Prayer gate

The life of God flows out of heaven into our spirit, through our soul and out through our body into the atmosphere of the earth.

Within our spirit we have certain senses which become gateways for the life of God to flow through us. Our spirit is the part of us that is conscious of God.

1 Corinthians 6: 17But he that is joined (continuous repeated action- to glue, cleave, join together with) unto the Lord ( Master, Owner, controller) is one (to indicate the singularity of something, thus emphasizing that there is but one only, one and the same, not at variance with, in accord with) spirit.

In the Greek it reads-but the one joining himself to the lord is one spirit.

The word joining in the Greek is kollao which comes from the root kolla which means glue or cement. It is in the passive voice which means to actively receive. It is in the present tense which expresses continuous or repeated action. The gender is masculine but is referring to the male and female sons of God.

The one joining himself to the lord-how do we join ourselves to the Lord? By yielding to Holy Spirit, by becoming aware of the presence of God which is divine holy love flowing into our heart and back out of our heart to God and others.

When we become aware of the presence of God we hold on to it, we actively receive it by laying hold of it and then we learn how to keep it flowing.

Our spirit has certain senses and one of these senses in our spirit is called prayer. The prayer gate in our spirit is constant two-way communication with the Lord.

Prayer is not just something we do , it is who we are. We are in constant communication with God, when we learn how to continually yield to Holy Spirit.

1 john 1: 3That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship (participation in a common life) with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.   

 We can fellowship with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ and relate to them and continually have a flow of communication with them through continually joining ourselves to the Lord in one spirit.

The word fellowship means participation in a common life, the word Lord means the one in control. When we learn how to be filled with the Spirit, the life of God flows out of heaven into our spirit, and we yield to the controlling influence of the moving of the Spirit of God in our life and then we become a gateway of heaven into the earth through prayer.

Prayer is two-way communication with the Lord, and as we learn how to get the prayer gateway in our spirit open and flowing then we will begin to see the manifestations of our prayers in the earth because our praying will be God inspired, the Holy Spirit praying through us because we are one spirit.

So prayer- talking to God communicating with him having constant communication is not to an idol somewhere but to someone who is with us and in us.

So Jesus said don’t make your prayer life about words or needs. Jesus teaches and demonstrates that we need to organize our lives to be continually consciously aware that we are living in his presence.

 There is a great book practicing the presence of God by a guy called Brother Lawrence who in this book shared his testimony of going from God being somewhere else to God being with him and him being aware of it all the time. So we need to practice and be consciously aware of God’s presence.

In what we tend to call the lord prayer Jesus was saying my father who is as close to as the air I’m breathing hallowed be your name hallowed just means to render, acknowledge or become aware of.

So we could read it the supply of everything I need which is as close to me as the air I’m breathing I stop and become aware of that. And that’s what the Hebrew people called God awareness.

 If we walk in an awareness of God all the time then prayer is not something we do. Prayer is a relationship of intimacy and continual communication.

 So what would our lives look like if we felt and experienced that truth all the time?

Genesis 4:26 men began to call on the name of the Lord, that is the first mention of prayer in the Bible. Call-is three letters in Hebrew ,three heads, first letter is a picture of the front of the head. second letter is a picture of the back of the head. and the third picture is an ox head going through a yoke. because were not used to understanding or interpreting comic strips or pictures, we don’t understand  what that means. but primarily prayer then at the root meaning is a turning of the head in order to face the one who can bear the burden.

Now think of that. we can turn and look to the one who can meet all our needs, bear all our burdens, heal all of our diseases forgive all our sins, deal with everything there is to deal with, and is as close as the air that we breath. We just have to turn.

But often were turning to an idol, something that we pray to God to be, which is not the reality of who he is. So get your head of yourself ,off you words, off your needs and get it onto your father, who is close to you as the air that your breathing that’s the reality of prayer. So my name is Yod-Hei-Vav-Hei; that is what God said my name is actually breath. The name of God actually was like breathing, actually sounds like breathing. When you actually breathe you can actually breathe Yod-Hei-Vav-Hei;  and that’s how God intended it to be. We are conscious even as we breathe bringing that oxygen into our body but actually it’s God who is the source of life, who sustains our life so God is not limited to an idol we put in a box how could he ever be.

There are about 650 different prayers in the Bible .Prayers and references to prayer appear in sixty-two of the sixty-six books of the Bible. The Basic definition of Prayer is two way Communication with God. Today I just want to look at what is commonly referred to as the Lord’s Prayer.

John 14: 23 “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My words; and My Father will love him, and We will come unto him and make Our home with him.

