Dynamiting the stumps

There is a process by which you can get rid of resentment, rebellion and unsubmissiveness. One usually triggers off another until all three have run the complete cycle.

When you have something like this that you battle continually, expect and believe for perfect deliverance. However, understand that the nature of your problem is so deep that your dedication and your repentance must also be deep. You have to literally blast such a deep-rooted problem.

By way of illustration, we might compare it to the process of dynamiting a tree stump. In order to remove a tree stump, it is not enough to chop the main roots loose; nor will it work to drill holes in the stump and plant the dynamite there, for you will only tear things up around the surface. You must find a way to place a charge of dynamite down underneath the roots so that you can blow up the entire stump. Likewise, your repentance must be worked at an even deeper and deeper level in your spirit until you are positioned underneath the problem. You must live with that repentance until it becomes a grieving, an even deeper force in your life than the things of which you are repenting. Then God has a way of exploding it out.

Each time you pray, violently keep going down, down, down, as deeply as you can. You may think you are getting nowhere, but if you really want to go deep enough, God will help you get down underneath that thing and it will blow up and uproot itself completely. Then you are rid of it forever. Every time you say yes, say it a little deeper. Every time you are in a service and God leads you to pray, pray a little more earnestly. Every time there is a real anointing, become violent in seeking; go down a little deeper and soon you will be way down where it can come loose.

If you do not apply this principle, you will continue praying around the edge of it and think, “I am getting nowhere; year after year it is just the same.” It is not just the same because each year you are going down deeper. Quit playing around with it and dig, dig, dig. Get it blasted loose as soon as possible. Keep going down and believe God to loose it. If you find any part that is not quite loose, go after it; keep digging. Be determined that you are going to get underneath that thing once and for all. Work on the resentment and the rebellion and the unsubmissiveness all at one time, because it is probably a package deal.

When you get the root out, the devil will have nothing to play on any longer. He always works at some root that he finds in us. If you are being oppressed by the devil, get rid of the root of your problem and you can close the door. Dig down in prayer and repentance until you get beneath the whole thing and then believe God in a prayer of faith and repentance to blast it loose, once and for all, and get the root out—the root of resentment, the root of rebellion, the root of unsubmissiveness. Then believe God to bring you into the full blessing He has for you.

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