Living from the inside out

If we are going to live and operate in the kingdom, everything we do has to be done through relationship and intimacy with God, through the flowing of His Spirit in us and through us.

The kingdom is a spiritual dimension that we live in when we walk in the spirit. Everything we do cannot be independent of him in any way. The flesh profits nothing. The flesh is that union of soul and body that acts independently of him.

We are either walking in the spirit or walking in the flesh. To walk in the spirit, the life of God needs to flow out of the spiritual dimension of his kingdom into our spirit so that we learn how to live from the inside out.

 Heaven can engage us through the gateways of our spirit soul and body to engage the world around us, rivers of living water flowing through us, so that the kingdom comes near to those we come into contact with.

We have a gate within our spirit which is like a Star gate or a wormhole that engages with another realm, the realm of heaven. And we have access to that realm and that realm has access to us within our spirit if we open the door. It is up to us whether we open that door or not.

We open that door through an act of our will to be led by his Spirit. We are a spirit, the breath of life that God has breathed into us. This makes us God and spiritual realm conscious, so that we are aware of that realm through our spirit.

If we do not open the first love gate in our spirit, there is nothing that flows into it or out of it. It is important to have a flow of the River of life, therefore it is important to understand how we open the gateways of our spirit soul and body. So that his life can flow out and to understand what is in our soul that can block the way.

There are many things that can block the flow of the life of God from the inside out. Our soul Gates can have familiar spirits operating within them that produce things like guilt and shame, lies, hurts, doubts, and fears. We need to make sure to break the soul ties we may have that cause our soul to operate independently in its own way.

As we open our spirit so that the life of God flows in, filling us and overflowing so that we can follow that path of life. Love joy peace etc. so that we walk in the nature of the lord which is a narrow path.

It is only one way, God’s way. So that everything can then begin to flow from the inside out.  What we are looking for is our spirit becoming one spirit with the Lord and therefore growing and encompassing our soul and body until we actually engage the world through our spirit. And then our spirit directs everything else and everything else flows from that place in God.

Up until this time everything flows from the outside in. Everything we have learned is from the outside; we have learned how to relate to the world through our five physical senses to interpret that world through the information coming into our brain from the outside in.

Everything we’ve learned is stored in our memories, those memories are things we have repeated, our experiences which are stored and reused to relate to the world. This is how we learn things naturally, through practice we’ve trained our senses to engage with the physical world around us.

Our soul also has senses that have also been trained from the outside in. Through nature – the things of the world around us, through nurture our interaction with people, and trauma – things that have happened to us. We may have received good things from our nurture but some of them may be bad. And we have to discern between them in order to deal with those things which are bad, how we have been influenced by those negative things.

Our spirit has to be trained from the inside out. Our spirit has encoded within it all the revelation of who we are in God’s purpose for us, but we have been disconnected from that. We can only reengage it through relationship with God through the joining of our spirit with His.

We need to learn how to tune into God’s voice on the inside, to be able to see from the inside, to be able to hear from the inside, to be able to feel from the inside, to be guided from the inside.

Our spirit has spiritual senses. Our spirit can begin to see and hear things in the spirit realm.   We have to learn how to touch from the inside out, so we are not gaining information from what we touch physically but what we touch spiritually. We can smell fragrances in the room that other people do not. They are not necessarily a physical fragrance, but our spirit has the ability to pick up spiritual fragrances. Jesus carries a fragrance; angels carry a different fragrance that we can actually smell spiritually and the clouds of witnesses each carry a different fragrance

We can speak from our spirit and then those words can carry power and authority to change things. This is why Jesus says that we’ll have to give an account for every idle word, because our words have power. Life and death are in the power of the tongue.

It is important that we learn how to frame things, how to frame our existence by the things we say. Not coming into agreement with negative things, but coming into agreement with the things that God says about us and then when we agree there is power in agreement. And then we can see a manifestation of that agreement in our lives.

