Exhortation on submission

The Lord is giving us the guidelines now for the whole Walk; this is so we will do the will of the Lord together. Other movements have seen the beginning of divine order, only to fail where the Scripture says, “We should not think of men above what we ought” (Romans 12:3). These guidelines to and definitions of divine order must be brought, along with teaching on the submission God wants and what He expects. The submission He is calling for may seem to be so total because it is the cross which we may have to die on. But there is a way of revelation and confirmation, there is a moving of authority which I believe should be considered in the whole divine order. This is the safest thing for us to follow.

We must see this Walk move by divine order, so that we know absolutely what to do with our rebellion, what to do with our submission, what to do with the whole program which God lays before every church and before us as individuals. Let us consider the relationship of revelation and authority and the whole program of confirmation which God really desires. God has demanded total submission of us. This is the way it should be. When that authority is exercised it should be with an apostolic company’s confirmation. At this particular point, none of us are going to be without a safeguard. If we are to believe a prophet, let that prophet be sure that he moves with two or three confirming. “Let the prophets speak two or three and let the other judge” (I Corinthians 14:29). There must be a restraint and a carefulness upon every apostle and prophet, every ministry who moves in authority over the flock, or this Walk could go astray.

We see the need of authority; we see the strength of it.

The word of the Lord consumes us if we do not stop to submit everything before He puts in motion that authority which could be so disastrous to someone’s life. If a brother lays his life at my feet, saying, “As an apostle, tell me what to do, and I’ll do it,” I had better be sure I have the word of God for him.

We can move into this. We can say, “Lord, You are going to teach us; You are going to show us something. We are going to move together as brothers.” The only safe way will be for us to follow the guidelines the Lord is laying out. If the time ever comes when someone looks back and says, “Such and such a ministry told me thus and thus, and look at the marvelous things that happened,” somehow God will not be getting the glory in the Kingdom that He is supposed to have. But if someone says, “The apostles and prophets gave me this word and it came forth! Blessed he the name of the Lord,it will glorify God more than anything else. Even when one may have a marvelous gift of healing, it is best that two or three other brothers lay hands on the sick with him; then no one knows who the channel was. The man says, “God healed me!” This is a marvelous thing.

Wherever God is placing authority, we move in it very carefully. Wherever flesh could be exalted because of the focus God places upon a man in his ministry, this man needs the wisdom to pull others into it so that the ministry is not the focus, but the Lord is the focus. Other movements have gone astray on this point. I am not saying that total submission will not be a thing God will use at times to nail you to the wall until you feel you would lay your life down because of one word which came through the apostolic authority. And I am also saying these guidelines of divine order are very necessary to prevent that kind of submission from becoming a dangerous thing. In talking about authority we must also talk about revelation which precedes authority, and about confirmation, about many things which bring a divine order.

There are different parts of the picture, and we need to put them together. When we put all the pieces together which the Lord has shown us, we will find the face of the Lord shining forth. That is what it is all about: His guidance, His presence, His love for each one of us.

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