Spirit gates

We are a house of God, a temple of the Holy Spirit, patterned after the heavenly Tabernacle. The tabernacle had veils or gates, separating the different parts of the Temple.  A veil separated the holy of holies, and the only way the high priest could go in was to go through the veil.

He had to literally pass through a material veil, which was impossible to do in the natural. He had to burn incense so that the room would fill with the smoke of the glory of God, transfiguring his body so it could pass through a material substance.

There is a veil that separates us from the unseen realm of God’s kingdom, the heavenly places in Christ. This door is like an energy field, an invisible wall of uncreated light that is vibrating and pulsating with God’s uncreated life.

When we step through the veil we enter another dimension, where everything is different and we stand in awe.

The lord revealed this to me in a dream, and I stepped through this vibrating energy field and stepped back right away because I felt uncomfortable in that dimension.

The next day I stepped through in my spirit becoming aware of the presence of God and everything was amazing. I could not see anything yet, but all of my spiritual senses were heightened. This is as far as I have got, to just step through the veil, standing at the entrance of God’s kingdom.

But the first love gate in our spirit is a two way gateway, we can step into heaven, but heaven also has access to us. Heaven can flow into our spirit so that we can encounter him inside us and then in the atmosphere around us to prepare us to go beyond the veil, literally.

Our spirit came out of heaven, and is of the same substance of that realm. But there is a veil between our spirit and our soul, causing most people to not be aware of their spirit.

This is the first veil that must be removed from our life. We must experientially know the difference between our spirit and our soul.

When Jesus died on the cross it became an eternal event. Our spirit was born from above; this took place before the foundation of the world and in the time realm 2000 years ago.

What people do not realize is that God has already reconciled the world to himself, every person and the whole of the natural creation. All die in Adam; all are made alive in Christ. They just do not know it because of the veil between their soul and their spirit.

The first veil that has to be removed from our life is the veil between our spirit and our soul.

Who we are in heaven has to come into manifestation or be birthed into the natural realm.

Our spirit came out of heaven, entered into the womb of our mother. When our spirit entered that first cell, when our spirit entered into a natural body, our soul was formed, it came into existence.

Our soul begins to develop and it grows and learns from the outside in, as its senses begin to develop. We begin to lose the consciousness of our spirit because we are not taught how to develop its senses so it falls asleep.

As we grow up in the natural world, we begin to doubt the existence of God and we look to the natural world to meet the needs of our soul,

God begins to draw us to himself and when we make a decision to surrender our natural life to him, our spirit awakens and becomes conscious of Him, we become aware of His presence.

Now for some people this is a sudden climactic experience. What we call being born again. God becomes real in our life and we tell everybody about him. We become aware of his divine attributes; we experience a love and a joy and peace that we never experienced before. We become intoxicated by His Spirit.

This experience of being filled with the Spirit of God begins to wear off and we begin to live in our soul again because we don’t understand the gateways of spirit, soul and body and how the life of God is to be continually flowing through them.

Our spirit is a dimensional place and we can learn how to live in it. We are a spirit being, but because we have not lived in our spirit but in our soul, we tend to not be aware of it.

We can step into our spirit and live in it, so that we are in the spirit, which opens the door to step beyond the veil into the heavenly realms.

By understanding the gateways of our spirit we can develop our spiritual senses, so that we can be conscious of the presence of God flowing through them.

We begin by working on one gateway of our spirit at a time, so that we can get it open and flowing and then on one gateway of our soul at a time, until we understand how the life of God flows though one or more gateways of our spirit into one or more gateways of our soul through our body out into the atmosphere around us creating a kingdom environment where the miraculous begins to take place.

Our spirit, soul and body are designed to be connected and interactive – gates- for the life of God to flow through. We are designed to be a gateway for heaven to flow into the earth. We are a gateway for the kingdom to be at hand around us. John 14:12 – he who believes in me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do.

There is a veil between our spirit and heaven, a veil between our spirit and soul.

The first veil that has to be removed is the one between our spirit and soul. Once we become aware of our spirit and learn how to exercise its senses, our spirit begins to grow and develop. Our spirit is the part of us that gives us God consciousness.