Our spiritual senses are all trained through our relationship with God in us. They are not trained separately from him in any way. God is all-knowing Omni present and all-powerful and he is in us and we are in him. This makes us to have the ability to engage with an all-knowing God and therefore everything that he knows is available to us.

God is Omni present so anywhere where he is we have access to be in the spirit. He is all-powerful so that we in our spirit can operate in that power that he equips us with. To be able to do the things that he does. Jesus said we would do things that he did and even greater things.

We have to learn how to access the nature and gifts of the Spirit and operate everything from our relationship with God from the inside out. This generally works as a spontaneous flow of revelation knowledge.

It does not work by us trying to figure it out or work it out ourselves. It flows spontaneously from that relationship we have with God in our spirit and we have to learn how to pick up those spontaneous thoughts and act on them rather than dismiss them or let them go.

We have to learn how to engage them and flow with them. So the thoughts of God can literally flow into our mind. When we learn how to be in the spirit, enter that realm beyond the veil, we enter into a flow of thoughts we can tune into an engage with.

In the realm of the Spirit, visions and pictures form in our imagination. In this realm the Feelings of God can move in our emotions, God can direct us through those feelings. Impressions from God can motivate our wills. We can have that impression so we know what to do. We are moved by that impression that God is calling us to do something.

Our spirit has different senses which become gateways for the life of God to flow through- fear of the lord, reverence, worship, intuition, revelation, faith, hope, prayer.

God has so designed us that he uses the senses of our spirit, soul and body to make possible the outworking of who we are in the spirit, to be reflected in the natural world we live in.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. It is not being scared of the Lord; it is the essence of the lord coming into our consciousness so that we can see reality through his eyes. It is the result of our spirit coming into oneness with the Lord.

The fear of the lord flows in the river of God, it comes out of heaven flows into our spirit and then into our soul so that the light of his presence reveals the present condition of our heart so that we can align it with His.

The fear of the Lord is the realization of the awesomeness of God, being in awe of His holiness and purity causing us to tremble at the revelation of that which is not like him that may still be remaining in our life, so that it can be removed from us.

When we Experience the fear of the lord we are brought into a oneness with him, we are partaking of him and it exposes the deception and the pathway of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the result of walking independently of him.

Once we experience any aspect of the nature of God we can experience it again, we can learn how to tune into it, which keeps it flowing into our lives.

God communicates with us through a flow of His Spirit into us and our spirit senses this communication. By giving names to these senses of our spirit, soul and body, helps us to begin to relate to God through them and understand how we are designed to function so that we can become a whole person.

The life of God flows out of heaven, the unseen realm of His kingdom into our spirit, into our soul and out through our body into the natural world creating an atmosphere of his presence.

Our revelation gate and hope gate can release things from the realm of the prophetic, so that Spiritual gifts can flow through us, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, discerning of spirits.

Healing and miracles can flow through the faith gate. We can intuitively know how to handle situations through the intuition gate.

We need the fear of the Lord, reference, and prayer gates in our spirit open to have an intimate relationship with God.

The prayer gate in our spirit is a two-way flow of communication which should be unceasing every day. Prayer is not something that we do- to go and pray, like God is going to hear me now but he didn’t hear me two seconds ago, when I wasn’t praying.

Prayer is just a communication of life with God and from God that we can have all the time, it is not something we do for 10 minutes in the morning. It needs to be a lifestyle of continual communication, a continual flow of relationship.

We need the fear of God flowing in us, that awesomeness of God, so that we can see through his eyes. We need the reverence of God flowing in us so that we never want to do anything that displeases God or causes harm to anyone in anyway.

It all boils down to will we be a worshiper of God? And a worshiper is one who in obedience bows down to God and says you are the Lord, you are the king, you are the father and I am going to surrender and submit to you, to yield to the inflowing of your Spirit to be one with you. I’m not going to do things my own way anymore.

