Unseen realm

The realm of eternity and the realm of heaven are two different realms. God created the heavens and the earth.

As our spirit grows and develops we can learn how to see into heaven and go and live there in our spirit.

Before Adam fell he could see into both realms. Because we do not naturally see into heaven it is called the unseen realm. When we become conscious of the presence of God we become conscious of the unseen realm. Our soul is sensing or feeling God. All of the senses of our soul can become conscious of the unseen realm, but it usually starts with our emotions.

The life or presence of God flows out of heaven into our spirit and then into our soul and then into the atmosphere of the earth.

As we learn to honor and practice the presence of the Lord it opens up all the senses of our soul to begin to experience God through personal encounter.

The unseen world runs on scientific principles the same as the seen world does. God made both worlds at the same time, the seen and the unseen. He framed them in his mind and spoke them into existence. And both these realms have principles in which they function.

Jesus functioned fully in both worlds. He said that we must be born from above and the result is being able to see and enter into the unseen realm of God’s kingdom.

As we begin to experience the unseen realm, we are no longer actually a part of this timeframe, we have tasted of the age to come, if any man be in Christ he is a new creation.

We are a part of another time frame called the new creation. We are part of the future that has come into the present, because we are citizens of another dimension, which is called the unseen realm. We are ambassadors of heaven on the earth, with the mandate to plant the heavens on the earth.

Through the fall of Satan the lower dimensions of the heavens and the earth was ruined. And then God said let there be light and he overshadowed it. And then he planted on the earth Adam.

Adam’s mandate was to make Eden on the earth. Where was Eden? Eden was in the paradise of God, it was God’s garden, and it was in the heavens. Eden is Gods’ garden. But there was a convergence point where 2 realms met, and God planted a garden eastward in Eden. And there he put the man that he formed.

So there is this garden that is in the realm of heaven, because every king has a garden. God has a garden called Eden. And eastward in that garden, he planted in an overlapping dimension called earth, a garden. He planted Adam in that garden and told him I want you to expand Eden on earth.

So the first mandate was to let it be on earth just like heaven. So Adam’s job was to go into the kingdom realm of the father and walk with God in Eden in God’s dimension and then plant what he had seen and experienced in Eden upon the earth.

As the sons of God arise, they will begin to occupy their seats in heaven so that Gods kingdom can come and his will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

It was meant to start on earth and then was meant to go into the cosmos, because the cosmos had been ruined not by the fall of man, but by the fall of Satan.

 Satan’s fall had ruined the cosmos. So Adam was now to expand the kingdom upon the earth and then out into the cosmos

 Adam was created as the convergence point between those two realities, heaven and earth. They were supposed to govern and rule over creation.

When Adam fell, the mandate fell. Man forgot who he was. He forgot the original pattern, that he was not an animal. Animals were made of flesh. Angels were made of spirit.

We were like nothing else in all of creation. We were a convergence point between two realms. We were to be in heaven and on the earth, so that we could have government in both spheres.

 The Angels are limited to the heavenly sphere. The animals are limited to the natural sphere. But we are created as transcendent beings, trance-dimensional beings.

He has put eternity in our hearts. Unlike Angels or anything else, he put a trance-dimensional quality in our heart which is a record of the DNA of our father impregnated into our spirit.

So God wanted to expand Eden over all the earth and then there was a fall. But we are now in the time of the restoration of all things; it begins in us and then expands throughout the universe.

When Adam sinned he started this thing where humanity forgot who they were. Humanity forgot their purpose. And within a short time everybody had turned away from the Lord and forgotten who they were and what they were suppose to do. 

But there was one man, the seventh from Adam- Enoch. Enoch is a type of this coming generation, because he represented fullness or completion. Now Enoch believed in the goodness of God and he saw something, he saw that at the very beginning, that before the foundation of the world the lamb had been slain, that he could go through the fiery sword and get back into Eden.

So he began to walk with God and in Hebrews it says by faith Enoch skipped death, so even back then death was not necessary. Death is a failure to fulfill our destiny scroll. That’s why it says the cloud of witnesses is not complete apart from us- Why? It is because they died. It says they died having not obtained the promises. We are to finish what they started.

 But there are those who didn’t die and they were given permission to stand on the earth again, like Elijah stood on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus. Because he didn’t die, how did Moses stand there because Moses got his body back. It says Satan fought for his body -why?  He fought for his body because he was trying to stop him from filling a mandate in the future.

Enoch kept his body so that he can have convergence between two realms. We can actually govern on the earth if we still have that physical body .That is why a resurrection body is necessary to engage earth. When Jesus died, it says some of the Saints were resurrected, which means there’s a whole group of people who can now go into two dimensions fully, spirit soul and body.