God is love, God is Spirit, God is light, and God is a consuming fire.
John 3:6 that, which is born of Spirit, is spirit.
That which is born of love is love. By one sacrifice Jesus perfected in love forever those who are becoming love.
The Christian life is all about finding out who we already are in Christ, and then acting accordingly.
You are Love, what you are learning is how to flow in love.
You are the light of the world, what you are learning is how to shine, how to radiate the glory of God, because you already have been glorified- Romans 8:30
So we must be established in love. It must become a priority in our life, because when we flow in love, we flow in God. We have all kinds of complicated theories about moving in the Spirit. But it is really simple, when we are flowing in love, we are flowing in God.
I am not talking about a human love, loving someone or something out of personal desire, a subjective love. I am talking about tuning into the love of God, and seeing people through His eyes, allowing His love to flow through us and blessing people so that they can experience God’s love.
When we are abiding in Him, there is a continual flowing of the love of God in us. God is love; everything about Him is love. Everything that flows from God flows out of love. It’s the current that all of Him flows in. It is not just a part of Him, it is Him. And when this happens to us, when His love is flowing in us, we become one with Him, we exist in love.
Love is a power; it is energy, a motivational force, one of the highest powers in the universe. Faith has a tremendous power and so does hope, but love is the greatest, it’s tangible, it is a power, it is energy, it’s a force.
1 John 4 he that loveth not does not know God. God is love.
We don’t know what God is like if we don’t love. The power source of God is love. If we are going to dwell in God, we must enter His state of being. If we’re going to relate to Him, we must enter into His love.
Our problem with God is incompatibility, not on His side, He already sees us perfected in Christ. But on our side, we have not yet grown up into the full stature of Christ, so that we are not yet able to understand Him in many areas and in many ways.
Becoming compatible with Him has to do with love, because that is His state of his being. We must become love. The more our being is that of love the more compatible we become with Him. When we get out of love we get out of God.
We can’t have fellowship with a fish, because we are not compatible with a fish, a fish is a different species.
God is a species of love. We can’t have fellowship with Him unless we are abiding in love.
Galatians 5:6 (YLT) for in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision, but faith through love working.
That word working, worketh, is a Greek word energéō which we get our word energy from. Faith is energized by love. Love is a power.
We are emanating something right now and there is no middle ground, there is no neutral ground. We are emanating something from our life. Is it the love of God or is it something else?
Love is a substance; it is a power that flows out of us as light. And the more love we have, the more light we have. The more love, the more we abide in Him. The more love the more compatible we are with God. And the more compatible we are with Him determines our relationship with Him and the level of our relationship with Him.
Love speaks of a relationship, abiding in His realm, it is a state of being, it is a power that flows from us. As we learn how to abide in the realm of love, it will empower our faith. Faith comes as a result of relationship, hearing. But it works through love.