Our prayer

One of the biggest parts of our service should be the worship that we bring to the Lord. In our thinking it should be important as anything in the world.

When you come to a service, you may think you are there to get a blessing, to hear the word, to be instructed, to be a blessing to your brother.

That is fine, but really, do not forget God. What is He after? He is looking for worshipers that will worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Our Lord declares, “The Heavenly Father is looking for worshipers” (John 4:23). So the first thing we do is give God what He wants. We open our hearts and we worship.

If we take a casual attitude towards worship, it will never be what God really wants. Give Him the very best. And when you do that, He is very polite.

After you have given Him the very essence of your heart’s love for Him, then He responds. He will always anoint the word in a special way so that He is speaking back to you. When the Lord talks to you, it is always very, very precious.

Whether it is reproof or whatever it is, there is still deep assurance that He is telling us He loves us. He loves His worshipers who have been giving Him the very best that they have. So that is what we are going to do, is it not?

Worship the Lord with everything within you. Do not think in your heart that you are so unworthy and do not deserve anything from the Lord and hold back.

If the Lord waited for worthy people to worship Him, it never would happen, not even from the angels. No one, no created being is really worthy of even standing in His presence.

But that is what He has done—made it possible for us to come into His presence and worship Him and give our love to Him.

He has broken down any partition between us and Himself (Ephesians 2:14). He has given us access to Him.

There is no truth greater than our access to God in our unworthiness, to come through the veil that has been rent so we stand in His presence (Hebrews 10:19, 20). Unworthy as we are, we stand in the righteousness of God, and we worship Him. There is deep truth in this.

What a privilege you have. It is a privilege of worshiping the Lord, of standing in His presence; but even more than that, the greatest privilege is to be standing in His presence in this particular hour in the history of the world.

God is ready to bring forth so much. We are a unique, special people of destiny. No different, no better, no worse than those who have gone before us, we are like Elijah, who was a man of like passions as we are (James 5:17).

We are all subject to frailties, but to think that we have this destiny! What a treasure we hold in earthen vessels. What a blessing we have to come and worship the Lord with all our hearts.

For the past couple years, God has been speaking to me about divine health and the immunity that is coming. If the timetable is correct, God is ready to launch forth a whole new phase and new aspect of things. I can look back in which the cycles seemed to vary; it would be almost a full year sometimes before the change became manifested. Nevertheless, it is coming. I know the Lord is ready to bless us. We shall believe the Lord for some very precious things.

You may feel that you have waited and waited for the blessing to come; you may have wondered when God would meet you. You think in your heart, “How long will it take?” That is what the saints cried under the altar: “How long, O Lord, how long?” (Revelation 6:10).

But God’s ways are not man’s ways; our interpretation of times and seasons are different. I have been under the impression from time to time that God was too late, yet always in retrospect I found that He was on time! It is in human judgment and evaluation that we think He is too late, but He is not.

God has many things for us. The judgments of God have been prophesied for several years. They are in the earth again. Not only will we see judgments but we will see immunities established over many of the areas of conflict and warfare.

The one thing I could emphasize would be for us to be real worshipers of the Lord.

Second, be given to intercession. Be simple about it; be the family of God that intercedes. Do not put any fancy frills on it, just get right down to believing God, calling upon the Lord, prophesying the thing into view. Believe the Lord to help you do this, and He will bless you in it.

I am aware of having been pushed and pressured almost beyond endurance in the past weeks and months. Satan is raging and is using every contact, every open door, every facility that he can use. This is natural, because now he is a defeated foe. It is only a short time until the victory of the Lord will come. It will please God to bruise him under our feet shortly (Romans 16:20). It will not be long. Those of you that have waited on the Lord, who have sought the Lord with all your hearts, just keep worshiping.

Keep your spirit and your heart open to the Lord. Worship Him with all your heart. Each service will be what you expect it to be. If you come anticipating that it will be something special, it will be. If you come merely to pass through another service, that is all it will be. Let us believe with all our hearts and press in with expectation to let the Lord really meet us.

In a little while, you will come up from under this intense pressure and know the days of immunity. However, some of the ministries are in serious trouble since the Lord commissioned the apostolic company.

From now on, you should be almost ruthless in pursuing after deliverance for each of these brothers. Curse and bring under judgment everything that stands against them.

The old dragon is waiting at the womb to swallow up the manchild that comes forth in the earth, the manchild that is to be caught up to the place of rule (Revelation 12:4, 5). This is happening before our very eyes.

Every one of these ministries are going through things, the seriousness of them almost impossible to describe. But if we can just be worshipers and stand in His presence, if we can be intercessors, we can break through to see the apostolic company begin to function, to see it move the way God wants. Let there be a continual crying out to the Lord. It is very, very essential. The time is crucial. We need to go before the face of God and intercede.

I do not know what all the Lord has for me. Everyone has been tested until only the grace of God is sustaining and holding us up. But it is not a time for us to look at our extremities and our weaknesses. It is a time to intercede and believe, because His strength is being made perfect now in our weakness.

The climate for miracles has been created in the walk. It could come forth now. We are ready to enter into this time with everything in us set to do the will of the Lord. We commit ourselves now to it. It is a strong dedication: “Yes, Lord, I’m going to walk with You. O God, Thy will come forth, Thy Kingdom come.”

Brothers have come to birth. The pain of travail is upon the whole of the walk to see this apostolic company come forth. And the more we emphasize this, the more we see dear brothers thrown into unbelievable dealings. Everyone is prepared to sacrifice.

A new day is upon us in which there is no class or color difference; there is no high or low. At the foot of the cross the ground is all level. Every man stands before God in his own unworthiness; he will be only what God enables him to be. No one can say he is superior; no one need say he is inferior. All of us must stand by the grace of God to walk with Him through these next few weeks and months into the thing that God has for us.

God is calling you to dedicate yourself to prayer. He will show you the best way to expedite it. All you have to do is be willing to be in this travail to see people come forth. Pray for the brothers. Believe for the apostolic company. Above all that, believe for me. God brought a promise of strength as of the Feast of Passover, and I am not drawing back; I am moving ahead in the name of the Lord.

Pray for me. Pray for your church. Believe God for the family spirit, for the unity, and for the united purpose of heart. What does the Lord say about this? How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell in unity!… For there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for evermore. Psalm 133:1, 3b. The blessing of God is commanded upon the people who walk together as one. They refuse to let anything divide them. Nothing discourages them from the purpose that they have of walking together in the grace of God.

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