The tormenting walk of fear

The following truths may be read within a few minutes, but they will bless you for years if you remember them.

Now having been questioned by the Pharisees as to when the kingdom of God was coming, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or, ‘There it is!’ For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst” (or “among you,” meaning “within you”). Luke 17:20–21.

The Kingdom of God is rapidly unfolding upon the earth. As it unfolds, people will be less likely to accept the fact that the Kingdom of God is coming. Instead, they will focus upon the terrible events that are coming to pass upon the earth. Although they will be seeing the downfall of nations and economies, they will reject any preaching that the Kingdom of God is coming. It will not look at all as if the Kingdom of God is coming. It will not come with observation. You will not be able to say, “Lo here!” or “Lo there!” It will have to become a revelation and a reality within you. As you walk further into the Kingdom, you must have an inner witness, an inner reality, an inner revelation of God that will make the Kingdom real to you. If you judge by appearances you will find your faith being shaken.

Your faith must stand upon the Word that is within you. You will not find encouragement from your environment, nor will you receive encouragement by looking at your circumstances. From now on, your encouragement will not come from what you see around you. At no time will your needs or those of the churches be completely met. As the Kingdom comes forth, there will always be needs—another church to be built, another group of believers to be established, another country to be opened up to Kingdom truths. You may think that when you have finished one project, that is the end; but once you start, it continues on and on.

You will never be able to look around and feel as if you are doing fine and prospering. You will always be “walking on water.” The Lord spoke, According to your faith be it unto you. Matthew 9:29b. Some people go through experiences like Peter—according to their faith. When Peter was fished out of the sea after walking on water, Jesus said, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? Matthew 14:31b. Even after you have “walked on water,” you will be aware that the boisterous winds and stormy seas in your life will never produce faith.

Circumstances come to test your faith; they do not support it. Circumstances and problems will always torment you if you have fear in your heart. You cannot continue to walk with God with a mingling of fear and faith. God is demanding that you believe Him and be unmoved by what you see. If you are moved only by what He has spoken, then that absolute faith in your heart and your trust in His Word will bring you through.

Your walk with God will yield a greater joy and rest if you do not mingle your faith with reservations, withdrawal, and fear. Walking with God can make you miserable when you wonder what strange thing has happened to you and you do not know which way to turn. However, in the days ahead you will not be able to survive without putting your faith in God’s delivering power. The circumstances and problems will seem even worse than they do now. If there is fear in your heart, you will find your walk with God being turned into torment and harassment.

If you intend to be a believer, do violence to your unbelief. Get rid of it. Walk with God. Without faith it is impossible to please God or to walk with Him (Hebrews 11:6). Walk in the Word He has given you. If you do not believe that Word implicitly, you will find yourself continually torn inside. Every day, each step will be a crisis. You will be walking through the judgments of the earth, and every experience and circumstance will be a source of torment. But if you believe in His delivering power, then the floods will not overwhelm you, and the fires will not be kindled against you (Isaiah 43:2).

The Word of the Lord is coming. Prepare your heart and walk with Him with faith, for you will never again feel secure in your circumstances. You will never have enough money or enough possessions to make you feel secure. From now on, the only man who will know any joy and peace is the man who is moving to Zion with nothing but faith in his heart. Throw out fear. Throw out unbelief. Fears and doubts must go. Believe that your walk with God will be a blessing, not a torment. Do not let what God intended to be joy and blessing turn into a living hell while you are trying to serve God. Fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. I John 4:18b.

Every time a tidal wave comes—a tidal wave of fear and doubt and apprehension because of your circumstances—stand upon the solid rock of the Word of the Lord. Position yourself firmly on that rock and declare, “I shall not be moved.”

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