Lift up your voice and Prophesy against …

Several years ago a group of people, believing for the Kingdom of God to come forth in the earth, began to prophesy that Babylon would come down. That little group was vigorous about it, and God is now bringing Babylon down. God has answered the prayers of this people. Great changes have taken place in the religious world since those prophecies began to come; the world is changing. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed (brought forth) by the word of God… The very ages were brought forth by His word … so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. Hebrews 11:3. There are no natural causes; there are only spiritual causes for what is coming forth in the earth.

Be concerned about preserving the liberties and the freedom in America long enough for God’s remnant to be established in a true spiritual walk with God. Those early prophecies said that if a remnant would be faithful to the Lord, there was no reason why the United States could not be preserved right into the Kingdom and be the instrument God wants it to be. Since that time there has been a serious deterioration of morals in America, but a remnant of New Testament believers is coming up strong.

For the sake of the remnant, God can spare America. You must realize why God has raised up a remnant. The basic function of a walk in the Spirit is not just to see a few people blessed, to sing in the Spirit, and prophesy. It is that the remnant should be built up into a strong, spiritual, prophetic voice that God wants for the end time.

God has always had His men. In the decline of Israel, He had Elijah come to protest and speak the word of the Lord.

In the days of declension when judgment was about to come, He had Jeremiah weeping over His chosen. The prophets always appear when God is ready to bring the end of one age and the beginning of another. The judgments upon the old age are proclaimed by the prophets. But they have a two-fold ministry. You cannot read the old prophets without seeing that they prophesy immediate destruction in judgment, but then they lift up their eyes and see what is out ahead of them—the mountain peaks of blessing and glory—and they prophesy that, too. Even though the Old Testament prophecies were primarily related to the immediate circumstances, yet every prophet has the vision that sees the peaks which would be invisible otherwise, and every prophet proclaims what is to come. This message of the Kingdom must be preached; but at the same time, the Holy Spirit is leading His remnant to prophesy against that which Satan brings to destroy.

Do not be fooled; Satan is trying to destroy the whole human race. Jesus said it would be so. He said that unless these days were shortened, there would be no flesh saved alive (Matthew 24:22). God’s remnant is in, as it were, a spiritual contest to hold back the powers of darkness until the children of God get through the Red Sea. Then God will let the waters go, and the judgments will come. But this message must be established in the earth; His remnant must have the freedom to do it.

The Lord directs at times to prophesy against certain political candidates whose deceitfulness makes it evident that they are dangerous men. Believers should prophesy that God will bring down demonic political machinery. God has spoken that the principality of deception will be broken in these matters, but His believers must realize that the judgment of deception is up to them. God also spoke that when Satan makes his bid to take over the United States in an antichrist form of government, he will attempt it through a political party; and the Lord said, “Rise up and curse the influence of the demagogues.”

The Body of Christ will do something besides bringing down some godless candidate. There will be many good people in the organization under such a man. For the sake of the good in the political parties, keep praying for these people and for the remnant of real Americans who are found in them. Pray for God to establish them.

There have been great men in the parties of the past, and there are great ones in the parties today. These men are not the ones who are publicized, nor are they the ones who will do the damage. But for their sakes, for the sake of what they will be trying to do to hold back the tide that would cause us to lose our liberties, pray for them. Pray for them and cry out to God against the rising tide of devil-possessed men who are infiltrating every party and every sort of office.

Prophesy against the satanic invasion that is coming into our government. It is coming in everywhere. This country faces a time of violence. People are being shot down in the streets. Gangsterism is everywhere and is more corrupt than people realize. Efforts to legalize gambling in many states is gaining support. Cry out against these things; cry out before the Lord!

Prophesy against the corruption in high places of government. God help the few men who stand against the tide. We need good Christian men in positions of influence. We need Daniels to stand in the midst of all of the corruption, praying three times a day before God: men like the Centurion who feared God, who gave alms to the people and served the Lord day and night. On them let the Spirit of the Lord descend.

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost its savor, wherewith shall it be salted? Matthew 5:13. Believers do not have a responsibility to politicians or to a political party, but they must recognize that God has created them to be a spiritual force that can bring down the powers of darkness if they wield the authority of the name of Jesus Christ.

