Our soul gates

The life of God flows out of heaven activating our spirit and then flows into our soul and then out through our body.

Our soul is in the middle and is the crucial part, because the soul gives us self-consciousness. Our soul is the part of us that gives us the awareness of what our spirit senses.

If the life of God does not flow out of our spirit into our soul we cannot communicate with God. It is the transformation of the soul which enables us to become unified and whole.

1 Thessalonians 5: 23And the very God of peace sanctify (to express a wish, to separate exclusively to God) you wholly (complete in all respects, entirely); and I pray God your whole (complete in all its parts, in no part wanting or unsound)spirit and soul and body be preserved (expresses a wish, specific point past-passive-to keep one in  a spiritual state) Blameless (without-to find fault) unto (intimate union with) the coming ( the presence) of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The sanctification of spirit, soul and body does not automatically happen. It is the presence of God flowing into our gateways that sanctifies us. Our spirit, soul and body can be kept in a state of sanctification, purifying our heart so that we can see God, begin to have a face to face relationship with him.

We are spirit soul and body and we need to understand how these gateways work together so we can be unified and whole.

Without our spirit and soul becoming unified we are going to have a self-consciousness that is separated from God in our experience.

When our spirit entered the womb of our mother a cell forms the heart where the soul develops carrying 23 chromosomes from our father and 23 chromosomes from our mother, the D.N.A record of our parent’s history and our generational line.

Our Soul is programmed by God with various desires and needs that draw us to him. Our soul needs Acceptance,   Love, Affection,   Value, worth, Security,   Safety, Approval,   Significance, Affirmation,   Identity, and Purpose. God desires and is able to meet all our needs through the flowing of his life through our gateways.

When our spirit becomes awakened through contact with the Spirit of God, the conception of His seed within it, the D.N.A of God within it becomes active and has the record or scroll of our eternal destiny.

Through the life flow of the Spirit of God within our spirit, our spirit becomes strong enough so that our soul becomes restored to that record instead of the one we received from our natural parents.

Our soul is programmed by God with various desires and needs which are designed to draw us to him. Most of the sin that we find ourselves in is showing us the need of God. Because we’re seeking something to fill the hole that God has designed to be in us.

So we need acceptance and love. We need affection, value, significance and worth. We need security, safety, approval, affirmation, identity and purpose. Without that we don’t know who we are.

Our soul is craving and desiring to know why it’s here. God desires and is able to meet all those needs so we can have the answers to the deepest questions of who am I, why am I here, what is my purpose, what am I supposed to be here doing.

Our soul develops through a combination of nature- DNA programming. Nurture- environmental programming and trauma- experiential programming and all of us of have those things operating in our lives.

The soul therefore blocks the flow from the spirit. So dethronement of the soul, our self, our soul life is the key to fulfilling our destiny.

If our soul is in charge then it engages with the world around it rather than from the life flowing through our spirit. Our spirit, soul and body were always designed by God to be connected and flowing from the inside out.

We’ve been separated, fractured, or dissociated in various ways and God wants to heal us, restore us and make us whole. We look to the world for love, acceptance, security, significance and purpose. We get that in work, relationships, money, power, things, and materialism. As a result of that we have damage in our souls because all those things have a way of disappointing us and not working.

So we end up with pain, hurt, rejection, insecurity, fear, disappointment, guilt and shame. We all have been in that state at one time or another and depending on how much our soul has been restored will determine how much we are still in that state.

As we learn how to flow from the inside out, we begin to find purpose, security, significance and love from God. But if we look on the inside one moment and the outside the next, we tend to feel separated and pulled in various directions .So we need to deal with where we are going to draw life from.

So when we start to get the gateways of our spirit open and flowing from the inside out, we get restored, renewed, transformed to God’s original condition as it deals with all those areas of our soul that have been damaged. And then we don’t need to find things from the outside world to meet those needs.

There’s nothing wrong in those things, it is just wrong if they become the source of meeting our needs. So God wants us to draw life from him so that we can become transformed and transfigured and then we begin to manifest the glory God through our lives and then God can start to work through us and we start to see the works of the kingdom- miracles, signs, wonders, healings, all those things are flowing from the life that is on the inside of us- out into the world.

