A prophetic proclamation

What are the sounds that we hear? It sounds like the noise of a battle, like the clamor of those who are engaged in a death struggle.

Nay, it is not the sound of a death struggle; it is the sound of a birthing. Sons are come to birth, and travail is in the land.

The voice that comes forth proclaims, “Behold, it is a time of the dawn. A new day cometh forth. It is like the sound of the turtledove in the land, for the winter and the cold are gone.

Behold, it is the time that the seedlings are coming forth; and the latter rain teacheth the seed that hath been sown to grow and causeth it to flourish in the sight of the Lord.”

It is the time that the clamor that cometh forth is not the clamor of those who are drawn to death, but of those who are brought to life. It is the wail of newborn sons.

It is the cry of travail. It is the earnest expectation of creation that groaneth with them. It is the glorious travail of the Spirit of God in groanings too deep to be uttered. It is the cry of the interceding Christ who stands at the right hand of the Father, interceding until they be saved to the uttermost.

It is the earnest expectation that the hour of birth has come, and the Kingdom has come forth. It is the dawning of a new day, and the trumpets herald it. It is that day which the Lord hath proclaimed, and it is in the earth.

For a little season there shall be earnest travail upon the hearts of those who have the vision and see the need. But there shall also be the joyful cries as one thing after another is brought forth that the Lord hath proclaimed, for it is the day of His fulfillment.

It is the day of trumpeting and saying, “Behold, the Lord hath brought forth that which He hath purposed in His heart.” This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will be glad and rejoice in it.

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