
There are basically two pathways that we can walk on, the pathway of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the pathway of the tree of life.

We have all walked on the pathway of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which represents the flesh, that union of soul and body that acts independently of God-self-management.

When we hear the word flesh we think of the works of the flesh as opposed to the fruit of the spirit in Galatians. But walking in the flesh is just basically living without an awareness of the presence of God. We are either walking in the flesh, or walking in the spirit. To walk in the spirit is something that we have to learn how to do, just like we had to learn how to walk in the natural when we were a little child.

We are now learning how to walk on a different pathway where we allow God to manage our lives. We are learning how to walk with God. We are entering into the kingdom where Jesus is lord of our lives. We are learning how to live from the inside out.

We need to learn how to engage God in our spirit and learn how our spirit functions with God. Engaging God is participating in His Spirit, becoming involved in His kingdom this is inside of us.

In our spirit is a seat of government, and we need to learn what it means to have God governing our lives. Either God is leading us and involved in our activities, or we are living independent of Him and doing our own thing.

The seat of government is really the place where God in us rests and has His rule, or we are still ruling and are not at rest.

The lordship of Jesus first of all takes place in our spirit. As we learn the different senses of our spirit, it enables us to activate them, so that the life of God is continually flowing into them.

When we open our spirit to the lord, His presence and His rule comes into our spirit. And then we learn how to engage God there, so that His Spirit can flow out of us, and create a kingdom atmosphere around us, so that the kingdom is at hand.

God’s government is a government of rest. When the Spirit of God is flowing in us it produces rest, we need to learn how to operate in this rest.

When Jesus is on the throne of the seat of rest in our spirit then we will be at rest, but if self is on the throne we will be seeking to meet our own needs in our own strength and we will be weary and heavy laden.

Perfect peace does not come from a calm environment and circumstances. Perfect peace only comes in becoming one spirit with God. Experiential oneness comes in degrees as our spirit grows in its appropriation of God’s attributes.

As His love is perfected in us, we begin to live in rest. Through the infilling of His Spirit, His love penetrates into the areas of our soul that have been hurt and damaged, His love begins to make them whole.

 His love fills us with His life and provides peace and joy in a dimension that is separate from any evil circumstances or events in the world.

To enter into His rest we need to learn how to live in our spirit. We can learn how to live in our spirit when we become aware of it. When things are troubling us in our soul, we can step back into our spirit, so that we can focus in on our spirit and disconnect with the thing that is troubling our soul.

We are basically a spiritual being, but our spirit has to grow and develop so that we can become aware of it and live in it and then our soul can come under submission to it. We are more aware of our soul-body and tend to live in it, instead of our spirit.

Our spirit has senses and is aware of the presence of God, and the realm of the spirit, (the unseen realm) and all that is in it as we come into contact with it. Our body has senses and is aware of the natural realm and all that is in it as we come into contact with it. Our soul is in-between the two worlds and interprets or mediates what our body is sensing and what our spirit is sensing.

Our soul is our self consciousness and has basically been trained or developed from the outside in, what our body is sensing in the natural world and the people in it and how self relates to it. So we basically live in our soul as it interprets what our body is sensing.

We are learning how to live from the inside out as our spirit becomes aware of the presence of God inside of us and senses what God is thinking about us and feeling about us and allowing His presence to govern our lives.

Our soul is the part of us that is transformed which means to live by another life source. Our soul has to interpret what our spirit senses so that we become conscious or aware of the realm that God lives in, which is the kingdom.

The kingdom is righteousness, joy and peace in the Holy Spirit. This is a spiritual realm, an unseen realm that we become conscious of through the moving of the Spirit or the life of God in us.

As our spirit senses the presence of God in us and our soul interprets that presence so that we become conscious of it, then we have self consciousness in union with God. This is called mystic union. We become aware of Christ in us the hope of glory.

Jesus is the living word, Christ (anointing) in us, which is the seed of God or His D.N.A. This is the eternal life of God that permeates the spiritual dimension of God’s kingdom, which our spirit becomes aware of (senses) as it is communing with God.

This life is active and moving, it is flowing. As we become aware of it flowing into us, we are filled with it and are moved by it. As we learn how to be continually filled with the Spirit then we can be led by the Spirit and walk with God.

Our spirit is dimensional, and as we become aware of it, we can sense it expanding and coming to the forefront of our consciousness. We can feel it penetrating into the atmosphere around us. We can feel it rising up and taking authority inside of us, because we are yielding to it.

When we learn how to be filled with the Spirit, we become a gateway for the life of God in heaven to become manifested in the earth. This is what people call revival, or the moving of the Spirit, the unseen realm becoming manifested in the seen realm, in which supernatural things take place.

When we are filled with the Spirit it flows through us into the natural realm and then other people become aware of it. One person filled with the Spirit becomes the gateway in which heaven invades the earth.

When Jesus preached that the kingdom of God was at hand, it was because he was a gateway in which heaven could flow through him and change the natural world he came into contact with. He had authority over the natural creation and was able to touch the people in it, when they became open to what he learned how to carry. The Spirit of God rested upon him.

Because his spirit was fully developed where he could live in dual realms, heaven and earth, what he saw the father do, he could release through the Holy Spirit resting upon him, he was just a vessel, a doorway. What the Father initiated, the Holy Spirit did through the gateway (Jesus) on the earth.

