdom of God in the midst of the earth. O Zion, hast thou thought that it shall be a sovereign moving of thy God only? Nay, it shall not be a sovereign moving of the Lord; it shall be the sovereign moving of God upon thy spirit. It shall be the initiative of thy faith that shall speak it into being. This is the day when the Lord has said: ‘Thou art in warfare, but it is thine to defeat. It is thine to oppress. It is thine to bring down. No longer shalt thou be harassed, but thou shalt harass, in the name of the Lord.’ ”

We still have too much fear in us—too much unbelief. We accept the Word in theory without really putting it into action. If there is a timidity or fear of man in us we have to get rid of it. If we believe in prophecy, we must prophesy. If we believe in miracles, we must be dedicated to the miracles. If we believe in signs and wonders, we shall attempt them in the name of the Lord. We are going to stand before that mountain and cast it into the sea. Give it a good kick every once in a while and say “Get moving,” and soon it will happen. There has to be a generation come forth to do the greater works.

We must condition our minds to reject all of our past conditioning. Someone is going to begin sometime to do greater works than He did; surely someone will come and start casting mountains into the sea. Where will it begin? It has to begin by our coming against fear and rebuking the unbelief and passivity. This is the day for miracle workers. And we’re not going to accept it as a theory for a generation away; we must believe for it now. O God, rebuke our fears. Amen.

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