We have to get a continual flow of the Spirit within us, if we are going to walk in the spirit. We can have a word of knowledge and not use it, we can have intuition but if we don’t use it, this gateway will not develop in our lives.

God wants us to use the spiritual senses he has equipped us with so that we can grow spiritually and partake of his glory and outwork our eternal destiny.

And in everything that we are doing we must create our own personal pathway of relationship. And we do that by repeatedly walking that way with God.

We can walk a path once and forget the way we walked, but if we walk the same path every single day it will become so deep-rooted in us that it becomes a way of life, the pathway of intimacy.  

We cannot have another person’s personal experience with God we can only have our own. We are learning how to develop a pathway in the spirit that we can walk upon.

The kingdom of God is in another dimension. Everything in the Kingdom of God works by pathways. A pathway begins with a personal encounter with the Spirit of God where we experience the unseen realm. We are developing a relationship with an unseen Spirit. We are stepping beyond the veil into his realm.

As we encounter the presence of God, the unseen becomes our reality, and new memories are being implanted into our brain, so that we can revisit them, which become a pathway of relationship with Him that we walk on.

Each one of us can have a personal intimate relationship with God that is growing on a daily basis if we choose to walk that way. If we don’t put any effort into walking this way we will never know God, in any depth or intimacy.

If we spend no time with somebody we are never going to know them. We can read all about them in a book but we will never know them personally. God wants us to know him by personal encounter, personal experience. This means walking out this pathway.

It’s important to understand the basic processes for engaging our gateways. These gateways become the doorway into the spiritual dimension of His kingdom, where we encounter the presence of God, which become a pathway of experience which goes deeper and deeper into the spiritual realms.

Everything is a daily choice to create a lifestyle where we live in the natural realm but are directed and guided from the spiritual realm. This becomes a pathway where we can begin to live in dual realms like Jesus did. He was in heaven yet on the earth, the face of the Father was ever before him.  It is a choice that every one of us can make or not make, when our spirit is alive to God.

When we get up in the morning we have to choose to go God’s way not our own. Just because we did it yesterday does not guarantee we will today unless we choose to.

God has given us the free will to choose and he has given us that ability to show how important we are in terms of his purposes and he has trusted us to do it, when He reveals Himself to us.

But we have to decide every day .If we don’t open our first love gate today we are going to have no flow. We may have some left over from yesterday but it is not going to flow and it will soon run out.

So it is important that it becomes a daily lifestyle, not a ritual or a religious duty. The government of God is a government of rest, a government of His presence, of His love. So we do not want to get into fear, that if I don’t pray today something will go wrong. We don’t want to get into fear but operate in relationship. God has given us the authority to frame our own day. To bring favor and blessing as we experience his purposes and plans in our life on a daily basis.

A lot of people say I cannot see in the spirit, how can I engage a gateway if I do not see it? The word see is not just vision. It actually means to perceive. To have a perception is to have an understanding based on an interaction.

As the gateway of imagination in our soul is developed we can begin to see our gateways, what it looks like and what may be blocking it. But until then we can perceive everything that is flowing through our gates.

We have to experience the kingdom of God on the inside of us. How the life of that kingdom is flowing through us. As we become aware of the gateways of spirit, soul and body and how they are designed by God to function. We can begin to get them open, cleansed, and flowing with the life of God which then transitions into experiencing the kingdom realms outside of us, the heavenly places in Christ.

Experiencing the kingdom of God inside of us, transfers us into the kingdom realms outside of us.

As we become aware of our gateways and how the life of God is flowing through them, then we can become aware of everything flowing through our gates even when we are not focusing on them, but engaging in the natural world in which we live.

 Whether we see, hear, have impressions, feelings, or just know intuitively, we engage these senses by faith. If we are going to engage in faith we must come to God and must believe. So faith is believing and putting that belief into action by coming on the basis of it.