It’s important that we deal with the area of our soul so that our spirit, connected to God can then begin to engage our soul so that we can become unified, so everything is connected, working and flowing.

But this is not an automatic process. A lot of people say well Jesus did everything on the cross therefore it is all done. But the reality is if it was all done immediately we would never be sick, we would never sin. We have to learn how to appropriate the finished work of the cross.

Our soul interprets the world through its memories and experiences of the world. We learn our worldview through nurture and that has shaped what we believe.

When our spirit is awakened through contact with God it becomes God and spirit realm conscious. As our spirit engages God it begins to find its true identity and destiny which can never be found just by our soul alone.

However much we try and find purpose in life, it is all vanity unless it includes a relationship with God.

As our spirit begins to grow so that we can begin to access the spiritual realms we begin to experience the divine nature and then our soul can begin to mediate who we truly are.

When our spirit is engaged in that heavenly realm where it’s a being of light it begins to receive or unveil the revelation of who it is, then that essentially allows our soul to take on the reflection of our spirit because it’s been revealed in this spiritual dimension. But this does not happen automatically because if the soul is not connected correctly to our spirit it can block all that.

Even though our spirit may be getting revelation and start to grow and becomes strong where we become more aware of the spiritual realm, our spirit can be blocked by our soul because it sits in the middle.

As our spirit engages God where the light of His life is flowing into it, this energy causes our soul to respond and reflect what is inside of our spirit, but our soul has to connect to it.

This is why it is important to get our spirit gates open and flowing so that our soul can begin to connect to our spirit, So that we can become in the natural who we are in the spirit. So we can begin to be transformed from the inside out.

As our soul begins to connect to our spirit, our mind begins to be renewed, because it has been formed or conformed to the concepts and ideas through contact with the world, and these are the things that can block the inflowing of the spirit.

Everything that we generally learn comes from the outside in but God wants to transform us from the inside out so that who we are in heaven in our spirit can begin to bring who we are in our soul into alignment, so that we can become a reflection of our eternal image.

As our spirit and soul become connected we are able to radiate that true identity as we become transformed and transfigured into that image. But this is a process it doesn’t all happen in an instant.

The more we come into oneness and wholeness and peace within ourselves, the easier it is for that image to be reflected through us which opens the door for other people to also engage it and therefore engage God through us.

Our soul gates are- Conscience · Reason · Imagination · Mind · Emotions · Choices · Will

The word heart in the bible is basically referring to our soul and not our spirit.

Our conscience is literally like the ears of our heart and is designed to be our protector and director. It is designed by God to help us make decisions based on what will please God or not.

Our conscience has to be directed through a flow of the Spirit. Our conscience can become damaged and programmed by the world and is pretty much a result of what we have been brought up with. Our conscience will align itself with what has been programmed into it.

Our reason is the voice of our heart and it is our translator and interpreter and helps us understand and explain the things of the spirit and how the spiritual and natural worlds relate.

But depending upon what’s been programmed into our reason gate, we can translate and interpret things very differently from how God intends.

Our imagination, the eyes of our heart is a receiver and a transmitter. God can transmit images on that screen so that we can receive those images. We can also project images, so it’s a screen and a projector for things that we can’t see with our physical eyes, but our spirit is receiving in its awareness of the spirit realm.

So we can imagine things and our imagination can also receive visions and dreams and pictures that God gives us to help us connect the spiritual and physical realms together.

Our subconscious mind and our unconscious mind work together. Our subconscious mind stores programs and delivers those programs to the conscious mind; it is like the hard drive of a computer. Within that hard drive are the things which have been programmed into it.

We also have a part of the mind that is called the unconscious mind, which is the place where things happen unconsciously without us ever thinking about them, that keep our body going, breathing, the blinking of the eye and so on.

So what is programmed in our brain determines what we do, how we are able to understand and relate to the world around us.

We also have emotional responses and feelings and depending on how we been shaped they can be a very good thing or a very bad thing.

