Along with the hands-part two

God said that my hands were never to be empty. I finally got the message; it is the heart of God in human hands. The Lord, the heart of God, is moving through His servants’ hands. Be aware of yourself as a recipient of the flow of the Lord Jesus Christ through to you.

The submissive aggressive faith, as you are exposed to apostolic impartation, means a miracle. Nothing will stop this free flow from the Lord.

When you receive this impartation, say, “Good-bye, defeat. Hello, promises of God, fulfilled beyond measure, beyond degree.” Pull the blessing and joy from the heart of God. Once somebody has received this, he can usually give it to others. You must be convinced that this is not a momentary blessing that will fade. You must believe for the breakthrough; otherwise, you will not expose yourself to it. You will not develop that awareness that this is a whole new level.

Don’t even worry about your own reluctance. God will deal with it. These hands are not empty; the heart of God is not empty. Don’t be frightened of this. It makes you over, puts you in another realm entirely—a realm that you have never seen. You have never been there before. The Kingdom of God is preached and every man presses into it (Luke 16:16). That is what you are doing in this impartation. Press into it; it’s for you. Draw it!

You must take it. Don’t struggle too hard. There has to be a submissive aggression, but this is in your spirit. Don’t tense up. Do you want a new level of discernment and perception? You can receive it. It’s yours. When hands are laid upon you, there is a release of any impasse on any level that you are on now so that a fresh blessing will come to you. In the midst of the years, God revives His work (Habakkuk 3:2). We would perish unless He would revive our spirit in the midst of the weary days. We cannot turn to another; only the Lord is our fountain. We drink only from the waters that satisfy, that come from Him (John 7:38).

There will be three different consequences of the impartation. Some will break through to a higher perception, depending upon the degree of devastation they have experienced. Some will find that this helps them in areas where they were bound. Like the hands of a midwife, it pulls them out of a channel where the travail would be terminal and the hopelessness would destroy them. Others are saying, “Lord, teach me what it is to be devastated. I want to be willing. Throw me into it.” And the Lord will bring them right into it.

We cannot tell where each other is until we get into this deeply ourselves. The spiritual man judges all things; yet he himself is judged of no man.

But he who is spiritual appraises all things, yet he himself is appraised by no man. I Corinthians 2:15, NASB.

The spiritual man is on a level all by himself because it is out of view, out of range, of everyone else. Others can criticize it and persecute it, but they cannot see it. Nobody can judge the spiritual man; yet he is able to judge everything because he sees it from a higher level.

Some need the basic spiritual experiences. They may not have had adequate experiences. They should have a fresh filling with the Spirit with tongues and prophesying. They have only nibbled at the buffet table. What they need is to be filled to overflowing.

This is a divine act of God. This is a new level of pure spirit. The more I simply open up to let the Lord do it, the more He flows; and a brand new level is created. It is something fresh and alive for each one. It’s tomorrow.

The third generation is going to come in quickly and easily. They will not experience what we had to go through—all those years of struggle. They will bypass that. When you think of it and look back on it, do you realize how much God did, preparing for a new day to come? And now it is here.

Many of the husbands and wives have been experiencing the dealings of God. As they break through to this level, they will enjoy being married more. They will feel the joy of this oneness, because it will be on a spirit level.

Some married couples have worked out everything except the spiritual emphasis. They are trying too hard on a human level for a relationship where they can relate and communicate. With effort they are bending, but not really inclining to each other. This may be fine, and could result in a marriage of sorts; but not a marriage of spiritual oneness.

In the procedures of the Kingdom service, worship and impartation, with appropriation, will take priority over intercession and the preaching of the Living Word. The first two guarantee that the last two will be on the higher level.

Following this guideline will help in the marriage relationship also. A young couple who are contemplating marriage must break through to the worship and impartation, and appropriate from God in the spirit; otherwise the two of them will be out of step for a real spiritual marriage. No matter how much they get into intercession or how much they listen to tapes, it will be on a lower level—a level of more struggle. Creativity is on the higher level, where God is opening up the worship with impartation, so that we can be on that higher level. This sounds complicated, but it really is not.

On the human level marriages are broken, not so much by incompatibility or differences, as by such trivial matters as neglecting to put the cap back on the toothpaste. But on the spiritual level, such things cease to have that much meaning, because the couple are not as concerned about the meticulous precision of their lives, as they are about the rich import of spirit that makes their relationship the most wonderful thing in all the world to them. If they do not have this dedication together, they could go for a while, with everything working for a good marriage, and then find that it is no longer working. Why? Because one partner throws an anchor overboard, not wanting to go any further, while the other partner wants to go on with God. The marriage will not fall apart because they are incompatible and neither will bend, or because of trivial annoyances, but because both of them are not dedicated equally to walk as disciples of the Lord.

Even where the relationship between a couple is good, and they are considerate, they still may need to talk more to each other. They may be hiding things, not because they are trying to hurt each other, but because they themselves would rather be hurt than bring them out. However, if they continue this way, they will have scars; and scars build walls. They should keep their hearts open, and communicate. Pillow talk is wonderful; it is one of the best ways to talk. There God talks to you and you talk to each other. God will bless you in it.

Any real, permanent relationship that has communication will have to start on the spirit level and then work down through the soul, the mind, the emotional adjustment, the physical adjustment. This spiritual level is the most difficult relationship of all. With it, there is a guarantee of the happiness, joy, fulfillment, full expression of everything God has ordained for both of them. In the world, marriage at best is a loser’s game. And that is why so many are turning away from it. They cannot face the commitment. But with us, commitment and dedication start in the spirit. The picture is absolutely opposite.

Sometimes the transition of the blessing from the spiritual to the physical is impaired. This means that when God does something for the spirit, it does not seem to reach down into your natural walk; it doesn’t become a practical reality in your everyday living. That situation can end by impartation.

This impartation seems so simple, yet who knows what is actually being done? Who can define it? How many volumes will be written in the days ahead, trying to explain what happened through this impartation? Many will reject it, critically. Others will accept it, saying, “It’s a mystery and a wonder.” The fuse is lit. We’re blasting off into the Kingdom.

Apostolic impartation is a miracle flow to those with submissive aggressive faith.

Worship and impartation are more creative than prayer and preaching.

To relate by oneness of spirit is to open the relationship of oneness of soul, mind, and physical. The spirit level is the open door to all other levels of life.

He who would understand impartation must first understand a miracle.

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