 As we learn how to live in our spirit, where it begins to expand and encompass us, we enter into what is referred to as being in the spirit. Once we are in the spirit then we are in the doorway of the kingdom world of our father. We wait there ready to begin our journey into the heavenly realms outside of us. Jesus, Holy Spirit and the Father are waiting there for us to take us by the hand and lead us on the pathway of responsibility in the heavenly realms.

Those who have entered upon these pathways, the ancient paths are those who will actively be participating in the restoration of all things.

I am still working on the gateways of spirit, soul and body. As we experience the kingdom of God on the inside of us it transitions us into the kingdom world outside of us.

Understanding the gateways of spirit, soul and body and how in God they are designed to function is the key factor in bringing us into oneness and wholeness.

As our spiritual senses are developed we can begin to experience God inside of us, we can begin to have his thoughts flow into our soul, we can begin to experience his feelings in our soul, we can begin to see in our imagination pictures and impressions that come from His Spirit within us.

As we begin to understand the gateways we can learn how to open them, to receive cleansing and purifying through the flow of the Spirit and unify them so that they work together.

We begin to understand how fearfully and wonderfully we have been made. We began to realize how blocked, damaged, fractured and independent our soul has been.

We discovered how each spirit gate works with each soul gate. We begin to learn how to live from the inside out. We learn how to draw the life of God into our spirit gates, how to release the life of God so that it flows out of us.

When something is troubling us from the outside we learn how to disconnect with it and live from the inside out.

We are commanded to be continually filled with the Spirit, understanding the gateways of spirit, soul and body help us experience how this infilling is outworked in our lives.

The first thing we have to do is learn how to join our spirit with the Lords. The place where our spirit is joined to the lord is called the first love gate in our spirit.

Galatians 5:22But the fruit (the root of this word is to seize, “to snatch or catch away, of Paul in being “caught” up to Paradise- 2Cr 12:2, of the man child caught up unto God and his throne-rev 12:5) of the Spirit is love.

We are first of all a spirit being, and if we are aware of our spirit we can join our spirit to the lords. This is spirit to Spirit communion, spiritual intercourse where we enter into a first love relationship with the lord.

The fruit of the Spirit is love, this is covenant relationship. The life of God flows into our spirit, the divine nature flows into our spirit. This is the fruit of our spirit in oneness with the Lord’s Spirit, not the fruit of our mind or soul. It is called existemi-being out of our mind.

2 Corinthians 5: 13For whether we be beside ourselves (exístēmi; from ek, out, and hístēmi, to stand. Meaning to be out of one’s mind, to be transported beyond oneself with astonishment, to be amazed, astounded ), it is to God: or whether we be sober, it is for your cause. 14For the love of Christ constraineth (1-together with. 2-continued possession.  To be under the influence of, to be occupied with, to be held by) us;

We have to learn how to open our spirit to the lord in such a way that the river of life just flows in, so that we are in the spirit, where the consciousness of His presence becomes more real to us than our natural surroundings.

So the first gateway of our spirit that we have to get open and flowing is the first love gate in our spirit, which is a two-way gate way giving us access to the heavenly places in Christ, and giving heaven access to us.

To get this gateway open and flowing we have to make a God given decision to surrender our life to the lordship of Jesus Christ, to abandon ourselves wholly to God holding nothing back.

Our spirit becomes alive unto God, because he fills it with himself and we become God-conscious. God becomes real to us in such a way that we experience the fruit of his Spirit. He enters our hearts and lives in such a way that we experience first love. There is absolutely nothing of this world that compares to it.

Once we experience first love, through being filled with His Spirit, then we need to learn how to maintain it by worshiping God with all our heart, praying in the spirit, learning the art of mediation and waiting on the Lord.

We have to learn how to build up ourselves up on our most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit and keep ourselves in the love of God. Jude 1:21.

Once we get the love of God flowing into our first love gate, then we begin to develop the other senses of our spirit-   Fear of God · Reverence· Revelation· Hope ·Intuition· Prayer · Faith · Worship.

The love of God motivates us to become willing, to have everything removed from our hearts that hinders his love from moving and flowing.