If you want to walk with God, you will have to have faith in what God speaks to the men of God who lead you. Do not be naive—test the spirits if there is a question in your mind. But keep yourself open. You cannot be moved by any prejudice that you might have. Be less concerned about political ideas at this point and be dedicated only to the Kingdom. As a citizen of the Kingdom, rise and prophesy against that which the enemy would bring. The enemy is coming in like a flood and the Spirit is lifting up a standard against him. The Body of Christ must rise in the name of the Lord and curse the trend that Satan brings. God’s people must be exhorted not to draw back from violent prayer and intercession. They must stay with it, for God is not going to do anything except through the intercession and prayers of the people. Do not stumble over this violence of prayer. God’s end-time believers must be the army of the Lord. They must constantly keep intensifying a violence of spirit and of faith, not just a violence of sound. There must be an intensity. Just making a big noise will not do the job; it will be that intense, violence of faith that lays hold upon the promises of God and insists upon their being fulfilled.

Believers may become forgetful about being violent in spirit. The devil comes against them in certain ways, and even those who know his tactics may momentarily fail to recognize them. May God never let His remnant forget the deceptiveness of the assault against them. Even though the sun shines bright and the day is clear, they must not be anything less than violent in their spirits. No matter what sweet thing seems to come their way and no matter how wonderful everything looks, the remnant of God must not forget this violence. Their hearts must never turn away nor drift from what they have learned in these past years of warfare.

Many men in the Bible, and even those since Bible days, failed God. They were good leaders who, when the battle was on, were good men, but then they settled down when the victory was won. They became smug and complacent; they wanted to rest on their laurels. O God, do not let us do that; let us never rest, let us never deviate from the purposes that You have raised us up to fulfill. Let us walk in them with all our hearts. Let us cry out to Thee against every evil thing, for hereunto You have called your people.

The multitudes will reject what God is speaking. They may rise up in anger, saying, “This thing should be put out of the country, this should be banished, this isn’t patriotic, this isn’t American,” because they are caught up in witchcraft and in deception. The Lord prophesied that the time will come when people will kill you and think they are doing God a favor (John 16:2). So be it. The remnant of God does not stand alone; it stands with Him.

People by the hundreds will turn away from the truth which God’s true believers will be speaking. Nevertheless, men of God have a responsibility to be what God raised them up to be and to do what God raised them up to do. They were not called to win popularity contests; they were called to do the will of God in the earth, to bring forth His Kingdom. This must be the dedication in their hearts—there cannot be any deviation from it.

There were times that David would sit around the campfire with his generals and play on his harp, singing the sweet songs of the Lord. But sometimes those songs were rough, bloodthirsty songs, prophesying the dashing of Babylon’s children against the rocks. God has said there will be deliverance in Mount Zion and in the remnant whom the Lord God shall call (Joel 2:32).

Those in the earth who find the Lord will be numbered in the millions. The Lord Jesus will be their hiding place in the time of storm that is coming upon the earth. But prophecy also states that the slain of the Lord shall be multitudes (Isaiah 66:16). If you study the fractions in the book of Revelation you can see that within this next decade, two-thirds of the world’s population will die violent, horrible deaths. The greatest prayers of the captains and the mighty men of the earth will come forth as they are crying for the mountains and the rocks to fall on them and hide them from the wrath of God (Revelation 6:15–17). Still, millions are going to be saved in this generation. Oh, how faithful we should be with the message of grace and deliverance, with all patience exhorting the people to save themselves from this generation. How we should battle to bring everyone in, not to let them go, not to let them become victims of this great flood of iniquity. At the same time we should understand that we can be the voice to speak God’s word, which will be the basis of the tribulation in judgment that is coming. We can be the instrument to be both the cause and cure of everything in this age.

If the American people pray and seek the Lord and prophesy against the present trends, God can preserve their country, so that it can be the vehicle and instrument God raised it up to be before the whole world. Satan has done everything he can to discredit America in the sight of other peoples, yet ninety percent of the missionaries and the support of those missionaries for the last hundred years has come from the United States of America. Whenever there are people in need, the American government, despite all its politics and corruption, has sent relief into the area. Sometimes the local corruption has caused it to be diverted into a black market, but the majority of Americans cannot help that. America has done what she could. People have torn down the American flag and burned it and spat upon it; they have mocked and threatened American statesmen. However, some of those statesmen or “politicians,” as most of them should be called, may have deserved it. There have not been many true statesmen for a long time. Those who love God still love the Stars and Stripes, because God was behind the founding of this country, as certainly as He was in the raising up of Israel in the Old Testament.

