Unseen reality

When Jesus died on the cross, the veil in the temple was torn giving us access by one Spirit unto the Father. We have access to the heavenly realms and are citizens there.

Ephesians 2: 18For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father. 19Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God;

Every one of us goes into heaven already; we may just not know it. When we’re praying in our prayer closet we appear in heaven before God in Zion, we come into the realm of the throne room.

Hebrews 4: 16Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

Our spirit is dimensional, the moment we pray our spirit appears before God in Zion, we are right there in the midst of it, but our soul may not yet be connecting to what our spirit is seeing.

The result of our spirit being born again is being able to see and enter into the Kingdom of God, which is in another dimension, the unseen realm. The word see also means to perceive or be aware of.

We have access to heaven. Access means permission, invitation and a right to be there. We have an invitation to stand right in the midst of the throne room of God in the realm of heaven.

As we learn how to get the gateways of spirit, soul and body open and flowing with the life of God we are going to learn what it means to be in the Spirit. When we are in the spirit we become aware of the unseen realm of God’s kingdom. But we start out by faith, knowing in our spirit that when we come to God in prayer our spirit appears before him in Zion.

Hebrews 12:22But ye are come unto (completeness of action-approach as to location)mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, 23To the general assembly     ;  and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, 24And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.

When we go into heaven we encounter seven things. We encounter 1-the heavenly Jerusalem 2- innumerable company of angels 3- the people alive on the earth, the general assembly, church of the firstborn, who have learned how to ascend there 4-God the judge of all-our Father 5- the spirits of just men made perfect, those whose physical bodies have passed away 6- Jesus the mediator of the new covenant 7- and the blood of sprinkling that speaketh, his blood is alive in the heavenly realm.

We have to practice going into the unseen realm. There is a whole lot of things that are going on in heaven that we can become aware of and encounter when we go into that realm.

As we learn how to be filled with the Spirit, our spiritual senses become alive unto God, and we become conscious of His presence, it flows into us. When we are conscious of his presence we are conscious of the unseen realm.

We can become so filled with the Spirit that we begin to have like ecstasies; they are like strong rushes, of the Holy Spirit. The flow of the Spirit into us increases, so that we become intoxicated in God. It is similar to the affect that a drug can have on us, yet it is pure. It enhances the senses of our spirit and soul. It improves or increases the clarity of what we are experiencing.

The fruit of the Spirit flowing into us increases, we experience his love, joy and peace, on a new level.  We begin to have so much joy it is hard to contain and sometimes have to bring our focus back on the natural realm so that we can function.

We become aware of two different worlds, which are overlapping. The unseen is invading the seen, heaven is invading the earth. God is blurring the boundaries, and sometimes it is hard to know which realm we are in.

Everything happens through a flow of the Spirit into us and through us opening a new reality that we can begin to walk in.

The life of God flowing into our spirit activates its senses so that our soul becomes aware of it. Our soul becomes more and more aware of what our spirit is sensing than what our body is sensing. This is how we enter into a walk in the Spirit where we are living from the inside out and not the outside in.

Instead of being affected by what is going on in the world, on the outside, we become aware of what is happing on the inside of us. We become aware of the unseen reality of God and his kingdom on the inside of us which connects us with the kingdom realms of His Spirit on the outside of us.

This happens as His Spirit flows into our spirit expanding it, so that we become aware of our spirit in mystical union with His.

We have to learn how to connect our spirit with God’s Spirit, so that his life flows into it. We have to learn how to tune in, so that His Spirit flows into us. It is similar to the flow of electricity, it is always flowing, but we have to learn how to turn the switch on. As our spirit joins to the lord, his power, life, direction flows in. We have to learn how to tap into the current of the Holy Spirit.

The life of God which becomes a mighty river starts out as a trickle under the threshold of the door in our spirit. As we learn how to love God with all our heart, all our spirit, all our soul, all our strength, the door in our spirit opens and we are filled to overflowing, and we experience the unseen reality.

Once we have experienced the unseen realm, we can practice going into it. Through practice it becomes a part of our daily life. We can so practice going into this realm, that it becomes so powerful that it overtakes us.