Faith comes in our communication with God and gets stronger and stronger as we encounter Him. But we have to cultivate a belief, by starting to think about it, by starting to think about Him, by starting to fix our eyes on Him, by starting to engage Him and in that engagement then the relationship will grow.

Faith is an absolute key when we are doing anything in the realm of the spirit, and everything in our life needs to be done through faith.

Faith is the assurance of things hoped for. This word hope is not a wishful thinking, it means white-hot expectation. Those things we have an expectation of, faith become the substance or the assurance of.

 If we don’t know what we want and we don’t know what God has said then there is very little for faith to engage with. This is why the promises of God are so important to us, because those promises of who God is and what he has promised us begin to frame our reality and become the basis of our faith.

We can then engage in the assurance that what he says is true. And this then becomes a conviction of things not seen; we know they are true even though we have not seen them.

We are not seeking after experiences that prove God is real. We know in our spirit, and experiences are the outworking of that. We don’t have to try to create it or make it up. Because it is true, because it is real we will then experience it, because we are drawing near to him, and he promises when we do that he will draw near to us.

What we experience in the realm of the spirit is transferred into our soul to create memories in our brain, pathways in our mind so that it becomes a way of life for us.

Our spirit gates are· Revelation · Intuition · Fear of God · Prayer · Reverence · Faith · Hope · Worship

 Our soul gates are· Conscience · Reason · Imagination · Mind · Emotions · Choices · Will 

Our body gates are sight, hearing, taste, touch, Smell.

Our spirit is our God conscious and spirit realm conscious.

Our soul is our self-conscious and our body is our world-conscious.

Through the inflowing of the life of God through the gateways of our spirit into our soul, we are to no longer have self-consciousness apart from God.

Our soul becomes conscious of God as His thoughts and feelings flow into it so that we have self-conscious in union with God.

There is a flow of life that comes from the inside out to touch each gateway and to enable it to open. We invite Jesus to be Lord of each gateway. We don’t want to be in control of our own gateways. Jesus said that the father in him did the works, the flowing of his Spirit through his gateways.

We want to allow God to direct us and do through us, what He desires to do. So we just cooperate with him through the Flow of His Spirit.

Once we get the gateways of our spirit open and flowing sometimes we encounter problems in the gateways of our soul.

The flesh is that union of soul and body that acts independent of God. This is the way we have lived before God revealed himself to us and our spirit was awakened and became alive unto him.

Before the gateways of our spirit were open and flowing, our soul has been in charge of our life. Our soul has been conditioned from the outside in. We have looked to the world to meet the God given instincts of our soul, and end up getting hurt, damaged and fractured.

Now we are seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all the other things our soul and body needs are added to it.

We engage each gateway by faith and speak to it, we speak to our soul. David would speak to his soul, we have to direct our soul by choice, because it is used to doing its own thing, so we have to bring it back into line. We speak to our soul every day and tell it to give up, to stop trying to do its own thing and to surrender.

Our will is centered in our soul, but our spirit has direct control over it. Through the strengthening of the Holy Spirit, through the flow of His life into our spirit, we can turn our will in the direction God desires it to go.

 David said my soul pants and thirsts after the living God; he had such a relationship with God that his soul wanted everything to flow from God rather than the outside in.

As our soul begins to experience the manifest presence of God, our brain records new memories, so that our soul no longer looks to the world for fulfillment, but this is a process called the renewing of our mind.

 So we need to yield the control of the soul, to our spirit and command and speak to it. So we can declare soul you will not motivate me or control me or block the flow of the spirit. We have to find our own words but take authority. We have to take possession of each gateway of our soul and place Jesus at the center of it, Jesus as lord over it. We need to give God central place in every area of our life.

We have to have the gateways of our soul cleansed; they may have been damaged or affected in negative ways. The blood of Jesus has power to cleanse these gateways; there is power in the blood.

The soul – life – of the flesh is in the blood. There is something powerful about the blood of Jesus that can change and transform and restore the gateways of our soul, so that they flow from the inside out.