The question was once asked, “What advantage is there in being an Israelite?” Paul wrote, “Much in every way, because to them were committed the oracles of God” (Romans 3:1, 2). No matter what else happened to them, they were the instrument by which the word of God came forth. And the same can be said of America in this generation. What advantage is there in being American? It is not the better standard of living, or any other material advantage you could name. Americans have exploited their resources; they have created garbage; they have polluted the Great Lakes until fish cannot live in them. Americans have done everything that is abominable to the land with which they have been blessed. But the advantage in being American is this: out of this country has gone forth the revelations of God to this generation.

Some people who speak against the corruption in the establishment are playing into the hand of Satan. Those who want to tear it down, but who do not give any better substitute will end up with anarchy, with nothing. There is a better way. You do not need to be for the establishment, but you do need to be for the Kingdom; you need to hold back the corruption and forces of Satan that are invading the land. Pray against them, prophesy against them, cast them down. Speak the word of the Lord in the land. God will honor the remnant as it does this. The course of this age can be changed, not by a political movement, but by the remnant of God. By prophesying the word of the Lord, the Kingdom can be brought forth.

Young believers who have made a career in the military services need not fear that they cannot also serve God as part of the remnant that will bring changes in the country. Looking at the Scriptures we see that Cornelius was a soldier; other men in the Bible were soldiers or military men. The early Church had the same problem that believers today have. Rome had much that was anti-Christian in it. Until a decade or two ago, our country was a Christian nation—at least theoretically it was. Now Supreme Court decisions have outlawed much of the tie that our nation had with Christianity. However, we still have more freedom than the Church had under the Roman system, for many times anti-Christians in that system were set on destroying the Christians. How could Cornelius relate to the fact that his government was killing Christians? Yet he gathered a band of hungry people together, and the Holy Spirit fell upon them. Who can judge a man’s situation, for God may have put him where he is.

According to Scriptures and to prophecy, God is going to bring down everything exalting itself against Jesus Christ.

We believe in America, even though we may be disillusioned with much that is happening, with the futility of our wars and various other efforts. Political corruption gets into these efforts until we wonder how much we are accomplishing. A serviceman may feel the same way. Although he is a part of the military, he may wonder sometimes, “What am I doing worthwhile?” But if he seeks first the Kingdom and fulfills his place, he may find that God has positioned him there. He is not there to defend the things that are wrong in the American way of life; but he can stand as one man to somehow hold back the tide to keep this country as free as he can while others are laboring to send out the message of the Kingdom. Such a man can consider that he is defending a remnant in America. This is speaking of the true American who is dedicated to the America God first brought forth. This America includes the people who support ninety percent of the missionary effort around the world, who help the poor and the afflicted of the world. This is what a military man is defending, not a system of conspiracy that is wrong. Any believer who is in the military can have this dedicated attitude: “Lord, help me as a Christian, so that every effort that I put forth will help God’s remnant in what they do. Let me be a part.”

A soldier must realize that, like Cornelius, he is integrated within a system where God put him to be a representative of the Kingdom of God. This will help resolve any conflict of conscience he will encounter as a soldier and as a child of God.

If a man cannot conscientiously stay in the service, if he feels he cannot serve God there, he should get out. Only one thing is important: putting God first. In every conflict, he must seek to find the Lord’s will.

The early Church had to coexist with many forces hostile to it, and it succeeded. Paul wrote to the Church in Rome, “The powers that be are ordained of God” (Romans 13:1), yet the Roman government was making torches out of the Christians—tying them to posts, putting pitch on them, and lighting them. The instructions were, “Be submissive to the powers that be. Governments are ordained of God.” The same thing existed in Germany when Christians were put in Hitler’s army. One man later became a prophet of God in the restoration movement of Germany. He was put in the Nazi Party when he was young. Before he became a Christian, he had subscribed to that movement, and they started pushing him. Later, he was assigned to the SS. He said, “I never had to kill. I kept praying to God, but they put me in it; there was nothing I could do. But I came out of it. I didn’t believe in what Hitler was doing.” How can a man be in Hitler’s army and still be a Christian? Yet today he is a prophet of God; he came through the ordeal.