Our emotions are a good servant but a bad master. We may have been brought up in situations where emotions have been used to manipulate and control situations. So we may fear emotions because whenever emotions of anger were displayed it meant problems for us.

So there are lots of things in our emotions, in our heart that actually maybe good but also may not be good. God wants our emotions to respond by what moves him.

And we have a will and that’s where things like persistent come from, boldness, endurance but also stubbornness and other things which maybe not so good.

So all our soul gates need to be healed and cleansed, so that there is nothing in them that blocks the flow of Gods life through our spirit.

Gen2: 7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground (earth), and breathed into his nostrils the breath ( spirit, the source of life, life force) of life ; and man became a living soul

Our spirit preexisted in God, when he breathed it into the body it took on another dimension, a level of existence and consciousness with the capacity to grow and develop in God through partaking of the way of the tree of life, which is called the ancient path.

When the spirit entered the body the soul was produced. The body is organic (consisting of organs). The life or soul of the body is in the blood.

Gen9:4 But flesh with the life (nepesh-soul) thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.

Our soul is directly related to the blood stream which gives the organs of the body life. So our soul is directly related to our body.

Our soul has to be transformed- to be enabled to live by a new life force, the life of the Spirit. It has to come under the rule of our spirit, through the flow of God’s life in it. Our soul has to be delivered, from the unrestrained desires of our body, so that it becomes a servant of our spirit and not our body.

The best definition of the flesh is that union of soul and body that acts independently of God. This is the pathway of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The flesh is not just all the negative things in our life but also our own natural abilities. The flesh tries to serve God; we do things in our own strength and abilities instead of learning how to wait upon the lord to receive his revelation, nature, strength and abilities.

Our spirit is directly related to our breath. Our spirit is also directly related to our voice. In the awakening of our spirit, our spirit is directly related to our will. There is now a yes in our spirit to God. Our spirit wills, it desires the things of God, but up until this time our soul had been in charge, it has been trained through practice to do its own thing.

Our spirit has everything that our soul and body has. It has eyes and ears; it has a mouth, mind, will and emotions.

Our spirit is interrelated to Gods Spirit. He that is joined to the lord is one spirit. The word joined in the Greek is the present passive/middle participle, which refers to continuous action by our yielding to the moving of God’s Spirit in us. The life of God in His Spirit flows into our spirit as we learn how to see, how to hear and how to feel Him. This all happens as we learn how to yield to the inflow of His Spirit.

Our spirit is dependant and affected by the inflow of God’s eternal life in it. The will, mind and emotions of God flow into our spirit and we learn how to think and feel and act like God.

The strongest part of our spirit is the will, it naturally desires to do God’s will- there is a yes in our spirit to the will of God. But our spirit has to tune into God’s Spirit in order for us to perceive with the mind of Christ. Our Spirit has to tune into God’s Spirit in order to feel or be moved by Gods emotions. Our spirit has to be connecting to God’s Spirit in order for the mind and emotions of our spirit to be functioning properly. Otherwise the mind and the emotions of our spirit will be swallowed up in the mind and emotions of our soul.

Our soul is a result of the spirit entering into the body. When the spirit leaves the body, the life or soul in the blood also leaves. 

When our spirit is joined to the Lord, it is one spirit with the Lord; it is all of one spirit. But our soul is our distinct individuality, which must be swallowed up in the life of the Lord, so that we no longer act independently of Him.

Our soul and spirit are interrelated. Our soul is to reflect who we are in our spirit. The soul is our distinct individuality. The soul is our own personality, it is our self-consciousness. It is our natural created life; it is what makes us human.  Our self dwells in the soul.

Jesus is the living word, until the word of God is quickened in our spirit we have no fellowship with God, He is still outside of our spirit. Our spirit is like a womb and Gods word must be quickened in it. Our spirit has to become alive unto God, so that our spirit becomes conscious of God, it is the light of his life- our spirit is the lamp of the Lord.

When Jesus was raised from the dead he became the second man, who becomes the head of a whole race of life-giving spirits.  When we open our spirit to the Lordship of Jesus, our spirit becomes alive to God through the inflowing of His Spirit.

