Providential guidence

We need to learn how to cooperate with our destiny, if we are going to walk with God, we will need to know and understand and recognize providential guidance when it begins to happen.

When our spirit entered our mother’s womb it was already seeded with our destiny, it is called a destiny scroll. Our spirit came into this world preprogrammed with a destiny, it came preprogrammed with success. We were programmed for victory. Understanding this is important, our purpose in life, our destiny, the reason for us being here was seeded into our spirit, before we came here.

The provision needed to fulfill our destiny was also provided in heavenly places, before the foundation of this world, we need to learn how to access this spiritual dimension to receive the equipping necessary to fulfill our destiny.

 The provision, everything that is needed to fulfill our destiny was set aside for us. If we understand this, it is very comforting. We can fulfill our destiny and everything that we need to fulfill that destiny has already been set aside.

2Timothy 1:9 the Bible tells us, Paul writing to timothy –who has saved you and called you with a holy calling not according to your works of choosing, but according to his own purpose and grace and this was given to you in Christ Jesus before this world began.

Ephesians 1 ;3 blessed be the God and Father of our lord Jesus Christ who hath ( past tense) who has in eternity past blessed you with all spiritual blessings that you are going to need in the spirit realm in heavenly places. You have to go into the spirit realm to get the blessing. So the provision and the call, the destiny and the provision, has already been laid aside for you, everything you need to fulfill your destiny, has already been set aside.

Sometimes, have you noticed that when you are discussing things with Christians, talking about certain things and you come alive?  When people touch on some things, you come alive. What is that? It is simply because you are touching on the destiny that is seeded into your spirit. When you touch on that you come alive. It touches you, touches you very deeply, you come alive, there is a response from you. Learning, to come to know your destiny and cooperating with it, is one of the aspects of learning to walk with God.

If you’re going to walk with God you will need to know and understand and recognize providential guidance when it begins to happen. We need to ask the question is God in control of everything? Yes and no. He is in control of our life to the degree that we put him in control. He will never ever override our sovereign will that is a free gift to mankind saved and unsaved.

Ephesians 1 verse 11 says in whom we have obtained an inheritance being predestinated according to the purpose of him who works all things after the counsel of his own will.

The key to understanding predestination is that little word- foreknow. Because God lives in eternity, not in time, he knows our life beginning from end; our life has already been lived as far as God is concerned. One reason we have time is to stop everything happening at once.  But when you’re in heaven everything does happen at once.

 God knows everything about us; he knows the choices we are going to make out of our free will. We will make those choices, God will not make them for us, but he knows what choices we will make. He knows the beginning from the end. He is not just the alpha, he is also the Omega. He is the beginning and the end.

Because of our commitment to do the will of God, God can cause events to take place, appointment, events, boundaries to be set, things to come into play in our lives sovereignly, without our own manipulation. He foreknows our life, as far as God is concerned it is already lived. He has a complete record of it in eternity.

We need to recognize providential guidance. Early in my Christian life when I was first learning how to hear Gods voice, he told me to move to Cleveland Tennessee. I was broke, it was late at night, I was with a couple friends, and we took off and drove 12 hours and it was just amazing how everything began to fall into place-providential guidance.

In providential guidance you begin meeting the right people, being in the right place at the right time, situations take place, everything totally out of your control, but it all works out right. We need to recognize that.

Providential guidance begins before we were born-again. What nation we were born in is part of providential guidance, the kind of family we are in- providential guidance. Providential guidance starts before we were born-again, it continues after we are born-again. However, once we come into the kingdom of God, we become responsible to work with God in Godly principles that will facilitate or bring to pass that which God has for our life.

Now there are two things that God has purposed for us. Number one- that we be conformed to his image and become a son of God- that is the general calling for everyone. Secondly- there is a specific calling, what we are here for, what we need to accomplish on the earth. The first is paramount to be conformed to His image and determines how far we get on the second one- the personal call.