The first sense of our spirit that we need to learn how to activate is the fear of God. Through the fear of the lord, Holy Spirit can search our heart, revealing anything in it that is not of God’s Spirit.

In the fear of the Lord we experience the essence of God’s holiness. The light, the fire of God exposes through his searching eyes the unmanageability of our lives. We have been on the wrong pathway, the do it yourself pathway. All the manifestations of the self-life become exposed in the fire of His light.

Through the fear of the Lord, we begin to see through the eyes of the all knowing, all seeing God and we see how we have walked independently of him, and the results thereof-dead works. All of these things are consumed in the fire of His love.

We learn how to activate our spiritual sense of reverence. We learn how to respect and honor the Holy Spirit in us, to learn how to wait upon the Lord, so that we move in a flow of living works. Living works are the result of the flowing of the Spirit through us.

As our spirit is reverencing God, we become sensitive to the moving of His Spirit in us. We become sensitive to the inflowing of revelation. As we yield to the moving of the Spirit in us, he fills our emotions, his thoughts flow spontaneously into our minds. We release His Spirit in the things we do and say, these are the living works prepared before the foundation of the world for us to walk in, and then he reveals the scroll of our destiny as we learn how to walk in the Spirit.

We begin to sense hope arising in our spirit. We begin to intuitively know how to handle situations and circumstance that use to baffle us, because God is managing our lives through a flow of His Spirit in us.

We learn how to continually commune with God through the prayer gate in our spirit. Two way communication, as we look to God our spirit senses what He is saying to us.

As we begin to develop our spiritual senses and get the life of God flowing into them, our life becomes a living sacrifice and it flows through the worship gate in our spirit in surrender, submission, and obedience. The worship of God flows through our entire being and we begin to glow with his glory.

As we become aware of our spiritual senses in tune with God we discover how to flow from the inside out. The life of God flows through the various combinations of gates within us, it flows through the revelation gate in our spirit into the mind gate in our soul through our mouth gate in our body out into the world. The life of God flows through the faith gate in our spirit through the emotion gate in our soul out through the touch gate in our body. We learn all the various combinations as we learn how to be a vessel of the lord, for him to work through in ministering to others.

 SPIRIT gates- Fear of God, Prayer, Reverence, Hope, Faith, Revelation, Intuition, Worship.

 SOUL gates- Conscience, Imagination, Reason, Mind (Subconscious Conscious- Unconscious), Emotions, Will, Choice.

 BODY gates – Eye – Sight, Ear – Hearing, Nose – Smell, Mouth –Taste, Hands –Touch. 

After we practice this for a while, learning how to draw upon the life of God and release it, our gates will begin to function together in unison and flow .We begin to feel one and whole and flowing.

We learn how to be daily joined to the Lord and one spirit and then our spirit can encompass our soul and produce an atmosphere around our body.  We learn how to radiate the light of God and become the light of the world so that people are drawn to us.

 Understanding how our gateways have been designed by God to function and get them continually flowing with the Life of God is a process and the key in becoming who we were created to be. We are no longer controlled by our past but become a new creation in the world that we life.

We have to appropriate what Jesus has accomplished on the cross. We cannot take a short cut or believe the deception that Jesus has done everything on the cross.  He has cancelled all our dept and provided a perfect provision, but we have to learn how it comes into manifestation in the natural realm so that we can experience it.

God’s desire is that we become a unified whole – reconciled & restored.  As the senses of our spirit become active we are engaging in the heavenly realm where all our spiritual blessings are, then our soul begins to mediate what our spirit is receiving and our body releases it into the earth. Our gates are designed to be open and flowing from the inside out so that we become a gateway of heaven.

As our spirit engages in the heavenly realms our soul begins to resonate with it and we begin to be transformed from the inside out. We become a reflection of our eternal image.

As the river of life flows into us the fruit of the spirit grows in our life. As the river of life flows the gifts of the Spirit are activated through different gateways within us. 

The River of life flows deeper and deeper as our gates are opened. The living water flows through the gates to activate, energize and cleanse. Engaging the living water activates and energizes our spirit gates. Then the Living water cleanses and sanctifies (sets apart) our soul gates. The Living water becomes the source of our life and blesses others as it flows through us.