We are a gateway between heaven and earth. Our spirit, soul and body have senses which become gateways for the life of God in heaven to flow through into the natural realm. This then becomes the pathway of responsibility that we walk on, being seated with Christ in the heavenly places bring his government upon the earth.

We are learning how to live in Him, and move in Him and have our being in Him.

 We need to become more aware of our spirit, than we are of our soul and body. As we become aware of our spirit through the inflowing of the Holy Spirit into it, our awareness of our spirit can be expanded to the outside of us. As the life of God is flowing through our spirit, it creates an atmosphere around us. We can sense our spirit in that atmosphere.

As we learn how to develop our spiritual senses and grow our spirit through exercise, we can learn how to visit places in our spirit. Our spirit is dimensional; it is in two places at one time. Our spirit is seated in heavenly places in Christ, and it is also here upon the earth.

When we pray in the spirit our spirit appears before God in Zion. The throne of grace is a literal place in heaven, as our spirit grows we can begin sensing being in this place. This begins by realizing that our spirit is literally entering into this dimension. We are coming before God, we are not just speaking words; we are releasing our spirit in those words and are literally coming before him.

Our spirit came out of heaven, is in heaven and is spirit realm conscious. Our spirit is aware of the unseen realm, but this awareness has to be transferred to our soul, so that our soul becomes conscious of it and then that memory is stored in our physical brain.

When our spirit is alive to God we experience his presence, what we have to learn how to do is to meditate so that our awareness of the presence of God is stored as memory in our physical brain.

The presence of God is stored in the word of God, so we need to meditate upon every word that proceeds from the mouth of God until the presence in that word is quickened to us. We also need to journal our spiritual experiences, our encounters with the presence of God so that we can revisit them, and re-experience the presence of God we encountered in them. We are learning how to develop pathways in our mind so that they become physical memories stored in our brain which can then trigger the presence of God in those memories.

The growing of our spirit is a growing awareness of the presence of God. The presence of God is not the person of God. It is the atmosphere that emanates from his person or being.

We join our spirit to the lord through worship, waiting on the lord, meditation, prayer, our spirit opens as God communicates himself to us through it and then our soul becomes aware of it. When God communicates to us we sense his presence in the communication.

The life of God flows through our spirit into the gateways of our soul (mind, reason, imagination, emotions, conscience) which are the senses of our soul enabling us to be conscious of what our spirit is sensing.

We are becoming aware of the reality of the spiritual realm of God’s kingdom. It is the reality of the kingdom world in which Jesus reigns that is destructive to the powers of darkness, but to us it is consuming love, peace and power to do the will of God. This reality produces a sound mind, and peaceful emotions.

The kingdom is in us, it is around us, and it is in heaven. It is that sphere in which Jesus is lord, and the enemy has no access.

The government of God in our life is a seat of rest; we are not doing things in our self, but allowing the Spirit of God in us to do the work. All we are doing is walking in what the lord is revealing, continually drawing strength from Him which is found in the infilling of His Spirit as His love joy and peace is flowing into us.

The key to be able to fulfill our destiny and to experience living real abundant life is to live from a place of rest.

The rest of God is relational and is a result of taking Jesus’ yoke upon us.

Our walk with God has to flow from relational rest otherwise we will be doing things for ourselves in our own way.

Who is on the throne of our life? Who’s in charge of our life? We have to choose which pathway to follow, the pathway of discipleship or the pathway of living unto our self. If we surrender the throne of our life to God and He sits on the throne (on the seat of rest) then we get to rule with Him.

Jesus has sat down next to the father on His right hand, the place of authority and as we surrender our spirit to the throne of God, then He starts to train us to also rule.

The more we surrender to Him, then the more we will learn and the more responsibility the father releases to us in authority. So with God on the seat of rest we will find that the answers to the questions that we have deep down on the inside of us are answered. Who am I?  Where did I come from? Why am I here? What is my purpose? Will my life have meaning? We may not on the surface ask ourselves those things but they are the deepest needs that we have.

They become very practical things when God is on the throne of rest in our lives. He will begin to meet the needs of our soul in Him for love.

 Love is primarily the deepest need that we have because God is love. As we become established in God’s love and acceptance of us we become secured in our relationship we him.

We are the beloved of God. The word beloved means much loved, the root of the word means that God breaths after us, loves us sensually. God is the lover of our soul, as our soul senses the love of God flowing into it through our spirit; it opens a whole new level of intimacy we begin to experience.

Our soul is not separated from God that is an illusion. He is aware of everything in it. Our soul is our heart and yes there still may be dark areas in it that the light of God has not yet penetrated.

There are areas of our soul in which we feel separation from God; we may feel hurt, guilt, shame. These are areas of our soul that are still in captivity. As the love of God flows into these areas, the love in his presence sets us free.

The salvation of our soul is a process which begins when we realize that God loves us sensually. His Spirit breathes after us, relentlessly pursuing these areas of our soul that are blocking us from him, because we are not experiencing the presence of God in them.

When we realize that God is the lover of our soul- that his love never fails, never gives up, we are then enabled to open up those areas of our heart for his presence to heal, cleanse, restore and bring comfort and refreshing so that we become a whole person. Our soul begins to enter into rest, the government of his love and presence over it.