We can become so filled with the Spirit that we can begin to walk in the miraculous, we come into a oneness with the Spirit, where we are being led by the Spirit. Heaven is filling us and surrounding us, we become enveloped in the Spirit. This is the beginning of the trance realm, or visions, which leads to habitation.

To experience a supernatural life is a matter of honor and focus. We have to hunger and thirst for it, where the things of this natural life no longer satisfy us or meet our inner need. Our desire for intimacy with God is stronger than any other desire, and only the infilling of His Spirit meets this need.

It starts with an awareness of a little bit of God’s presence, which becomes our focus. We learn how to maintain this focus and do the things necessary to increase it.

The fellowship of mystical union with Christ has been hidden from the foundation of the earth, only some have entered into it, but the grace of God for everyone to enter into it is now being released upon the earth.

Ephesians 3: 9And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ: 10To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, 11According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: 12In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.

Literal translation verse 12- (intimate union)(him)(be able, possessed with)(the)(all out, spokeness)(intimate union)(reliance, confidence, trust)(also, even as, a cumulative force)(lead towards, to approach, access)(channel of the act)(the)(faith)(to breathe, he himself).

Through intimate union, the filling of His Spirit, we are possessed with the ability, to freely express ourselves in confidence, even as being led into access through the faith of himself breathed into us.

Through the infilling of the Spirit we are given access into the heavenly realms, to displace the principalities and powers that rule in this realm, releasing the government of God in the heavenly realms over the earth.

We have access into the heavenly realms. As we enter this realm not only are we transformed, but we are then enabled to bring this transformation into the natural realm with us. We ascend and then descend releasing or planting heaven on earth.

The enemy does not want us to ascend into the heavenly realms that he is occupying, so he lies to us to try and disqualify us, to think we have to deserve to be there.

There is nothing that we can do to qualify us. We are totally incapable in ourselves to live the kind of life we were designed for. In and of ourselves we are powerless.

Sin is not sharing in our inheritance. Our inheritance is the divine nature of God that flows out of heaven into us which opens the door to ascend into His presence which then transforms us into what we are seeing in the kingdom realm of God’s Spirit.

What we are doing is allowing the Spirit of God to cleanse the things in our heart that block the flowing of His Spirit into us. All change comes through exposure to His Spirit.

Jesus did not cover our sin, he removed it. This is the reality that we experience when we enter the unseen realm. In the natural realm we may have things in our heart that have to be dealt with.

 As we walk in the light that flows into us it transforms us into the image of Jesus Christ. This light is the unseen realm of His Spirit. We are cleansed as we enter into this realm where He is.

1 john 1:  7But if we walk (to be occupied with, all our activities in the spirit) in the light (that which exposes), as (how, in what manner or way) he is in the light, we have fellowship (participation in eternal life) one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth (occurring now, to make clean, to free from defilement by cleansing or purifying) us from all sin.

If in the natural realm if we are struggling with something in our heart, we say the same thing that God says about it. Our spirit is in totally agreement with Him about that which is not like him in our heart which is our soul.

Through the inflowing of His Spirit, he removes the power of it through the principle of displacement, and cleanses our soul from the effects of it.

Sin is not partaking of our inheritance which leaves a void in our heart, in which the things of the world enter in. The confession of sin is just a covenanting with God for him to remove it in the natural realm. We are yielding to the power of God flowing into our spirit, to deal with the areas of our soul.

Forgiveness is the removal of that which is in our heart not like him. We are already forgiven in the realm of the Spirit because we have access to enter into that realm. This is dealing with the natural realm, the things in our heart that are blocking the inflowing of His Spirit and the growing up into him where we become a manifested Son of God in the earth.

1 john 1:9If (a condition which experience must determine, an objective possibility, and thus refers always to something future) we confess (continuous action subject to a condition, to agree, declare openly, say the same thing God says) our sins (definite article- the Sin, noun- referring to the sin of Adam,without a share in, a part assigned to one, a lot, identity, inheritance or destiny), he is (occurring now,) faithful  and just  to forgive (from apó – from, and hiēmi – to send. To send forth or away-the power of sin is removed from us) us our sins (the Sin, noun- referring to the sin of adam that we inherited from our natural parents), and (and also) to cleanse (momentary action subject to a condition- to cleanse us or make us clean from the effects of the sin) us from all (totality-the whole) unrighteousness (that which is out of harmony with justice or righteousness.  The reason it exists is because truth is not occupying that area of our heart. It is deceit in us, falsehood- deceitfulness).