Men of God who are serving in the different denominations may also chafe, wanting to be among the one hundred and forty-four thousand who follow the Lamb whithersoever He goes. They do not want to defile themselves with the Babylon of the denominations. Yet they can preach the Lord and exalt Him.

The people who are dedicated to the Lord are the only ones truly dedicated to their country. The true patriots are the ones who put God’s Kingdom first. They serve their country best who serve God first. They do not advocate its downfall. People in high places, who do not even know God nor have any faith in Him at all, see the handwriting on the wall. While they are doing everything they can to preserve the country, they still predict its fall. Brilliant scientists who were involved in the making of modern weapons afterwards had real pangs of conscience when they saw the way their discoveries were used for destruction. They are wondering if countries like America are going to go out, not with a big bang, but with a whimper. They are wishing they had done something else. It is not on the battlefields that we are losing; it is on the spiritual fronts.

Conditions have to be worse before they can be better. We cannot want things to go on as they are. Something must change in America. The only hope for revival is that America suddenly faces the fact that it is in jeopardy and is going to go down. Then perhaps it will listen when someone comes with a word from God.

If the remnant of God is strong enough in faith, it will be a force greater than any political party. America can be preserved into the establishment of the Kingdom of God. We can see it done, but there will be a lot of things which will have to come down; a lot of things in control will have to be dethroned. That which is already reaching in to strangle the liberties and freedoms of America will have to come down.

America does not need to go the way of the other nations of the world. There will be some sheep nations as well as goat nations when the Lord comes to establish His Kingdom. According to Matthew 25, He will gather all the nations before Him, and some will be the sheep nations which will enter into the Kingdom; others will be banished and destroyed. We are in that period now. America can be a sheep nation; but that does not mean that God will not bring down every wrong thing in it. The only hope is the remnant that can lead America into the Kingdom of God. There are no military forces, no weapons, no finances, no statesmen at this present time that could actually lead the country into what God has for it in the future. Prophesy that things will change, and make the changes happen!

It is said that American youth are disenchanted with the establishment. That is not true, for they still stand in line for welfare checks and other benefits. Be honest about it. Do not use unemployment insurance or food stamps as a means of getting by without working. If you are going to believe in what the government is dishing out, then get in there and give your share of it too. Whether or not you believe in the establishment, you have a responsibility to be an honest person. You cannot steal from your brother, nor can you steal from the government. Render to God the things that are God’s and to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s (Matthew 22:21). Whether you believe in the establishment or believe that God will bring it down, honesty as a Christian requires you to obey this principle. True believers are not freeloaders, trying to coexist in a society by taking every advantage and giving nothing back. That is not how God says we are to relate to the governments that are ordained.

We believe in the Constitution; it is one of the greatest documents ever written. But some Supreme Court decisions interpreting that Constitution concerning our rights are un-American. If we start praying for a return to the purity of what God set before us, it means that God will have to change the trends that exist.

As Christians we are not required to believe a certain way politically. Our only effective approach will be that of faith before God. The systems and the trends have gone too far to be corrected through political channels, but we can do something; we can stand before God, and God can bring change. Remember that this is entirely a spiritual approach. Physical force will not bring these changes. We are not to be revolutionaries who go out and destroy. It would be anarchy, and God is not the source of anarchy.

It is good to define and look into these issues. This is what makes real Christians out of us, real believers.

The Lord has promised us an open heaven, that when we would see the machinery working, He would give us faith to believe and there would be deliverance. We are concerned about what God is doing to culminate His program in this decade, to bring a conclusion to that which He has been doing throughout the ages. An end-time apostolic company must preach the glorious gospel of the Kingdom in all the world for a witness, so that the true King of kings, whose right it is to rule, shall come. We look unto the Lord, because our citizenship is in heaven.

While we exercise our prerogatives as American citizens with the right of conscience, with liberties that may be eroding away and fast failing, yet we rejoice in them as Americans. But we know that this order will perish and a new order will come, in the name of the Lord. The Lord taught us to pray, “Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.” Men may win elections or lose elections, but the Lord has all authority in heaven and earth, and every knee shall bow before Him and every tongue shall confess that He is Lord to the glory of the Father. That is our political belief. We are citizens of the Kingdom.

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