
Once we get our spirit gates open and flowing, we can begin to deal with our soul gates. “Mind will and amotion”. Sometimes our soul gates get shut down because of traumatic things we have experienced in life.

Through the life flow of the Spirit of God we can begin receiving healing and cleansing for the gateways of our soul.

We are spirit, soul and body. Our body is world conscious through our five physical senses. Our soul is self-conscious and our spirit is God conscious.

All of our gateways are supposed to work together so that we are never be self-conscious apart from God.  Unfortunately, through our life experiences this may not be the case. We can become tormented because of traumatic experiences in our past, causing us to not want to feel, so that the emotion gate in our soul gets shut down.

We need to see all or our gateways opened , aligned, and working together so that the life of God can flow through them, so that everything is functioning properly so that we can become a whole person.

Through traumatic events parts of our soul get fragmented. Something’s are too painful to remember so our soul will block us from those memories. These memories in our subconscious mind need to be healed, through the love of God flowing into them so that our memories are no longer painful.

Through the ministry of the Holy Spirit we can become a whole person no longer fractured and hindered from our past.

The government of God is a government of rest. It is God’s desire that we would come under his government so that we can come into peace and peace brings wholeness so that nothing is missing and nothing is broken, but everything is working as it should be from God’s perspective not ours.

We have to enter into the Father heart of God, because that’s an eternal perspective, what our relationship was like with him when he made us before the foundation of the world.

The healing flow of the presence of God comes from the inside out as we engage within our spirit that first love gate.

We open our first love gate to God’s presence; we join ourselves to the Lord and surrender the throne of our life to him. The river of life begins flowing out of heaven into our spirit to create an atmosphere of God’s presence, his kingdom rule around our lives so that the kingdom can manifest though us on earth as it is in heaven.

Gateways in the Bible are places where authority and dominion are exercised.  Whoever controls our life gate ways will exercise authority over us, whether it be the Spirit of God or some other spirit.

If Jesus is in control we can be aligned with his perfect will and experience our eternal identity and come into our destiny as a male or female son of God.

If familiar spirits are in control they will try and align us to their personality. If we’re in control we will try and work out how to do things in our own strength which never results in a good thing.

Our gates are designed to be open and flowing from the inside out, so that we become a gateway of heaven into the earth. So that heaven and earth will come back into agreement and alignment and we can fulfill our destiny in the role we are assigned in the restoration of all things.

Our spirit and soul gates have been designed to work together. As we join our spirit to the Lord, his life flows into our spirit bringing us revelation of his will for our lives, and through our fellowship, spirit to Spirit, that life flows into our soul so that we can begin to make the right choices.

It basically all comes down to choice, but if the life of God is not flowing through us we are not going to be able to make the right choices.

God has given us a free will, but when our soul gates are not functioning properly we are not free to make the right choice, our thinking is not inspired by God, and we are in deception and believe a lie.  Our emotions are messed up and the things we are feeling are blocking us from the flow of Gods Spirit into our soul, so that we are properly motivated to make the right choice.

By choosing the lordship of Jesus over our spirit, his life flows into our spirit as we surrender our spirit for His Spirit to work in it to will and then he can direct us and lead us and all the senses of spirit, soul and body will work together in an integrated way, so that we have a walk in the spirit.

1 Corinthians 6:17 the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with him. This is what God desires that we would become one with him but there’s a process for our soul and body to come into that oneness.

1 Thessalonians 5:23 now May God the God of peace himself sanctify (optative mood-expresses a wish) you entirely, that means to set us apart completely for the destiny that he has designed for us. May your spirit soul and body be preserved complete without blame in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ.

So there’s a process that needs to take place in us so that we can come into our identity and outwork our destiny. All of our spirit, soul and body gates need to be set apart unto God, so that his life can flow in and transform us.

As we go through this process what we find is that our soul gates can be blocked. This can happen through nature- genetic programming, nurture- environmental programming and trauma- experiential programming.

Our soul is use to drawing things from outside in. So it’s been affected by the world around us, therefore the soul can block the flow of the Holy Spirit through our spirit. The first thing we have to do is to dethrone self (our soul and the old life) so that our new life joined to God can come into being.