What did Jesus say to Nicodemus? He said I tell you Nicodemus unless you are born-again you cannot see the kingdom of God. What is the fruit of being born again? You can see. You can have the eyes of your heart enlightened in the knowledge of God, in the knowledge of that realm.

We become what we behold. We become the thing that we are most occupied with, the thing that we spend the most time thinking upon. If our soul is occupied with the unseen realm of God’s kingdom, we will become what we are beholding. If we are occupied with the natural realm we will be conformed to that image.

Colossians 3: 1If (if, whether-conditional) ye then be risen with (specific point past, (1-with 2-raise up) (to raise together with) Christ (anointed), seek (command for continuous action, to seek in order to find)( by thinking, meditating, to desire after, require, to go about) those things which are above(a higher place, up, upwards, above, on high, the heavenly places), where ( at which place) Christ sitteth ( to sit down, remain, dwell)( of a place occupied, to have a fixed abode, to dwell) on (intimate union with) the right hand (equal honor and dignity, metaphorically of “power” or “authority,” ) of God.

Our citizenship is in heaven, this is our home, and we are not of this world. We are in the world as ambassadors of heaven. We cannot administrate the kingdom of heaven on the earth unless we first seek those things that are in that realm.

If we have been raised together with Christ, then our spiritual senses need to be aware of this realm. Our spiritual senses begin to develop by seeking those things which are above. We have to continually seek in order to find, to experience, to encounter the unseen realm, so that we can live there, and walk in this spiritual realm.

Colossians 3: 2Set your affection (command for continuous action, mind set, to think, to be minded,” this activity involves not only the mind but the affections, the will and the conscience, to be in a certain frame of mind, to imagine, to incline to, be set upon) on things above (the place above that Jesus prepared), not on things on the earth (activities-things done on the earth).

Our mind has to be set upon the things above; we have been born from above. The life of God has to flow through our spirit into our soul, into our mind, imagination, will, emotions, conscience, so that we live from the inside out and not the outside in.

Colossians 3: 3For (truly therefore, truly as the situation stands) ye are dead (specific point past, lit., “to die off or out,”), and your life (zoe-the life of God) is hid (past perfect tense-the finished results of the action, keep secret, to hide, conceal, to be hid) with Christ in God.

We have been crucified with Christ, the old man is dead. When Jesus died, we died. But we will continually live in the old, if we do not continually seek those things above. Our life is hid with Christ in God. Our life is hid in the unseen realm, the heavenly places in Christ. This life flows out of the heavenly realm into our spirit, when our spiritual senses become active. We then begin to experience this life by becoming aware of it; we enter into the consciousness of it.

Colossians 3:4When Christ, who is our life, shall appear ( this is not in the future tense but Aroist tense referring to momentary action, subject to a condition)( the passive voice which means to actively receive what God is providing-to draw), to make apparent-to manifest, the word comes from a word that means to shine, to cause to appear, to make apparent), then (at that time) shall ye also appear (future-passive, to shine-manifest) with (together with, implying a near and close connection) him in( intimate union with) glory (splendor, light, perfection).

When Christ who is our life shall appear, this is speaking about something that can happen this moment. We experience who we are in heaven. The veil which keeps us from seeing who we are in Christ is removed. We see the image of Christ and are changed into the image we are beholding.

When he appears, the moment he is revealed to our spirit, the moment our spiritual senses become aware of him, then at that time we appear with him in glory. This is talking about experiencing the heavenly realm, which was hidden to us but now is revealed.

The next verse then says mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth, speaking of idolatry, because the thing that we set our affections upon becomes our God.

Once we experience the unseen realm of God’s kingdom, then we are motivated to mortify anything that blocks us from experiencing it.