You can’t discourage a humble man

God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace to the humble. James 4:6b. This is a principle. If you write it on the tablets of your heart and review it often, you will discover that much of the resistance in your life is based upon divine resistance, rather than upon demonic assault. When a person who strives to do the will of God is motivated by a proud and arrogant spirit, God will resist him. His actions and words may be correct, and the activities he performs may be according to God’s perfect will, but God will resist him until there is a humbling of his heart. God does this so that whatever that person produces will have the quality of spirit that God really wants.

Can you fight two fronts at once? Do you want to fight the devil and be resisted by God at the same time; or would you rather be assured that your efforts toward the Kingdom of God will be blessed by the Lord? Then remember—God resists the proud, but He gives grace to the humble. When you humble yourself, this opens the flow of God’s grace which gives the assurance, the support, the strength, the encouragement, and the comfort in everything you attempt to do for the Lord.

You cannot discourage a humble man. When a person experiences periods of depression, it is because of a personal frustration within, which proves that self and pride are in evidence. Many times believers find that they are barren, or that their efforts are aborted and fall short of fulfillment. They do not find satisfaction in what they do. Even if they do see fulfillment, it is only a small measure compared to what they know they could have. Why? There is divine resistance to that which is a product of the pride and arrogance of the flesh. Even though it parades as being very religious and very dedicated to doing the will of the Lord, it is something that God rejects. He resists it.

Be subject (submissive) therefore unto God; but resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7. When you are totally subject to God, when you are humble and submissive, you reach a level where you can resist the devil; and he will flee from you.

Every assault of Satan that is successful to any degree in distracting you, oppressing you, or hindering you, comes because you have the same trait in your nature that exists in the nature of Satan. Satan is the arrogant one who said, “I will exalt myself above the heavens. I will be as God. I will set my throne in the north’ ” (Isaiah 14:13). There was a lofty self-praise in Satan at his fall. He was lifted up with pride. Pride and selfishness are basic to every sin, because it is that arrogant pride that resists God. It was in Satan, and it also was in the angels that fell; therefore, if you have that same thing in your nature, you have a kindred quality with Satan, and that is why he can successfully assault you.

Do you really want to overcome Satan? Repent until there is no pride within—only humility. Christ was the most humble person who ever lived; He was meek and lowly in heart. How He humbled Himself! How humble He was before the Father! He said, “When the prince of this world comes, he shall find nothing in Me” (John 14:30). Christ had none of the arrogant rebellion or pride that exists in Satan. Therefore, Satan had no way of contact; there was no door of openness in Christ.

You have an openness to Satan when you harbor pride; but you have a complete ability to reject him when, in humility, you submit totally to God. When you resist the devil from that place of submission, he flees from you. He does not just leave you; he does not merely depart from you. He flees! He flees because he cannot cope with the authority that is turned loose with humility.

Philippians 2:7–11 explains that when Christ humbled Himself, taking upon Himself the form of a servant, the Father highly exalted Him and gave Him a name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. All authority is concentrated where humility is found.

As long as you have pride and arrogance in your heart, you will be in constant battle. God will resist you and you will have no defense against Satan; but when you come into a deep humility, you also come into a place of total authority. Whenever you see a humble man, you will also see the devil going in the other direction—fleeing!

What is the process of becoming humble? Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye doubleminded. Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall exalt you. James 4:8–10. This chapter of James contains verses that are very familiar to every believer; however, they take on new meaning concerning your authority in Christ over Satan.

Authority is a believer’s ultimate destination when he is on the path of humility. Humility always leads to a throne. Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18. On the other hand, humility always comes before God enthrones your life in a new level of authority.

Open your heart to God. Can you see where your own pride has stood in the way? Has it been a factor in your receiving so little blessing when you knew that there was so much more? Has demonic assault been effective in your life? If so, you have an open door. Somewhere in your nature is the same kindred characteristic that is found in the heart of Satan; and that is why he can get through to you. Paul said, Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus (not the mind that was in Satan). Philippians 2:5. Let that same thinking, that same nature be in you that was in Christ Jesus; then you will find perfect release. Only the humble and submissive heart can make demons flee.

Does this change your approach to spiritual warfare? Does it mean that you should be less violent in your prayer? No. In fact, you should be even more persistent in your intercession; but humble yourself so that you will not get into battle and find that you have no defenses because of the pride that still exists in your spirit. Do not tangle with devils that you cannot cast out!

Pride is a weed that grows in all climates; it grows in those who dwell in the high and lofty places, and it grows in those who live in the valleys. Pride grows in the heart of the rich, and it grows in the heart of the poor. Pride grows anywhere. It is a very destructive force that will sap the very life and flow from God to your heart. You have everything to lose by being proud. You have nothing to lose by being humble. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall exalt you. Humble, submissive relationships to God and to one another will make God’s people totally effective as the Body of Christ.

Is there a proud arrogance in your nature that exalts itself against the dealings of the Lord? Be submissive to Him. Subject yourself to Him. Humble yourself in His sight—not in the sight of others. That is not the purpose of humility. The purpose of humility is to bring God’s grace upon your life. You want to be subject to Him so that in every encounter you have in this world—with the flesh, with sin, or with Satan—the devils will flee and you will be more than a conqueror.

Pride will destroy all the fruitfulness that God brings forth in your life. Repent of it! Ask God to forgive and cleanse you from all unrighteousness and to teach You humility. Let the Word of the Lord speak to you and guide your steps before Him. Let Him make you a person of humble prayer, and therefore of bold faith. Humble yourself before the Lord, and your focus and effectiveness will be greater than ever before.

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