Working on our gateways is work. We have to discipline ourselves to have a meeting with God. Once we experience the presence of God it becomes a delight.

Without the awareness of the presence of God it seems to be hard work. But we need to realize these things do not automatically happen.

It won’t happen unless we proactively engage with God. Jesus has done everything for it to happen, but we have to engage it by a choice.

Everything in the spirit realm works by grace through faith. Grace is the enabling power of God which enables him to reveals his love for us and imparts his faith to us.

We need to view transformation from a heavenly perspective. A loving father who desires the very best for His children and transformation is his way of bringing us into wholeness.

The more intimacy we develop with God the more we will want to receive from the inside out  and the  less from the outside in. In the process of transformation we experience God’s love, affirmation and acceptance and we realize  he loves us too much to keep us as we are.

Our Father doesn’t want us to remain as we are damaged hurt and affected by our life and our upbringing or anything else. He wants to bring us into wholeness, peace and the healing transformation of His love.

Transformation is the process in which we come into our destiny and live the life that we are destined to live. We need to get excited about the transformation process. We need to love the learning because it is going to transform our lives.

Philippians 4:4 rejoice in the Lord always again I will say rejoice. This is the attitude that we need if we are going to embrace change- Rejoicing,

James 1:2 consider it all joy my brethren when you encounter various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance and let endurance have its perfect result that you may be perfect, complete, lacking in nothing.

We want to become perfect, complete and lacking in nothing.

In order to get to this place we have to examine through the Spirit the various trials in our lives and how God is going to us them to bring transformation.  

A lot of the things we go through are not the will of God but he uses them, so that we can grow spiritually through them and eventually have dominion over our life experiences.

We can begin to frame our reality in the natural realm through the transformation process where we are enabled to walk in the heavenly places beyond the veil. But first we must come into the restoration of spirit, soul and body to God’s original intention.

Traumatic things that happened in our past (if our soul has not been brought into wholeness) affect how we deal with the situations and relationships that we have in the future.

In dealing with the fragmented parts of our soul, we need to engage the healing process proactively rather than reactively and waiting for something to happen inside us sovereignly.

Hebrews 13:15 through him then let us continually offer a sacrifice of praise to God. Sometimes it’s hard to praise God when we are going through trials but in praising God the light of God is released inside of us so that the healing process can begin. An attitude of gratitude opens up our heart for transformation.

 So how do we see and perceive our own existence is it positive or negative? Because depending on how we view everything will determine how we will interact with it. So if we see everything as negative we have in our heart a negative attitude and then everything becomes difficult.

A negative attitude in our soul blocks, the Spirit of God from flowing into it.

If we see the things in our life as an opportunity to grow spiritually, then everything can become something that we can engage God with to bring change and transformation to us.

Our belief systems can actually filter information through our minds to reaffirm the reality it holds, so we stay the same. This is what happens; our belief systems try and keep us the same. Whereas God wants to bring revelation that brings transformation and change so we don’t stay the same, but things get better.

 Our belief systems frame our reality from an earthly perspective because they have been brought about by what happened to us and what we’ve experienced in life. Information we received from birth through our physical senses gives us our frame of reference.

Now in reality we are actually always engaged with the spiritual realm because we’re in and out of that realm but we just don’t realize it because it’s a fraction of a second. Our spirit is dimensional, so it is in heaven, but also in the earth inside a physical body.

We have to learn how to let our spirit ascend into heavenly places so that it can perceive what is happening in that realm. As our spirit grows it is enabled to receive more of God’s life that brings transformation into our soul.

The spiritual realm doesn’t often shape us until we learn to engage it and remember what we’re doing in the spiritual realm and not just what’s happened to us in the natural realm.

Romans 12:2 do not be conformed to this world. The world has shaped us and put us into a mold, but be transformed- changed –metamorphosed- transfigured by the renewing of our mind .So how we think will determine what were conformed to.

So the mind- subconscious and conscious has a powerful effect in our lives. If we’re going to have our mind renewed to see things from God’s perspective, then we need to know what God’s will is and his will is always good acceptable and perfect.

Our subconscious mind and conscious thinking is key to transformation, we need to deal with both of these things.