Our spirit is the part of us that is God conscious. Before we open our spirit to the Lord it is not alive unto God in the sense of where it is communing with Him. Our spirit still functioned, but was not totally influenced by the life of God.

Once our spirit is joined to the lord, through contact with the Spirit of God, it partakes of the eternal life of God-His uncreated life. When our spirit is in contact with the life of God-(His Spirit), then we can sense the life of God active in us.

So when we talk about the spirit we are basically talking about the divine nature or the life of God. And when we are talking about the soul, we are talking about our natural created life or human nature.

When we are talking about our spirit we are talking about our innermost being in which God desires to live. And when we are talking about our soul we are talking about our self. Self dwells in our soul. And God dwells in our spirit.

Our spirit has a consciousness and our soul has a consciousness. When our spirit is joined to the Lord it has an anointing or ability or a discernment or witness from God to what is true. Our spirit intuitively knows things that our soul might not fully understand yet.

Our spirit knows and our mind understands. We can believe things in our mind, but until we experience them in our spirit that knowledge doesn’t change us. We think we know something or understand something and it tends to puff us up and we become self reliant, instead of God reliant.

The knowledge in our mind about the word of God must become alive in our spirit. Then we now know by experience, that which just use to be a thought in our mind.

The spirit represents the innermost part of us, it has to do with our intentions and motivations and attitudes.

When our spirit comes alive our soul immediately begins to participate in salvation. It is our soul life that is being saved, as the life of God in our spirit is growing and our soul comes into submission to it.

The soul represents the function of our mind and emotions, when our physical eyes see something our soul has to reach out and interpret it.

Our soul becomes kind of a switchboard to interpret what the physical senses receive, as well as what our spirit senses receive.

 Before our spirit is joined to the Lord, our soul interprets basically what the physical senses receive and reacts to it emotionally. The soul is basically influenced by the things of this natural life.

The soul has been trained from the outside in, and the things of this natural life, trigger thought patterns in our soul. Self dwells in the soul, and is influence by the things of this natural life and makes decisions based on self until it is transformed where the eternal life of God flows through our spirit into our soul and our soul comes into submission to it.

The soul also reaches into the realm of our spirit and draws from that. When someone persecutes us and says something evil about us, if the flesh is operative, it comes up to the soul, which reacts by getting mad and wanting to fight back. But if the spirit is in control, the soul responds to the intuition in our spirit. Then we intuitively know how to handle situations. We have to constantly tune into God, and not yield to the flesh with its affections and lusts. 

Once our spirit becomes alive unto God it reaches out and tunes into God and then our soul interprets what it is receiving. The blessing reaches the soul level through our spirit. We approach God through a spirit that is alive to him and as our spirit makes contact our soul responds.

We need to understand that we are a three part being, but these parts are not completely separate. These parts are interrelated. Are spirit affects our soul which affects our body. And our body affects our soul which affects our spirit.

When God reaches our spirit, we are not always alive to it. God deals with a person’s spirit, when they are not even conscious of what is happening to it. But after a couple days it reaches through and it reaches the conscious mind.

We always obtain the victory first in our spirit, we always receive the answer first in our spirit and then our soul becomes aware of it later.

What we need to be focused on and be aware of is our spirit, so that which the Holy Spirit brings to our spirit reaches the level of our understanding almost immediately.

When the life of God is flowing through our spirit our soul will agree with it, and express God’s life.

When our spirit is in constant contact with God’s Spirit we become a life giving spirit and the life of God flows out and touches others, who’s spirits are open to God.

As we learn how to walk in the Spirit, and worship God in our spirit, it can begin to have a very profound effect upon our physical body.

Our five physical senses have been limited to operate on one plane. Therefore we do not see God or the angels. But the more spiritual we become, the more of an ability or a capacity can be given to us to break through the limitation of the natural senses so that we can come into an awareness of the spirit realm.

As we become more and more aware of our spirit and learn how to exercise it in its growth and development in God, once it becomes fully developed it will be just like Jesus Christ in Spirit.

