Love is not enough

Our spirit needs to be clothed in the power of God. It is very frustrating to love someone and not be able to help them, because you don’t have the power to help them. People say well all you need is love, it’s not enough- we also need the power of God resting upon our life.

 Jesus didn’t need to be born again because he had a perfect spirit. But he did need to be endured with power. His spirit had to be clothed in power, before he could work the works of God and help people. 

Acts 10:30 Jesus was clothed with the power of God, anointed with power and went around doing good, healing all those who were oppressed of the devil. He had to be clothed in the power in order to help people.

 In Matthew three verse 16 it says and Jesus when he was baptized when up straightway out of the water and low the heavens were opened upon him and he saw the spirit of God descending upon him like a dove and lighting upon him, that was a new experience for Jesus.

The Holy Spirit descending upon him like a dove is a type of mature sonship.  When we talk about power, being baptized in the Holy Spirit, immersed into the Holy Spirit. People say well is the Holy Spirit in me or is the Holy Spirit upon me?-both.

It’s like water. You can take a glass of water and drink it and it is in you.  Or you can jump into a swimming pool, and it’s all around you. That is the concept of immersion, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, it is both.

People are baptized in Holy Spirit but the power God is not released in their lives and there is a reason for it.  When the power of God came upon Jesus, it wasn’t released in his life, immediately. He was baptized in the Holy Spirit but that anointing of power did not manifest itself, did not flow in him and through him, and rest upon him until he could prove to the father that he could be trusted with power.

Jesus received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but the power of God, that anointing of power was not manifest in his life until and only until he could prove to the father that he could be trusted with that kind of power.

Luke 4: 1And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, 2Being forty days tempted of the devil.

Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost, but the power was not resting upon him to be released for miracles and healings and so on. Notice the phrase there, full of the Holy Ghost, but no power manifest.

 Acts 8:38- anointed him with the Holy Ghost and with power, two things. The purpose of the temptation of Jesus when he went up into the wilderness was centered on the independent use of power. Why was Jesus tempted in the wilderness? He was not tempted for us; he would go to the cross for us. When he was in the wilderness, he was proving that the father could trust him. He went through some quite severe tests there.  The question was the independent use of power, whether he can be trusted with it.