We live connected to an open heaven as a habitation of God .We are a gateway for heaven to invade earth through our prayers.

What people refer to as the Lord’s Prayer, is the prayer the Lord taught the disciples to pray. We can find the Lord’s Prayer in John 17.

This prayer in Math 6 is in reality a kingdom prayer. It teaches us how the will of God comes to pass, and gives us an outline for our personal prayer life. It is not just words we repeat, but something that needs to be written upon our heart.

Matthew 6: 9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in (fixed postion) heaven (the heavens), Hallowed                (be honored as holy) be thy name. 10 Thy kingdom (the realm of rule) come (a command to being this moment, not continuous, to come or go, appear). Thy will (determination-his desire)be done in earth, as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. 12 And forgive ( to send forth or away, to let go from oneself)us our debts (that which is owed  a obligation), as we forgive our debtors. 13 And lead (forbids an action that is not in process, and thus commands it not to be started, to bring into) us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

We pray our Father, not just my father. We are not just praying individually, but for the whole family. The focus is on the Father. We must get the right concept of the Father; He desires what is best for us, more than we ever could for ourselves. He is our Father; our spirit came from him out of His heart in eternity, as we begin to perceive his heart- we begin to perceive all of his wondrous thoughts towards us.

Until we see God as our Father, we see him as some being totally separate from ourselves. We are one spirit with him, He generated us with His very own life which should be growing and developing in us.

We acknowledge the realm he lives in, the heavens plural. He is closer to us than the air we breathe. It is a spiritual dimension that as our spirit begins to grow we will begin to see.

We acknowledge His name singular- The Father- be honored as Holy. With great reverence and honor we call him Father as part of the new creation in Christ, an honor other beings in the spirit realm do not have.

Matthew 6: 9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in (fixed position) heaven (the heavens), Hallowed                (be honored as holy) be thy name. 10 Thy kingdom (the realm of rule) come (a command to being this moment, not continuous, to come or go, appear). Thy will (determination-his desire) be done in earth, as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. 12 And forgive (to send forth or away, to let go from oneself)us our debts (that which is owed  a obligation), as we forgive our debtors. 13 And lead (forbids an action that is not in process, and thus commands it not to be started, to bring into) us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Thy kingdom come- the kingdom is a spiritual realm, the realm of His rule. It is a realm of His dominion, it is in another dimension, the unseen realm, but that realm is all around us and within us and our spirit has access to it.

Romans 14:17 The kingdom is righteousness, joy and peace in intimate union with the Holy Spirit. There is a door in our spirit that we can step into in which we become aware of the presence of Holy Spirit where we come under the government of the Presence, and then it flows through us out into the atmosphere around us so that the kingdom comes into the natural realm.

Thy kingdom come-the word come is in the Aorist tense and is an imperative which means it is a command to begin this moment and is in the active voice which means we have been given the authority to release it into our lives and the sphere of influence the Lord has given to us, all that is under our authority, like our children.etc. Thy kingdom come-let it come into manifestation, appear in the natural realm in which we live.

1 Corinthians 4:20 for the kingdom of God is not in word but in power. This realm of the dominion of God flowing through us is in power-the word in the Greek is dunamis-miracle working power.

This power can flow through us where we command things through the gifts of the Spirit. Like casting out devils and healing the sick. Heaven invades earth through our words when the gifts of the Spirit are working through our lives.

But the gifts of the Spirit are given to us in our immaturity, so they can still operate separate from union with Christ. Many will say in that day lord, have we not prophesied in your name and done many might works, but they did not know the Lord intimately, their spirit did not grow up into the stature of Christ.

Thy will be done- the will of God is first of all a condition of spirit, one spirit with the Lord. All the miracles that Jesus did revealed the Father. He was moved by the compassion of the Father, and his works revealed the heart of God, the nature of the Father. And he never acted independent of the Father. What he saw the Father do, he did.

He could have called forth legions of angles to save him from the cross, but not my will, but yours be done.

In earth as it is in heaven- in heaven –singular not plural speaking of the atmosphere of heaven which is governed by love.

We have had the kingdom come many times in the natural realm. We have had moves of the Spirit, moves of the kingdom that demonstrated the kingdom of heaven. But we haven’t had moves of the will of God. Your kingdom come your will be done.

Because we can do all those apart from the will of God, because it says you heal the sick, you speak in tongues, you do this, and you do that. So when we do these things, it is us doing it, but there is a higher realm of synchronization and union that we can come into, a face to face relationship with the Father, where I no longer live.

 I consider myself as having died. I consider my identity and who I’ve been as having died on the cross. And now I am something else, I am a new creation; I’m a gateway of the will of the Father in the earth.