Lordship of Jesus

We are learning to understand our spirit and how our spirit functions with God. The lordship of Jesus is over our spirit.

Revelation 3: 20Behold, this is a word used to express strong emotion, calling attention to something, Look!) I stand (to cause to be in a place or position, to position oneself)at (Of place)the door( an entrance, way or passage into), and knock( occurring right now, strike loudly at the door for entrance) : if any man hear (an action subject to a condition, a climactic experience, not continuous, to listen to someone and pay attention)my voice, and open (an action subject to a condition, a climactic experience, not continuous, to open up) the door, I will come in(motion into, enter) to him, and will sup (to eat) with him, and he with me.

There is a door in our spirit that we have to open for Jesus to come inside of it. We have to hear his voice and then open the door.

This is called the lordship of Jesus; he wants to be the lord of our life. This is the calling of God; he wants us to give him our life (soul), to surrender all.

Once we hear his voice, then we have to make a choice. When we say yes to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, he enters our spirit. If we do not say yes he remains outside of our spirit.

Once he comes into our spirit, our spirit becomes conscious of His Spirit.

Now hearing his voice is a climactic experience, and it does not happen unless he gets our attention. This is called counting the cost; he is calling us to abdicate the rule of our life. It is called losing your soul in order to find it or keep it.

When we say yes to the Lordship of Jesus Christ over our life, there is a book in heaven, a scroll and our name is written upon it.

This is a convergence point between heaven and earth, where we are born from above, and there is a record now in heaven of it.

Every knee shall bow to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, we can do it now or we can do it after we die physically, because death is not the end of choice.

But we have to choose life, Jesus is the life. Or we can choose to keep following the pathway of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and then die and go into the consuming fire of God’s love, which is a very restricted place.

 In this place we are not separated from God’s love, but we are not aware of it either, all we are aware of is our life choices and the damage that they have caused us and others. It is a place of captivity, but if we hear his voice and open the door of our spirit, Jesus will come into it and we can pass through the fire and go into Zion which doors are always open.

When Jesus died on the cross, God reconciled the world to himself in the time realm, but all of this happened in the heart of God before time began.

Revelation 3: 20Behold, I stand at the door ( an entrance, way or passage into), and knock( occurring right now, strike loudly at the door for entrance) : if any man hear (an action subject to a condition, a climactic experience, not continuous, to listen to someone and pay attention)my voice, and open (an action subject to a condition, a climactic experience, not continuous, to open up) the door, I will come in(motion into, enter) to him, and will sup (to eat) with him, and he with me.

We have to hear Gods voice- Jesus is Lord and then open the door that is in our spirit and he enters into it and our spirit becomes conscious of His Spirit.

Opening the door is a climactic experience, it is a convergence point between heaven and earth, and our name is written in the lamb’s book of life.

God has made us all powerful in that he has given us the power of choice. But choice is a faculty of our soul.

Our soul is our unique individuality. It is our soul that opens the door of our spirit for Jesus to come into our spirit. Once Jesus comes into our spirit our spirit becomes conscious of God.

When Jesus comes into our spirit our spirit is enlightened or quickened. The substance of our spirit is creative light, the D.N.A of God, his divine nature or the essence of his life comes into it and our spirit reconnects to its origin in the heart of God.

Our spirit came out of eternity; it preexisted in the heart of God before we were born into this world. Our spirit comes into our mother’s womb like a flash of light and engages that cell that forms our heart and our soul is formed around it and our body is formed around our soul.

Our soul is in between our spirit and body and becomes the mediator between the spirit and the body. The soul becomes an eternal being. It is created by of our spirit being joined to a physical body

Our spirit came out of the realm of eternity with the full knowledge of God, but we have no realization of this until Jesus the living word comes into our spirit, and the senses of our spirit begin to grow and develop and God brings to our remembrance our eternal identity.

When Jesus died on the cross, the Father reconciled the world to himself. The world speaks of every person born into it, and the natural creation including the universe.

When we open the door of our spirit for Jesus to come in, our spirit is reconciled to God and our name is recorded in heaven, and we begin to come into alignment with the will of God.

When Jesus comes into our spirit our spirit has in it a yes to God, but our soul has to now be reconciled to our spirit, because it has been developed through the senses of the body and has desires that are contrary to our spirit.