Jesus said I am the resurrection and the life, as we fully yield to His Spirit we are yielding to the resurrection and the Life. We do not yet have the real hope of resurrection life that we should have.

The resurrection takes place first in our spirit, and then our soul comes alive unto God and then our body comes alive unto God.

What we are learning is how the life of God flows into our spirit and then into our soul transforming it and then through our body to other people around us, so that the kingdom flowing through us comes near to them.

The life of God flows through certain gateways of our spirit into certain gateways in our soul, like conscience, reason and imagination and into our will strengthening it, but it all then comes down to choice. The life of God flowing into our soul frees it so that we can make the right choice.

The life of God flows through the reverence gate in our spirit and starts to engage our conscience so that we can make a choice to do the things that please God, we are learning Christ so that we are being trained in a new way of life, and we become a disciple.

The things that please God will always be the best things for us but our flesh-that union of soul and body that acts independently of God has been trained to do its own thing, so at first we have a struggle or battle in choosing what is right, but in time it becomes natural to us.

We have to see our spirit and soul come together and become unified so that we become a whole person so that we are no longer divided. We begin to make decisions based on God’s will and purpose for our life and our destiny rather than those things that have been programmed into us by DNA, nurture or trauma.

We have lived from the outside in and our soul has been damaged and fractured by trying to meet the needs of our soul through self will, So there is a whole process of undoing those things so that the truth, because Jesus is the way the truth and the life can reprogram and resequence us so that we begin to function correctly, So that we become the person that God created us to be rather than the person that’s been conformed to the world around us.

So God wants us to be changed and transformed so that literally all the senses of spirit, soul and body come together and flow in unison. Our spirit through the flow of God’s Spirit within it engages our soul, so that our soul comes into agreement and then uses our physical senses to engage the world. This is how it always was suppose to be.

A gateway is a place of authority where dominion is exercised. Whoever controls our soul and body’s different gateways exercises authority, dominion and control over us. Our gates are designed to be open and flowing from the inside out so we become a gateway of heaven.  This is how they were designed, but that’s not how we start out.

 So we have to find out what is controlling our gateways so that we can have God in control of them through a flow of His Spirit.

Our eyes and ears are the windows of the soul and our soul has been programmed from the outside in. What we see has come from the outside in and therefore we have been conformed to the pattern of the world’s mold.

In order for us to be conformed to the heavenly pattern everything has to start to flow from the inside out. Our gates need to be open and active; whoever sits in the gate controls it. So we need to understand who and what sits in our gates.

 Hebrews 412 says the word of God is living, active, sharper than any two-edged sword and piercing as far as to the division of soul and spirit, both joints and marrow and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

This is not just talking about the Bible, but Jesus Christ, the living word of God and the Holy spirit who breathes life into the Bible and becomes the source of divine life, to reveal the things in our soul that are blocking the flow of His life.

Our conscience gate often is blocked by guilt and shame. The imagination carries memories of things that we’ve seen that pollutes it.

Our reason has mindsets and belief systems attached to it. Our mind has lies within it, things we believe that are not the truth, but true to us.

Our emotions carry hurts and pains and lots of things that block the flow of Gods life.

Our will often carries fears and doubts.  These things have negative effects on us and block us from being a whole person. So we need to deal with them.

 The living word reveals in us fear, rejection, pride, low self-esteem, worth and value, insecurity, doubt, unbelief ,anxiety, worry ,strongholds, mindsets, belief systems, religious spirits, legalism or lasciviousness , lots of things .

 Our Destiny always flows out from a strong spirit, so if our spirit is weak then it is difficult for our spirit to grow strong enough to overcome the soul. Our destiny is blocked by a dominant soul.

Our soul is not bad it is good.  But our soul is to be in subjection to our spirit and to be used for the expression of God’s glory. But when our soul dominates it creates a problem. So we need to see the restoration and refining of our soul to God’s original intention and condition.

Our spirit is the part of us that is supposed to be engaging the world and our awareness of self and the world is to come through a relationship with God. That’s what Adam started with but when he messed up his spirit became internalized surrounded by the soul and the body and needed to be restored.