We need to practice repentance; repentance is a change of mind and a turning from one thing to another. Repentance is the result of our spirit in union with God’s Spirit so that his thoughts flow into our soul illuminating it and we respond accordingly. Repentance is two words in the Greek 1-in close association with 2-thoughts coming into our consciousness.

 We need to acknowledge our sin; we need to take responsibility for it. Even though we were not aware of our gateways and how they worked, we were not guarding them and not using them correctly in the past. We don’t make excuses we own it. Whatever we own we can deal with, if we don’t own it we cannot deal with it.

Sin is two words in the Greek. 1- without 2- a share in. We were not partaking of the divine nature, so a vacuum was created within us and the spirit of the world came in and we partook of that.

God lives inside of every human being so that their spirit is aware that something is missing, something is wrong. As we open our spirit to God, he comes into it and we become God conscious, it is called first love. Our spirit becomes alive unto God as it is awakened to the consciousness of His presence.

Now we have to deal with the conditioning of our soul from our past. So we have to own some of these things. Our imagination has been polluted by some of the things we have looked at, so we take the blood of Jesus by faith and wipe the gateway of our imagination clean and redeem it. We do this by an act of faith.

The Bible is full of illustrations that we can use to help us engage in this. Because the soul gates are usually influenced by demonic and familiar spirits and our flesh, we have to deal with that influence.

The old nature has been crucified with Christ but we have to reckon it dead daily, because our soul has been influenced by the old nature we have to deal with that influence.

 We have to take back possession of our souls. We have to dispossess anything that is residing there, demonic spirits, blockages, and strongholds and control systems.

Whatever is in our soul which is a hindrance to the flowing of God’s Spirit; we must take back possession of it. It has a hold over us whether it is an addiction or a mindset or a habit we can break the power of those things if we apply the truth to them.

Our soul becomes tied to many things which are not healthy, and these soul-ties must be broken, through the inflowing of God’s life.

There will be legal rights the enemy has to occupy and block the flow of the river of life through the gateways of our soul. The enemy is a legalist and will operate legally and everything in the kingdom is a judicial system. So we need to understand how to use the court system and the judicial process.

The Kingdom of God is in another dimension, the unseen realm. When we own our sin and say the same thing that God says about it we can get a judgment in our favor.  Judgment is a verdict that’s made. And once we have a verdict made in our favor we can see justice out worked.

We go into the courtroom guilty, because Jesus drew into himself all judgment upon the cross; we receive a judgment of not guilty, the debt being cancelled, so that justice can be out-worked in our lives.

When we know how to use the court system, it will give us authority over the spiritual forces, mindsets, habitual patterns, behaviors, addictions. It will give us authority over them to break the patterns and to see a new lifestyle develop. We need to know how to take this authority and apply it to the gateways of our soul.

As our gateways open and we begin to engage them there may be some conflict between soul and spirit and between those spiritual forces that have been operating in our soul. As the kingdom of God and the rule of God begin to exert influence then this conflict heightens. Internal pressures often squeeze things to the surface.

We have experienced that when things are difficult, things come to the surface that we did not think where there. Usually by the things we think, say or do.

Things may appear to get worse before they get better. When we start to deal with the things that are on the inside of us they come to the surface so that we can deal with them.

Un-confessed sin gives the enemy the right to accuse us, to bring guilt, shame and condemnation. How many of us has the enemy said you call yourself a Christian how can you be used by God when you think that, and you say that, and you do that.

Because we haven’t dealt with the things that we have done, we feel guilty and ashamed and we run and hide in the bushes and try and cover it up.

 God says come and run to me and I’ll forgive you. All you have to do is confess it and own it and I will completely cleanse you and restore you.

We do not run away from God when we mess up we run to him, because he will restore us immediately when we confess and own what we have done. We are not to allow the enemy to bring guilt, shame and condemnation which will always remove our confidence in serving God.