Proverbs 23:7 as a man thinks within his heart so is he. So the way we think about ourselves, what has been programmed into our heart or subconscious mind will determine what goes on in our conscious mind.

Our natural senses receive millions of bits of information a second. Now if all that information was stored, our brain would run out of capacity, so most of that information is shredded by an area of the brain called the hippocampus which is the area which encodes and stores memory.

We store to memory only what’s important, so we determine what’s important by what we focus on. If we focus on things they become important and our memory stores them.

That’s why if someone says something to us over and over again we are going to end up believing it subconsciously, whether it’s true or not.  As children we are programmed often by what our parents or others tell us. If we are told that we are no good over and over again, we end up having it stored in our memory and it triggers us to believe it.

So anything we continually repeat gets stored as memories. If we were to go into a building for the first time and all the lights went out and it was pitch black we would struggle to find a way out.  If we have been in that building over and over again and the lights go out we will be able to find our way out because our mind will lead us, where our physical eyes can’t. Because that has been stored in our brain, our memory thinks that’s important because we have done it over and over again.  

The memories inside our brain become our experiential programming of reality. Our reality comes from those things which we received from those physical senses.

As our spirit grows we are enabled to engage the heavenly dimension of God’s kingdom and go back into the heart of our Father when we were conceived in it, so that our reality can begin to be shaped by eternity, not time and space.

We have become conditioned by the experiences that we have had and they are stored in our memory and we live from them, over and over and over again every day.

Now if we don’t learn how in the spirit to engage in our heavenly reality, to change our earthly reality we will carry on doing what we have always done, and experience what we have always experienced.

We live by repeating the cycles of learned behavior. But we can relearn that. We can change what we believe by changing what we’re focusing on. We can get God’s perspective on our life, so that it restores and renews our mind.

Our mind forms neural pathways to the memories which are stored within our subconscious mind or brain.

The mind processes what the brain stores. Experiences that are highly traumatic or pleasurable get immediately stored within our brain. Certain situations become environmental triggers that load programs into our conscious mind as thoughts. That’s where our thoughts come from unless there interjected from another source, from the realm of the spirit. Spontaneous thoughts from God and familiar spirits can enter into our mind, but most of our thoughts come from the programs that have been stored in our brains.

In the healing of our souls from traumatic experiences, the memories stored in our brains have to be healed.

In looking at our brain we are usually either left brain or right brain programmed. The left brain is the cognitive thinking processes and is programmed through our reasoning processes.

The right side of our brain is programmed through our imagination and creative thinking processes.

When our eyes are open our brain operates on certain wavelengths or patterns which are faster than when our eyes are closed, these are called beta waves as opposed to alpha waves.

So when we close our eyes our right brain triggers in and we are more in tune with the creative part of us, which is instinctively engaged in the spirit realm and this is something we can learn to do.

We are very left brained until we start to learn to engage the right side of our brain and meditate in the truths of God’s word. This opens up the potential possibilities of the creativity within us.

God has created all of us with the ability to be like him which is to create. We have been taught through our educational system to focus on the logical analytical side of our brain to problem solve. But the creative side can work together with that to give us creative solutions which are beyond what we already know.

We need to expand our consciousness and embrace the things that God knows about us, so this revelation can flow though our spirit into our soul.

Trauma forms instant neural pathways or sometimes things can be so traumatic that our mind can’t cope with it and it forms a pathway around it to block it out- Which is called dissociation in which people can be even multiple personalities because they have to block out the reality of some of the experiences that they have had. So some people are not thinking like themselves, they have blocked it out, and we need to allow the Spirit of God to deal with that.

We have automatic responses created as a result of traumatic things that have happened to us.  We just do things instinctively, automatically without thinking about them because were programmed.

We developed defense mechanisms and coping actions, and other things to cope with life, so that we don’t get damaged again. Our soul tries to protect itself so we develop mindsets and then the behavioral patterns that follow.

 Now familiar spirits can attach themselves to any of those things and then turbo charge them so that we behave totally out of character.

So we need the inflowing of the Spirit of God to reveal these behaviors and defense mechanisms and automatic responses triggered by the memories that are stored within our brain.